Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Writing

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 863 51 2008-2-58.jpg
Maud Allan 863 51 2008-2-58.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan's Writing

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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von Briancisco CALL & L'OST Thursday December 15 , 1921 T By MAUD ALLAN How I Startled the World Confessions of the San Francisco Dancer Who Shocked and Fasci = nated Kings , Critics and Society ; Her Romances , Trials , Triumphs CONN By MAUD ALLAN of the theater that they could not allow the performance . Pressed for a CIIAPTER IV re : Lson , they seemed at a difficulty to FE awakening is that of her find gne . But the manager was per childish heart . Tho , realization of sistent , and at length a statement was a superior , a stronger power has issued to the effect that the committee ! taken possession of her . The ivory considered the performance immoral calmness of the face of the martyred and improper , shocking to religious Baptist speaks of a ' life dedicated not people as dramatizing an incident from Lo passions and to pleasures , but to the Scriptures , and also -- and here the purity . mosquito's sting was found in the tail Now , instead of wanting to conquer of the communication : " We are in sho longs to be conquered . She longs formed that Miss Allan appears upon for tho spiritual guidance of the man the stago with bare feel " whoso life was ended at her word . The action of the committee pro Not knowing what she does , Salomo duced a great upheaval throughout the bends and presses her warm vibrating . Manchester district . The city was lips against tho marble lips of the divided into two camps - the " Sa dead . She begs for mercy . There is lomites and the . " anti - Salomites . " no response . Then in an agony of re - However , in the meanwhile I went on morso she abases herself before the , with my tour elsewhere , for , of course , Prophet of the Lord . In that moment the incident had got into the news she is no longer Salome whose word is papers and was an excellent adver law in the palace among her slaves tisement But it vexed me that my ! and menials , but a child trembling into performance should seem to be im womanhood and seeking for sorne sign proper , and I registered a vow that that will suido ber into the higher some day I would convince those city life . fathers that they were misinformed . As she lies prostrate upon the floor I had to wait some years for the she makes alonement for her mother's consummation of my hopes , but the sin . day came , at last when I appeared with success at Manchester , After my first presentation of “ Sa - tremendous lome " I was the storm center of one and some of my warınest supporters of the most amazing upheavals of were those who had united to ban my modern theatrical life . The critics performance ! scerned bewildered . Many One of my bitterest opponents at praised . I Some wero scornful , and a few frankly this time was Archdeacon Sinclair . But every took therefore could not understand it . my both courage in night I had a wonderful ovation from hands one afternoon , and with much packed audiences , and inward quaking called the " House upon him at the Chapter House . His kind gravity Full " boards were much in evidence . and dignity impressed me greatly . Ap My mailbas bulged with letters . Some of them were really amusing , al- preciating his kindness in seeing me I came straight to the point at once , though they were not written Ini a and said bluntly : " I hear that you spirit of levity . I give ono character object to my " Vision of Salome . " I istie specimen : have come to see you , knowing that " Toman : Have you no conscience you would be just enough to tell what or sense of decency ? By your public is your specific objection . " display of licentious wickedness do He replied : " So I will . Do you for you never realize that you are a men- a moment think that I have ever re ace to society , and that you are lead- garded your work as not being artistic ? ing the younger generation to hell ? But I feel that there are Christians in Such as you have much to answer for . " my flock who may be repulsed at the And another : thought of Christ's forerunner being mo wrath or God is now being made the subject of a scene for the shown in Europe because of exhibi- stage , or , for that matter , any biblical tions such ag yours , and which have story being put upon the stage . There led to the fall of many a young girl fore I feel it my duty to pass my crit Thank God , you will not be here long . " | icism upon this number in your pro On the other hand , some of the gram . " clergy praised ine . Preacliing in Lon- Then I explained my views , and he don , the Rev. J. Tyssul Davis , B. A , listened so kindly and with such atten said : tion that I felt I was gaining ground . " Go to a music hall and see Maud We parted excellent friends and very Allan . By her gestures and restrained soon afterward I was invited to take movements that great artist can make tea with the archdeacon and his sister you realizo many things that I shall at the Chapter House and had the probably fail to do . " pleasure of being present with my Another wrote : parents at a service , in noble St. " August 29 .-- Beheading of John the Paul's . And finally I had the deep Baptist . The commemoration of St. pleasure in knowing that I had con John made 1210 remember you , and verted the archdeacon to the view constrains me to ' thank you for the that my performance was in no way pleasure and inspiration that your irreverent , or that it need give pain perfect gift has given me and many to the most sensitive Christian . others . " I conclude this brier account of con After I had completed my engage troversy raised by by " Salore " with the ment at the Palace , London , I words of a high English cleric was addressed to me in a letter : " I think engaged to fulfill contracts at the inade this leading provincial theaters . One one who has ol my first and most important cookings beautiful world more beautiful , and was in Manchester . given pure joy to others . " A few days before I Was due there , To Be Continued and after the posters and advertising matter had been got out , the watch Copyright , 19:21 . International Feature Service , Inc. committed informed the management Great Britain Rights Reserved . of you as

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