Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 936 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 936 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Munich Officials Prohibit the Dance in public as Offensive . " 23 : 4 THE : RAGE IN SWISS HOTELS Jan 12/1914 革 . ALL DENOUNCE THE TANGO . Fan I 1914 4 : 3 3 French Blohops Condemn cardi . nal Likely to issue a Decree . Special Cadle to THE Nett York TIMES . RIS , Jan , 0. - The French ecclesi . Srcal authorities appoar determined to kill tho.tango . The Archbishop of Cambrat took the Initiative some time ago and was followed by the Arch bishop . of Lyons and the Bishop of Verdun . Now the Bishop of Chalons sur - Marne has issued a decree con demning tho tango as " profoundly dangerous to morals . " He onjoins all confessors , especially those living in towns , to combat it with all their in fluence . Pressure is being brought to bear on Mgr . Amette , the Cardinal - Archbishop of Paris , to issue a : similar decree . It is pointed out that if his Eml nence decides , as he probably will do , to take such a step , it will prove & death blow , to the tango in real Pa risian society , although it may not affect the somewhat nondescript cos . mopolitan agglomeration which forms its fringe and seeks to pass itself off as the real thing . Bus Most Cantons Forbid It - Teach ers and Pupils Removed from a Dancing Floor . By Inrcan Transatlantic Tireless Tele . graph to The New York Times . GENEVA , Jan. 11. - Entering a dan . cing saloon at Porrentrug , near Neu . chatel , yesterday where two teachers from Berne had arrived to give tango lessons , the local police formally pro hibited the dance . The teachers vain ly protested , and they , with a score of ' . pupils , were practically expelled from the dancing room . At the same time at an exclusive entertainment at Berne , organized for the benefit of charity , several mem bers of the Federal Government , the French Ambassador and many diplo mats applauded the tango as danced by experts , while only tango music was heard for the regular dances . In the Swiss Winter hotels the tango is danced from after dinner to dawn - of course by foreigners , mostly English and Americans -- but In most Swiss cantons it is prohibited . . . PARIS , Jan. 9. - Mgr . Amette , Car dinal Archbishop of Paris , has joined fellow - Archbishops in condemning tango . To - morrow will be pub lished a solemnn admonition from him to the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Paris to observe the rules of " Christian modesty . " Ho condemns the “ dance of foreign origin known as the tango ' as being " by its nature wanton and offensive to morals , " and warns confessors to take account of it in their ministra The full text of the Archbishop's admonition , which is published in La Semaine Religieuso , follows : " Several times in our congresses and by the organ of our diocesan com mittee we have reminded the faithful to protest energetically against inde cent fashions and dances . Abuses which still continue obligo us to In wist once more on this grave duty . we remind the members of our flock that they must always observe in their dress the rules of Christian mód esty , so often violated . We ask Chriy . tian women to combine to abolish the wearing of certain forms of dress con trary to decency . We condemn the dance of foreign origin known as the tango , which by its lascivious nature offends morality . Christians ought not in conscience to take part in it . Confessors must in the administration of the sacrament of penance enforce these orderg . " By Marconi Tmnsatlantlo Wireless Tele graph to The New York Times . BERLIN , Jan. 11 .-- The police of Munich have issued a roscript in which " offensive dances of all kinds " are forbidden in public . Among the dances thus characterized is the tango , which is declared by the po lice to belong in much the same cate gory as the Apache " dances of Paris . .. By Marconl Transatlantic Wireless Tele graph to The New York Times , PANIS , Jan. 11. - Votaries of the tango are not takep aback by the condemnation of the Archbishop of Paris . M. and Mme . Paul Richepin do not think that the interdict will al fect the vogue of this " charming dance . " M. Richepin , says that he prefers to follow St. John Chrysostom , who approved the far more sugges tive dances imported in his day from Asia Minor and Greece . André de Fouquières does not think the tango .

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