Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 926 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 926 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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FOPE SAW TÀNIGO , ROME , STORY SAYS Jan 25 14 p 43 con At the same time the Pope asked the two young people why they did not dance the beautiful Venetian furlana . They confessed that they never had heard of it . * What !. do you not know the fur lana ? " asked his Holiness . " It was obvious , " continues the Temps dispatch , " that he was itching to demonstrate the steps to them , but , repressing his desire , he rang for a Venetian servant and ordered him to show the visitors how to dance the Remarked That if It Were Made furlana . Before the callers left the Vatican they had learned the dance , a . Penance It Would Be and now aro teaching it to all their friends . " . Considered Cruelty . The correspondent declares he has surprised well - known Deputies prac SHOWED A PRETTIER DANCE the Chamber and initiating a young ticing the furlana in the lobbies of Nationalist colleague into its graceful mysteries . It has already been chris All Rome Tipping the Venetian Fur - tened " the Pope's dance . " IE " POPE AND THE TANGO . lana , Now Known as tho To an elderly man . unfamiliar with " Dance of the Pope . " the foibles of the world , the tango when its movements were discreetly exhibited to him seemed tedious and By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Tele unlovely rather than immoral . As he graph to The New York Times . is a priest , the idea occurred to him PARIS , Jan. 27.The Rome corre that such a series of motions pre SP Tent of the Temps sends to his scribed as penance would be pan a story which he says demned as cruel . This story of the going the rounds of the Roman sa Pope's opinion of the most notorious lons of how the tango was danced the of contemporary dances , told by the other day before the Pope , so that his Holiness might Judge for himself Rome correspondent of the Temps of whether it was immoral . Paris , must always lack verification , Two representatives of one of the but it is good enough to be true and , old patrician families of Rome were while it is not unlikely that the head admitted to private audience , of the Roman Church has grown too cording to the correspondent , and , old and too feeble of late to interest humming softly well - known music , in himself in the details of practices his Itlated his Holiness into the mysteries Church is Inclined to condemn , the of the tango steps . As they danced tale may survive . It has the color of the Pope's brow furrowed with a look verisimilitude . It seems to express of stupefaction . Finally , he ejacu just what the good old man would lated : “ Is that the tango ? " think of the tango . “ Yes , your Holiness , " was the reply . The story goes further , however , Well , my dear children , " comment and represents the Pope as recom ed Plus X. , you cannot find it very mending to his visitors the furlana , a amusing . " dance of his native Venice . Of course , There and then , says the corre the Venetian's dance , but they have spondent , the Pope raised the in not been renowned among peoples who terdict , for , as he pointed out with have invented dances . Probably the Ironical smile , if the tango were furlana is a dance known , elsewhere senance , it would be looked by another name . There is a chance sheer cruelty . The only con that we may hear more about it , even made was that the name should be changed . ' that it may come into fashion all over the world because the Pope is reported to have spoken of it , but the tale of his apt judgment of the tango would have been better without any men tion of the other dance . It was good enough as It stood . Jan 29/14 8.3 NY Los

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