Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Writing

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 865 51 2008-2-58.jpg
Maud Allan 865 51 2008-2-58.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Writing

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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CAV ..OCU Come *** . V. *** her aunt , the daughter of Arctas , Jordan , answers without hes ! tation : 110 w ringing out over the waters of king and lord of Arabia , whom her " Ask for the head of John the Bad uncle , thc Tetrarch , ' had put away list upon a charger . " that he night marry her mother , before the feet of the King and utters And on the young dancer bents again ; the ravishing Herodias . Try and her request : imagine the life of " Salome " lapped " I will that thou shalt give me tha in incredibic luxury of an Oriental head of Join the Baptist upon a tiisin . " What follows ic mirrored in the court , at the dawn of womanhood poignant words of the historian , Mark from an Eastern point of view . the Evangelist : Juto this velvet life there must have " And the King was exceeding sorry . como a Auddon reminder that sormw8 Yet for his oath's sake and for their can intrude evon into the palace . She sakes which sal with him , he would not caught a hall stifled impression that reject her . the position of hervell and her mother " And immediately the King sont an 2 being made the subjert of vitriolic executioner and commanded his head fassdp on the part of the Jewish popu- to be brought : and he rent and be lation , and no doubt sho witnessed headed him in the prison some of those almost demoniac fits of " And brought his head in a charger fury oxhibited by her mother when and gave it to the damsel , and die the news that John , chasto damsel gave it to her mother . " prophet of the Most High God was Buoyed up by the excitement of the stalking through the city denouncing mother shc places tho gory trophy in tho wife of Herod a9 sinful and ac . the hands of the vengoance glutted | curgt ; that her mother and new step - mother . Then she floes on naked feet father were living in deliance of what back to her own apartments and This burning young prophet ( for John stands aghast as she views her blood not much more than a youth ) dabbled hands - dyed purple with the called the " law of God . " His voice , blood of holy John , the Mystic , the likened by the people to a silver Voice denouncing uncloaness and trumpet rang out even in the court - shanie . yards ot tho palace : " O accurst This was the Dance of " Salome . " wonian ol sin thy white and And as she stood notionless , with tender flesh shall burn in Tophet the whole scene vivid before her im while Herod shall be cast down agination , there came to her the Vis oven from the golden throne of Galilee ion of ' Salome " and Perea . " As in dream she lives again , Iow , all the dim whisperings of the through the mad moments of excite aftrighted servants and the guarded ments when she danced in the Hall gossip of her bower maliens inust of Herod while his lords and captains have perplexed the pure mind of bathed her with the breath of their " Salome , " the young virgin innocent . fierco admiration , Again , too , she Then thero came the night when it sees that strange expression in the was the whim of Herod to " make a eyes of her royal stepfather as lie upper to his lords , high captains and hoarsely vows her hall of his king chief estatos of Galilee . " And sud - dom , ir her desires stretch SO far . was P a denly the steat gong that hung over then slowly there forms before her the much guarded apartments of " Satha ' pallid , sublime face of the Bap lomam roverbcrated with its clanging tisk It scems to be at her feet . Hoved shimmons : " Salome " must come and by an irresistible force she stoops and dance before the king and his wine lifts , it by the black curls . Every fiber fushed lords and captains . of her youthful body is quivering a For hery was the strange gill - the sensation hitherto / unknown to her . gift of dancing . brought from Egypt She revorently lays down the severed by those settlers whom she claimed head , and then in a whirl of sudden as ancestors . t had been her prido madness she commences to dance to dance , her inother's pleasure and around it Soon exhaustion breaks tha joy of her dead fathor . the spell . " Salome , " princess of Gali And now she must attire herself in lee , lies prone on the gray , cold mar her silks and stuffs , hang jewels upon her supplo and , leaving her To Be Continued cloistered seclusion , dance before Her Copyright , 1921. International Feature od's friends whilo iho cymbals clash , Serrice , Inc. Great Britain Rights Reserved . ble . וודו fo

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