Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 925 51 2008-2-61.jpg
Maud Allan 925 51 2008-2-61.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Censorship, Dance, and Morality

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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C HOLIC CHURCH NIGHTING THE TANGO 9 : 3 a Thom . Carroll Cardinal Farley Has Inaugu to da parte , explained you that ratok a Crusado Against Vad not officially placed on upon . Cudinal Harley deplored the or the present luxue 8 modest the Modern Dancos . mt mit determined to do all in his poiven courage it . Jan 2/14 NY Times Tavind taken this position , " sail Carroll his Eminence felt that 1 ONE COTILLION ABANDONED would be most consistent on his part femmet och form of entertainment to be given by ny organization colle nected with diocesan activities for the purpose of raising funds for the suprot Junior Auxillary of Blind Institute and maintenance of diocesan charitles or institutions . It was not because the Defer Prelate's Opinion Cardinal had reason to believe that and Recallo Invitations . pro er lancing would be indulged the couillion of the auxiliary that stel Wirken , but he realised that pre atent was the present crazo for the ind netrees that it would be impossible landby the diocesan authorities the to Dot sone of those who attended .chergy of the Roman Catholle Church in Pfrom indulgins in them without ' post this city have inaugurated a fight tively offending them , It seemed much more difereet to abandon the danda , against the tango and other popular This caurse has been pursued with other forins of modern dancing . This became coellons and dances undertaken by dent when it was announced yester . Catholle organizations for the support of diocesan work . All Catholic socie that the 000 Invitations issued forties in this city have been notified of the entertainment and cotillion of the the Cardinal's opposition to dancing In Junior Auxiliary of the Catholic Insti- its present mode . ' Alt1041h Dr. Carroll would not say tute for the Blind had been recalled and anything further upon the subject a that the affair had been abandoned . Monsignor who is close to the Cardinal The entertainment , which was to have was more communicative in discussing consisted of tableaus and dancing . Was the ban upon what he termed " ballroom acrobatics , scheduled to take place next Monday Although it is the desire of the dio . evening at Delmonico's . cesan authorities to avoid the appear The fact that the invitations had been ance of being unduly censorious , never theless it must be apparent to every in unele was admitted yesterday by telligent person who has watched the 31. Tuerwiora Brown of 2.097 Firth Ardernlopment of this latest fad that the en *** ident of the nuxillary , but she anneins of today I open to the charko would neither deny nor after the re- of impropriety and is often positively ft that the step had been taken out of Indecent . The Church does not desire report for the wishes of Cardinal Far some the role of dictator in the Str Jurub I. Phillip of 40 East Six - modern vogue in dancing and the pre amusements of her children , but the ****** Street , who had been activelyvailing modes in woman's dress are both n *** in completing the arrangements indicative of a moral decadence in so te danse , mule the positive state - clety . rent het fever , that the cancellation • This decadence , which hnn mot in **** do in obedience to the expressed within the past few years . In to - day ein him . Eminence and various videnced Also in the popularity of ***** throughout the country who milacious moving - picture films and the **** derlared their disapproval of any rilthy dramas which pollute the stage . entertainment kiver by Catholien A halt must be called somewhere , and hth tr tanto , the one - step xide , or It seems me that the time has ar ne maxime are indulged ' . ' According zived for decisive action . ter SM , the women of the aux- * Following the example set by Car y had died the mubfeet and dinal Farley , no priest will permit the hat we lose *** union thumbe wa nocletley connected with his parish to *** **** *** ** uphold Cardinal hold dunees while the present vogue of brey and the project wa abandoned dancing exists , nor will parish charities , onant vote schools or other parochin ! institutions ** cept funds raised in much a way . This will be sufficient to bring our people to a realization of the moral dangers which Iurk in the so - called tango and turkey trot . We have no objection to the old - ume fornis of dancink . and this embargo on cotillions will only be lifted when the people return to anner and more modest forms of ballroom amuse .

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