Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Writing

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 864 51 2008-2-58.jpg
Maud Allan 864 51 2008-2-58.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Writing

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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.1 . 11 livenemy December 1 , Igal .44 EN N . By MAUD ALLAN Startled WO How the orld Confessions of the San Francisco Dancer Who Shocked and Fasci nated Kings , Critics and Society ; Her Romances , Trials , Triumphs ( probably about fourtcen . By MAUD ALLAN the conch monns , the dulcimer rounds Ils melling melody and drum , hautboy CHAPTER III and pipe make up the orchestra of bar . baric music . OW this is thic Dance of Ierod has told his guests of the " Salomc . " TAA | dancing of " Salonie . " He has painted , I want you to visualize as I do hier art in the language of true Orien tal exaggeration . Hoc to her if she very time that I dance this crea- shame his words . lion of mine the apartnicnts in the To the blare of insolent music she Palace of Herod Antipas , Tetrarch springs into tho great hall . Blind to of Galilcc and Perca , a man mighty vour her pure young beauty , she sees the circle of inflamed eyes that de in wrath , but casily moved to gusts only her mother uplifted on a glitter of sudden impulse . These gorgeous ing throne by the side of Herod , the And so che dances , apartments have been set apart for dread Tetrarch . while silence falls upon the barbarian the use of the Princess " Salomc , ' guests as with twinkling feet and in 1 the young daughter of Herodias , genious witcheries she gives them of and granddaughter of the latc pro - lher art . Then at last she lies panting curator ; she was , therefore , closely while the inusic dies in a last cobbing in obeisance at the foot of the throne . related to Hcrod . wall . - Picture the somber beautics of Tho great Ruler , with parched tongue ! the palace . dull cyes , leang The pillared lialls and forward and makes the tremendous promiso in the Socwn with rare draperics and moment of his gratification : Tyrian purplc , thc sumptuous " Ask , Salome , my Flower of the couches to which all Arabia had Forest - 8k what thou wilt yea , even contributed her embroideries . Amid the strange look in the eyes of the to the half of my kingdom . " Awed by these , beautics the Princess “ Sa- King and stunned by his astounding loine " is scen . She was but a child ; offer she takes reluge in her mother's bosom . Perhaps " What shall I ' ask ? " she whispers she did not realize that all the And the wife . tormented and distem glory in which shc was embowcred pered with hatred of the Baptist , whose was part of the inarriage portion of clarion denunciations of her sin are her aunt , the daughter of Arctas , Jordan , answers without hes ! tation : now ringing out over the waters of king and lord of Arabia , whom her " Ask for the head of John the Bad uncle , the Tetrarch , had put away list upon a charger . " that he night marry her mother , before the feet of the King and utters And so the young dancer ben1s again ; the ravishing Herodias . Try and her request : iniagine the life of " Salome " lapped " I will that tho'l shalt give me the in incredibic luxury of an Oriental head of John the Baptist upon a tiish . " What follows i6 mirrored in the court , at the dawn of womanhood poignant words of the historian , Mark from an Eastern point of view . tho Evangelist : Juto this velvet life there must have " And the King was exceeding sorry . como a sudden reminder that sorrows Yet for his oath's sake and for their can intrude even into the palace . She sakes which sat with him , he would not caught a hall stifled impression that reject her . the position of herself and her mother " And immediately tho King sont an being made the subject of vitriolic executioner and commanded his head gassdp on the part of the Jewish popu- to be brought : and he went and be . lation , and no .doubt sho witnessed headed him in the prison como of those almost demoniac fits of " And brought his head in a charger fury oxhibited by her mother when and gave it to tlo damsel , and die the news that John , chasto damsel gave it to her mother . " prophet of the Most High God , was Buoyed up by the excitement of the stalking through the city denouncing mother she places tho gory trophy in the wife of Herod a9 sinful and ac . the hands of the vengoance glutted ! curst : that her mother and new step - mother . Then she ſlees on naked feet father were living in defiance of what back to her own apartments and This burning young prophet ( for John stands aghast as she views her blood not much more than a youth ) dabblod hands - dyed purple with the called the " law of God . " His voice , blood of holy John , the Myxtic , the likened by the people to silver Voice denouncing unclooness and trumpet rang out even in the court - shame . varis of tho palace : " O accurst This was the Dance of " Salome . " wonian of sin thy white and And as she stood notionloos , with tender flesh shali burn in Tophet the whole scene vivid before her im while Herod shall be cast down agination , there came to her the Vis oven from the golden throne of Galilee ion of " Salome . ” and Perea . " As dream she lives again Now , all the dim whisperings of the through the mad moments of excite affrighted servants and the guarded ments when she danced in the Hall rossin of her bower maidens inustlof Herod while his lords and captains SAN FRANCISCO Post came was a in a

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