Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 928a 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 928a 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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TANGOLOURISHES DOSPEOR , ROYCOTTS go Sale Jan 4 1914 4 Sect3 3 : 3 and over Lady ayind - Barratt considers ! un'immodest and suggestive danen altogether inipossible for any girl of refinement or modesty . Lady De Ramsey strongly disap prove the tango and would never let It Be danced in her house , Lindy Bentrico Wilkinson European Church and Social " Never having seen the tango danced . I ani not in a position to give an opin Lendors Denounce it with ion . If , however , it is anything like Littlo . Elloct . the horrible dances of negroid origin which have for the moment ruined Ingush ballroome , I very strongly AUTHORITIES . NOT AGREED object to it . " Florence Lady Lacon says it would be a pity if it were to become popular " It Kills Virtue , " says a French in English ballrooms . Tady Templetown says ; " I " I am Archbishop , but Andro de Foc . happy to say I have never seen quleres Finds it " Too Sad . " the tango danced , and , having re gard to the many photographs , & c . , which are supposed to set forth its Special Cable to The New YORK TIMS . attractions , I am in great hopes I LONDON , Jan. 3. - The tango , which never may non it . " has apparently thriven on abuse . I Lady Byron says that the tango is ükely to become even more popular acrobatic dancing - very often ungrace as the result of an attempted boycott ful - but it is the fashion , and that is by a number of prominent English enough for its devotees . society hontouses , who have been con- On the other hand , the tango has tributing their views on the subject strong upholders in society , en 18 to Tho Gentlewoman . The tango in shown by the fact that a well - known e course of Its European career has tango expert is teaching the dance to won the disapproval of the Pope , the the Grand Duke Michael of Russia Kaiser , the King of Italy , the King and his family , to the Earl and Count of Bavaria , and the Queen of Eng- egn of Drogheda , Lady De Trafford , land and has still survived . Lady Cholmondeley , Lady Ralll , and The Gentlowoman's article , which is Mrs. Georgo Keppel . Lady Trou . entitled “ The Dance of Moral Death , " bridge is also defender of the say that the tango " is admittedly tango . She says : “ I can see no rad the creation and manifestation of ical obfeetion to the tango if properly barbarism , How strongly her Majesty danced . I have seen it in London felt in regard to the matter may be drawing rooms . It is far more refined gauged by the fact that the Duchess than many other modern dances lately of Devonshire , the Mistress of the in vogue . " Robes , was desired to make it per In order to discover the popular opin fectly clear that nothing in the na ion on the tango , the management of turo of the tango would be counte one theatre is about to give a special nanced at privato dances given whilo performance of the dance by leading the King and Queen were staying at exponents . Every spectator will r8 Chatsworth . Moreover , it has also celye a slip of paper , on which he ( or been clearly Intimated to those who she ) will be asked to express his ( or are Ilkely to be the Queen's hostesses her ) views . To this performance will in the near future that she could o be invited the society leaders who not consont to visit any houso where have denounced the dance and leaders such performances were allowed to of the Church , among them the Bish take place . " ops of London and Kensington . Following is a selection of tho criti . been www clsms collected by The Gentlewoman : to know that , like a powder madan , The Duchess of Norfolk says : " In It had better be kept as far as pog my opinion such dances are ngt de ' sible fireproof . " sirable ; for the tango in itself and In the comments that it leads to 1s Austro - Hungarian army corps com surely foreign to our English nature officers In uniform and ideals , of which I hope we are still proud . " # 8 Ordere have just been issued by the manders . that . ** are not allowed to dance the tango . "

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