Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 939 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 939 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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I would be only too siad to reproduce DARING BILLETSNRS CHE PARIS PARIS CRITICS Times NY I times 2/6/12 2 on the 2 pr 3 , 4 : 1 4 : 4 a wybitever deduction may be drawn to the morbid curiosity on the crowd . the fact remains that the at tack of a section of the press on Wednesday on the representation had Production by Russian Dancers 65 an immediate result a rush for seats at the Chitelet . Condemned , but Public To - day the management announced that it had made radical changes in Rushes to See it the production , and , as far as the the atre is concerned the incident is closed . The entry into the question or RODIN is ITS DEFENDER Rodin's personal opinions art of Nijinski has so widened the con troversy that intellectual Paris may Famous Sculptor Brings ' Storm on Hls now be said to be divided into two Own Head by Praise of the camps - those who are şiding with the Art of Nijinski . sculptor maintain that artistic expres sion must not and can tiot be confined to the narrow limits imposed by every By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph day conventionality , and those who in to The New York Times . sist it is time that some restraint bo PARIS , June 1 .-- Very strong protests put upon the liberty allowed theatrical producers hitherto . are uttered on all sides against Gabriel Meanwhile the controversy aroused by A : true's production at the Châtelet Rodin's enthusiastic attitude in sup Theutre on Wednesday of " L'Après sa d'un Faune " by the Russian port of.Nijinski's interpretation of the ballet , part , has become so acute as to pro voke bitter comments on his compe * he new ballet , which is founded on tence to arbitrate the matter . A par desy's symphonic piece , depicts the ticularly scathing attack on the embols of a faun with nymphs in forest . The interpretation of the sculptor's opinions forms the subject central figure by ít . Nijinski : was con of a further signed editorial by Gas sidered by the audience to surpass all ton Calmette in the Figaço . He says : " I admire Rodin deeply as one of limits of convention , and , in spite of our most illustrious and able sculptors , the fact that Nijinski had always been but I must decline to accept his judg very great favorite with the Paris theatre - going public , he was roundly ment on the question of theatrical hissed at the end of the piece . morality . I have only to recall that in Its reception of the ballet defiance of common propriety , he ex press was very hostile , and the more hibits in the former chapel of Sacra serious papers , such as le Figaro and Coeur and in the deserted chambers of Jó Gaulois , omit criticisms , printing in the excellent nuns at the Hotel Biron a their place strongly worded editorial series of objectionable drawings and articles condemning the performance , cynical sketches which depict with Gaston Calmette , le Figaro's editor , greater brutality and in further de has a signed article headed . " A Mis Faune who was justly hissed at the tail the shaneless attitudes of the take , " in which he says that he is Châtelet , and , now that I'm speaking obliged to suppress , 2 notice of the my mind , I may say that the morbid hallet , end that any who mimicry represented by the dancer on the stage the other evening moyes me u call such an exhibition scientific artis- to less indignation than the spectacle poetic is misguided . Such I offered every day by Rodin in the an v realism , he declares , will never be ac cient convent of Sacre Coeur .to reg n . cepted by the real public . iments of hysterical women admirers und self - satisfied shobs . It is incon Le Gavlois heads its editorial " Aceivable that the State , in other words ། Mistake Which Must Not Be Repeat- the French taxpayers , should have and says it hastens to approve of purchased the Hotel Biron for $ 1,000 , protests tshich were made at the sculptors to live there . 000. simply to allow the richest of our A real scandal Châtelet on the evening before . Le is there , and it is the Government's 1. Gaulois refuses to print any account business to put a stop to it . " tr of the exquisite music " until the pub The controversy is expected to bring 1 lie has received the apology due to it . " .tion of the ultimate fate of the Hotel again into prominenye the whole ques the beauty of antique statuary and Biron and the housing of Rodin's col shows hinselt the ideal model , which lection of his own works and antiqui tes , which zure offered to the State . Kodin himself so far declines to be in terviewed , and no official reply to the Dy the 11 one can of tie , or

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