Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 928b 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 928b 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Introduction into the one and Special Cable to ' THE NEW YORK TIMES . PARIS , Jan. 3.- The Tango hny bo . come a veritable craze in Paris . Tan go teas ; tango dinners , and tango suppers are allvertised all over the city . The most modest tea room has succumbed to the manla and has its band and dancers , while not a mu ical programme can be found without i - tango number in It . At privato parties it is the same ; every other dance is a tango . A movement has been begun , how . ever , against the all - pervading dance . The Bishop of Verdun has publicly forbicden the tango in the publica iton lu Semaine Religieuse is . fol lows : " The tange , executed in ac cordance with special rules , is a dance profoundly dangerous for our morals . It tends to become more and more widespread : I desire at the opening of the Winter season to call this dance to the attention of Christian famille , that they may forbid its the most powerful dret rench morality . " Mr.SevinAryan . " NO TANGOES . " TIMES while he declared " This ouble dime killu virtue and it ret to every appotite . " All the Bimhops are said to be con templating the prohibition of the tango among church people . An extreme dlversity of opinlon as to the tango is held by leading Pa risians . Princess Lucien Murat says : " I liko the tango and , Bo far from thinking it immodest , I believe there is no more chasto dance , provided one dances it with a Spaniard or an Argentine . For myself , I feel a sort of - repose when dancing the tango . " Abel Hermant , the well - known play wright , says bluntly : " It is disgust in . I consider that mothers who nl low their daughters to indulge in this sort of exhibition are either fools or mad - perhaps both . " André de Fouquières anys : " I do not disapprove the tango in the draw ing room , for it can be danced with decency and distinction ; but I prefer the Boston or even the one - step . The tungo is a sad danco that is the chief fault I find with it . " The Duchess de Rohan says : " The tango has nothing Indecent about it . I do not see why people should be shocked by it . Of course , it can , like most dances , be danced immodestly , and there are always 111 - bred people who will dance it so . " อ India The tango dance , as well se the two - step and the one - step , are , according to the Berliner Salon . officially forbidden by the Kaiser to all officers of the German Army and Mary . The test of a dan cree sent to all commanding officers reeds : -0 . cers of the Army and Nary are hereby requested to dance neither the tango nor the ne - step mor the two - step in uniform , and to droid families where these are danced . " The Salon declares that dismissal will be the panishment for the infringement of this order . The Berliner Tagehlaft learns that the Kaiser objection to the tango and the oneries is a pri nounced that members of the ballet at the Royal Opera House are warned against taking part in charito entertainments where tango cora petitions are included . Yme . Arnstadt , & pre mipent member of the company , was recently in . formed by Count von Huelsen Haeneler , the K ver's imprenrio , that although he could not re fuse her permission to attend the tango tourna . ment he warned her against taking part in it The objection of the Kaiser , and especially of the Ksiperia , to the new wtvle of dancen is * . il known . The “ Prince's Garotte " is the livelie . dance permitted at Court halls , and even this no dull that a subacquent dance is always arrang ed at the Hotel Esplanade , and is usually at : tended by the prince speling relief from omcise strait - lacing Th . Kaiser's edict , correctly stated , apeet arrangements of the rity of Berlin hostegnes who have scoepted the tango as “ de rigueur " foop the messon . Almnet the Arst society function of the sana wa ! tango tea given in the official apartment of Counters Schwerin . Lokits in the possian Tour of Parliament , and attended by the mited State Ambassador and many young military officer Decll 1913 some

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