Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

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Maud Allan 929b 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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PRIEST DENOUNCES NANGO . Orange 514/14 Against Dancing Clubs . ps Pastor Warns Special to me an Xotines ORANGU , N. J. Jan. 1. The tanso . turkey trot , and other modern ännces were condernned from the pulpit of the Church of Our Lady of the Valley in Orange this morning by tho rector , the Rov . John 1. Boylan . ITO warned Ro . man Cntholio parents to exercise creator yigllanco over the conduct of their sona and daughters . Tho priest said that many social.clubs had been organized inerely for the purs powo of allowing their members to ea gago in daneos which wore not permitted at public balls . Ho told tho parents that they should not allow their sons and daughters to go to dances unless they had tho assurance of those in charge that none but respectable dances would be allowed . PREACHES AGAINST DANCES , Ny 54.PS Dr. Wise Says Their Very Origin Condemns Ther : In his address on " Are the Morals and the Manners of Our Timo Doca dent ? " boforo tho . Freo Synagoguo at Carnegle llall yesterday , Dr. Stephen 8. Wine fald : “ My objection to so - called modern dancing arises out of the bollet , shared by many , that it is only a phase of the widerprond social deterioration which wo see about us . Ono objects not merely to the new dancing , but to the very atmosphere of this newest type of so - cHled amusement or recrest . tion which seems to be morally polluted . * The origin of modern dancing is its reverent condemnation , Thoso whe know say that it has como straight out of every mannor of Toathsome dive . The fact that these dances have been given to so - called decent Society by such places , the patrons of which these Lances mult , murcices to stamp them un Infit for decent men and clean - ininded ponien Pawlace amato passane UPHOLD THE TANGO . / 医 。 Mrs. Israels and Miss De Wolfe Call It a Beautiful Dance . Mrs. Charles H. Israeis , head of the Committee on Amusement Resources for Working Girls , in discussing the pro priety of the tango , said yesterday : " The tango is a beautiful dance , if it Is danced beautifully . But most of the dancos onlled tho tango nro not tho tango at all . As a matter of fact very few can dance it . In public restaurants a tango is played , as a rule , only once or twice in an evening , and then only a few set up to dance it . " When the tango is spoken of as an Improper danco , It is usually a mistako in terms , the word tango belng used to describe dances which the tango really does not resemble . On the other hand , I think It mistako to con : demn all the modern dances . Many of those which have been danced in the last two years or so havo been ugly , ungraceful , and unaesthetic , but wo smp now in a period of transition to mora beautiful dancing . The tango 14 A hensti ous dance - remember , 1 sald sensi and not sensual . ' . The propriety of it as a matter of corroct position . It is unobjectionable when it is danced correctly . That is true of all the mod . orn dancom , If the correct position 18 followed by the dancers , there is no reason for criticism . For that reason the Committee on Amusement Resources for Working Girla senda model couples to the dances It supervised , in order to teach correct dancing , and all are per mitted to dance the tango , If they dance correctly . " Anthony Comatock , when his opinion of the dance was asked , said : " I have never seen the tango danced , and therefore I am not in a position to critlelse it . If what is said about It Is true , though , I do not see how as decent people can dance it or allow it ta de danced in their homes . " the ; il to Miss Eisle De Wolfe's oninion : PRINTS GLENNON'S REBUKE 181 Sect I 8:24 But Fathon Phelan Does Not Cease His Defense of Tango . Special to The Niro Yoric Times . ST . LOUIS , Jan. 17. - The Rev. Father D. S. Phelan , editor of The Western Watchman , ordered by Archbishop Glen non to print on the editorial page of his paper without comment a letter rebuking him for his recent defense of the tango , prints in The Sunday Watchman , issued to - day , not only the rebuking letter but the accompanying one in which the priest - editor is ordered to print the re buke and make no comment upon it . But , while there is no ' comment , on the letter , Father Phelan prints on the same page a reply to resolutions that were adopted last week by a Catholic organization disapproving of Father Phelan's discussion of the tango . In this editorial the persons who adopted the resolutions are spoken of as “ a lot of young , irresponsibles in a Southern parish , " and doubt is expressed whether they were speaking , for the Catholics of the city , as they asserted they were . In addition it is declared that since the Excise Commissioner put the " lid clubs out of commission branches of W so - called Catholics unions were springing up everywhere in - clty and State , avowedly to protect public mor als , but really , to sell ' liquor on Sun days . ous . 6 .

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