Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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NY Time 1914 12 ☺ Sand craze " TO THE DANCE , BUT ; THE DEFENDS MODERN DANCES . DANCERS . Jambo P.10ib the heated and protracta Neithe : Vulgar Nor immodest When It concerning the tango and Ny Tuned roperly Performed . Jare ? other lateny dovlecel durices , it is to be To the Editor of The New York Time : 1914 noted to condemnation comes chief In the two columns devoted to expres . ly from grsons whogo habits of song from the pulpit denouncing the tango I have been unable to glean & thought in standards of conduet inte single sound ' argument to substantiale pel them to 4 denounco : dancing as a such denunciation , I cannot believe pustimo whenover opportunity offers , that any one of the pastors quoted has and that , in the sane Judinont of un- and with due respect to the opinion of even seen the tango correctly danced , prejudiced observers , the new dances the clergy . It is not fair to accept crit are objectionable or not according to Iclsms based upon hearsay or improper the way they are danced . The tango evidence . Thero isn't a yostige of immodesty , im . can be a graceful and boautiful annce , morality , or vulgarity in the tango as It can be , and is made ugly and vulgar properly danced . The vulgar snake Immodest Dancing . Ny Tuning by dancers who lack a sense of do- dances , " as characterized by Dr. Eaton , or of The New York Times : cency , Precisely the same thing Highland fling is Ilke the waltz . Fared ! n . TH TImus I wish to are no more like the tango than thonk the recent letters which hain could , be sald , and were said , în for The Movement to standardize Modern Vernon . Castio , who defends to mer years of tho polka and the waltz . Dancing , of which I have the honor of preos , Indunit with Sir . Castle An applicable moral , neatly expressed being director , heartily concurs in the dances , all properly danced , are In verse , lingers in the memory : opinions of so many fair - minded clergy - nd graceſul , as he himself denion . men that dancing is an art to be per t the question is , Are they prop Said the Rev. Jabez McCotton , d ? Positively no ! I have seen petuated , that all vulgarities and im es performed by professionals like * The wultz of the devil's begotten ! " modest steps and actions bo eliminated , But Jim mado reply , To this cause we are devoting ourselvam , tiful , but we are not condemning » . himself , and I will admit thay *** Naver mind the old kuy . and many of the best - known people . In facing as wo sce ft among pro To the pure almost everything's American and English society are supolizgestive manner in which these but rather the improper , im rotten . " porting us in our offorts . performed by our young people . Let us hope that the “ denunciation odern dances will not keep im . TI mychologien ) reason for the ro : bvements out of the tango , A. , will soon spend Itselt 80 that we have to condomn and oppone cent revival of dancing has not been offective work may bo dono toward Inc. not the dance strell , but the neral form of the manera , which is discovered . Perhaps the popularity purifying immodest dances now under Rev. EDWARD MACK . the names of tango , hesitation waltz , N. Y. , Jan. 8 , 1914 . of the Russian ballet dancers and the and the ono - step " dances . new development of theatrical dancing URIEL DAVIS , generally have influenced it somewhat Directing Manager Movement to stand ardize Modern Dances . Perhaps social man had grown over New York , Jan. 5 , 1014 , tired of the atrain of cares and ro sponsibilities and felt the need of mor to the Editor of The New York Times : relaxntion than can be obtained by In reading the recent lotters denouncing the sitting sllenty to look and listen whil modern dances which have lately appeared in the papers , I am reminded of the story of the ord other people do things . Anyhow old woman who was malced whether , who had tea within two years people whos ever seen tho Niagara Falle , and who replied " dancing days wero that she had not , but had heard them very tho over " hav well apoken of . This , It meems to me , applies nly found new dancing day , and night to our modern dancing critics . Many of thom while youth is dancing more furlously admit that they have not seen our dances , but her , Judæo them from the roports of others . Theso bat than ever before . That the crazo hal reports are in turn the result of observing tin Its comical side is indisputable , -tha modern dances improperly rendered and dor much of the dancing one sees is pret angenomenon of ourne noenble to vulkartzear ty poor dancing nobody will den danced , is almost universally recognized as a anything , dancing : but the tango , rightly of but that the contemporary dance refined , restoul . graceful dance , free from .. essentially Immoral is not true . Ever vulgarity or from any criticism that could be , raised against it on the score of Indecency . dancer is not a satyr or a hilding . I Does not one per on the American Atago fact , in the present stato of soclet burlesques of the old dances so dear to the the supply of such 18 limited . TH hearts of our people ? And there burlesquen . is , as Innocent ns any dan vulgar . The new dances are more intricate 11 many are distinctly gross and when the dancer is . Innocent . Whe MÓWI TANTOS , And I ran trumu uy any that It is immoral it ought to be discounte . ainen my return to America I have not xoon nanced for its immorality , not Just onn person ' dance the tango in it was taught because it is the tango . by him inanter , who teahna the Argentino , and will not allow any , enkewalk or Pumpa , up and down , as most American teach . orm are doing it . II . M. PATTERSON . Now York , Jat , 8 , 1914 . .. AVA in CASER ,

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