Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Contemporries

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 908 51 2008-2-60.jpg
Maud Allan 908 51 2008-2-60.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Contemporries

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Genee , Adeline B.1878 .... Principal dancer of the Danish Royal Ballet 1895 ( age17 ) Made London Debut at Empire Theatre , 1897 Though engaged there for only a few week , s she remained there for ten years and later made return appearances . She Danced : The Press , Les PAPILLONS , High Jinks , The Dancing Doll Cinderella ( revived especially for her , 1906 U.S. Debut 1907 The Soul Kiss At the Soliseum , Butterflies and Roses ( 1911 ) Camargo ( 1912 ) Robert The Devil ( 1914 ) n wtc . See xerox St. Denis , Ruth ( 1877- 19 Presented " Radha " in 1906 in New York , beforee agents etc. Research involved intense study of Hindu dance . Instaneous success in 1906 and in Europe ( except English Provinces ) For three years she remaineed in Europe , program including The Nautch and The Yogi , particular success in Germany . Reurned to U.S. in 1909 . " with Isadora Duncan , she strove for freeing of the dance from the bonds of traditional baller and for thw wlwvating of dance to a respected art . Unlike Isadora ... she was able to pass on a technique or at lea t a trainging method which others could pursue with some hope of success . She stated the right and duty of the dancer to recognise and employ the spiritual pow r of dance and she introduced themes , styles and creeds of Oriental nations . .... she evolved the idea of music visualization " through dance . She affected styles in costume = both on and off stage , and was so successful that many imitators followed her . With her brother's help , she evolved certain lighting effects since she considered lighting of the greatest improtance in her dances . Among her enormous repetoire : Saloma : See also Ruth St. Denis An Unfinished Life Enters , Angna ( 1907- ) Introduced her dance form , which she called dance mime , in 1924 , 5 combining the arts of mime , dance ( composition and execution ) and lighting , lall by the artist performer ) as also costume , scenic design , musical arrangement ( even comp sition . N.Y.Debut ( solo ) 1924 London 1928 , Paris 1929 .

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