Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 933b 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 933b 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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MAGISTRATE DROPS WINTER GARDEN CASE NY Times 27/11 714 taey oftended cerned the dressing of a srtain Wan who takes part in the first fet * Luxines Which fearrison between two characters of the Ope of whom does not do any dancia entures which have been objection . able . were removed by the 106 Rennt Immediately after it WIM scope ** ' It seems to be tha : the management has done its best in this matter and ' Needs No Evidence , Says Ker - actrd in a way which would indicate the there no on nochan , Because He Has Seen stancas I wou d ads ise that tiic comp alni ety in the direction , Under tlic clreun . be withdrawn . ' the Performance Himself . Mr. McIntyre , represetnins Jr. Gear made a few remarks to the eifect that he thought that the anonymous letters had been sent by rival managers . DIDN'T FIND FIND IT OFFENSIVE the Magistrate . * I have heard something of this , " said though I did not met ** tion it , and that is one of the ressons why I think that the case should not be c011 tinued . However , I cannot take the re But Heard But of Some Objectionable sponsibility of dismissing the case . I should advise the Police Department or Features Which Had Boen Cut Out the District Attorney to do so . The Assistant District Attornes who -Dismisses Complaint . was present . showed no inclination to take steps of this sort without consulting his superior officer , and Capt . Burfiend of the Twenty - sixth Precinct , who had made a report on the performance , was likewise Magistrate Kernochan decided yester . reticent . Both of them , however , said day in the West Side Court , without hear : they had seen the performance and that at Ing any witnesses , that the Russian ballet i present it contained no objectionable fea tures , in their opinion . perforinance now being given at the Win- The Magistrate then decided to dismiss ter Garden was not of a nature to call the case himself , saying that if the Dis for police interference and refused to wished to bring it up again . In view of trict Attorney or the Po'lce Department issue a summons . Morris Gest , with his what had occurred when the performance lawyer , John McIntyre , was in court to was first on view . or what might occur represent the Russian dancers , and David in the future , they were at perfec : lb. Belasco was there to offer expert testi- ! erty to do so . mony df needed . The Magistrate , how ever , had taken the trouble to inform himself as to the character of the per formance by a personal visit to the Wl'in ter Garden , “ I went to the Winter Garden last Monday night , " he said . accompanied by a friend , a Director of the Metropolitan Opera Company , who had seen the per formance betore comp aints Trad reached the Mayor . In the present per : formance I am bound to say , and willing to take the responsibility for the state ment . that there is nothing that need of ſend anybody . " What happened before that is a dir ferent matter . The man who accompanied me pointed out the changes . They con

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