Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 938 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 938 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Eight Bishops in Tango Crusade . WIS , Jan. 18. - The edict of Cardinal sette , Archbishop of Paris , forbidding dancing of the tango as a sin which ist be confessed , and for which penance ist be done , is causing a storm of stest against the tango and frumodest throughout the French provinces . Bishops of eight dioceses have put ban on the tango within a few Tany Thin the Ecclesiastical Thundering Serves . Only Jamiffol 4. dvertise it . Jan 19/14 2 : 1 TT ► 27 HOSTESS STOPPED DANCERS Would Not Allow Them to Continuo Theic Extreme Gyrations - So . clety . Busy with Receptions . By Varront Transatlantle 13ro . Tele . graph to The New York Tires ROME , Jan. 17. - The Roman Cath olic Church is becoming seriously alarmed over the tango and is putting forth all its powers to stop the " evil " Confessors are imposing penances and Bishops are issuing circulars , while the other night the Osservatore Ro mano , the Vatican organ , had a long article upholding the attitude of Car dinal Farley in New York and Cardi Amette in Paris , and ending by pronouncing the dance improper and stating that no Cathollc should indulgo Janin ( $ 14 Paris Dancing Masters Call Ton . gress to Bring About Reforms . Special cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES . PARIS , Jan. 17. - The Academy of Dancing Masters has been aroused by the ban laid on the tango by the Pope and the French Archbishops and Bishops and the Kaiser , and have called an international congress of dancing teachers for Easter Sunday and Morday to codify the tango . The dancing teachers intend to draft strict rules for the new dance , which they say is itself moral , but through the exaggerations introduced by incompetent teachers , has been abused . French , American , English , AWS trian , Spanish , Italian , Swiss , and German teachers have already prom ised to attend . NDANCE 4.300 YEARS OLD . Jan 15/1914 1.5 : 5 some think that ie it had been ig nored . It would have died out like rag . time : Instond of which ; all the remon strances and newspaper talk are a advertisement which aroused the curiosity of all classes . A well - known hontets here was put In a disagreeable position through the tang , although she dancer 10 her sell , The other day at a reception in her house she stopped dancing ft . as she became aware thnt all eyes were turned on one spot . She found a cou pia Indulging in the tanko in Ita ex tremo form . Taking her courago in both hands mhe stopped them , saying that she could not allow such dancing in her house . The dancers , one of whom wns an American , were oftend . od and barted , leaving A divided opinion behind them .. The ! : rcalno.tel has taken a nos departure for Rome and han brought two tanko performers frorn Paris to ance for trust at tea time . This nan mnade reant that hotel no popular that althouh the malen large , 10 is not large enough , and mome are being turned away dally . ** tat whirl in ' in 1:11 #wink . " Tatao , a Chinese Measure , to be Introduced in Place of the Tango . By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Tele graph to The New York Times . PARIS , Jan. 14. --A real successor to the tango has at last been found and officially approved . It hails from a most unexpected quarter . The Paris Academy of Dancing Masters announces that the new dance is already being taught and prophesies for it a great success . The new dance is the “ tatao , " which has been popular in China sinco the year 2450 B. C. " Tatao " is a Chinese word which means " sweetness " and " harmony . " The dance is a slow , graceful meas ure , full of quaint steps and languor ous , dipping movements . M. Lefort of the Paris Academy of Dancing Masters , who is introducing it , says : " It is quite easy to dance and to learn . It is an essentially harmonious and dignified ineasure . The feet mova in one and two measure , and many of the graceful steps pre seen in the tango . Balancing on the foot , the slide , and the dip , with one knee almost touching the ground , are in cluded in this old Chinese measure . " $ 8

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