Felix Cherniavsky - Theo Durrant

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 861a 51 2008-2-57.jpg
Maud Allan 861a 51 2008-2-57.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Theo Durrant

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A Young Woman Who Follow Ourrent Doxila Would Be Satisfied to Abide by the Verdict 1 W a d I dis batoh isoner , lleve in eircumstantial evidence and would not hang a man on it . " Yes , STT Mr. Zellerbaek , asked the Court . " do I * You expressed one to me this morning , e HE WOULD NOT FLIRT . DURRANT ON JUROR BROWN . understand that under no cireumstances did you not ? could you conviet a man unless somebody Mr. Lampson admitted it and the three le raw him commit the crime with which he seats were clear again . My After Day of Twelve Man Like Him was charged ** The next trio to come to the front were The young woman with the wet pe Cia Durrant is greatly interested in the squab " I do not believe in circumstantial eri A. Erb . W. McGeorge and W. R. Lazarelli . dence , " said Zellerback . Mr. Erb was quickly excused because he lehtosome who has been the son of some ble over the qualifications of Juror Brown . interest and comment at the trial of Du * ' Let me put a case to you , " continued the could not accept circumstantial evidence . rant for the past three days attracted the He has been reading all the newspaper ac Judge , with his mind evidently on the news . Mr. McGeorge looked like a boy among the attention of the prisoner yesterday when he counts in relation to the matter , and has also per comment that businessmen were gray beards . He gave his business as that 28 discussed it with his parents and counsel . " I don't see any reason for so much talk ading jury duty by such answers as those of an agent of Eastern capitalists interested entered the courtroom . She was sitting on one of the benches about fifteen feet from of this talesman . * Supposing that at 12 in building railroads in Napa , Lake and So and speculation on the qualifications of the chair which is occupied during the Juror Brown , " he said . ** I think he is & o'elock at night a man was murdered in bed : noma counties . sions of the court by the defendant Axbe it should be shown that he had had a quar very honest , upright and capable man , and His answers fitted all right . He had no was about to sit down be looked in her direc Tel with another man , who had threatened am sure that if he is allowed to remain on particular opinion in the case or bias one tion . She smiled and bowed He returned to kill him ; that the wound on his body way or the other . the salutatien . Everybody thought she was frothe jury he will give me a fair and impartial had hen inflicted by a peculiariy shaped There is a good deal of talk regarding " Have you ever belonged to any military Durrant thought a friend of the accused . knife Now suppose that in three minutes the fact that he has changed his opinion of company ? " asked the District Attorney . so himself at first , but as he studied her the man with whom the deceased had quar Her the weight , strength and effect of circum " Yes ; the High School Cadete , " answered trace , he found he had been mistaken : reled was found running from the house stantial evidence . I see no legitimate re the young talesman . thought she was a young lady who had been with a knife that exactly fitted the peculiar There is no The only man he knew belonging to Dur a former acquaintance of his raison why people should take objection to the wound in the body , the knife dripping blood , en fact that the stand he now takes is opposed rant's signal corps Was Mr. Blant . Ho doubt but she is the person who sent Dur fo and that when arrested the man refused t knew none of the parties in the case , and rant the first bouquet he has received since to his alleged position in the Howell case . make any explanation - do you mean to t " A man must necessarily change his opin seemed about as well acquainted with Dis his confinement in the county jail . On Sun me you would not bring in a verdict in trict Attorney Barnes as with Mr. Deuprey . day afternoon a young woman answering wions during the course of a llfetime , and it case like that The defendant's attorneys were willing to the description of the girl in court carried a orie only natural tbat Juror Brown should ** No , sir , " said Zellerback stoutly . have him , but District Targe bunch of pink sweet pea blossoms to take a different view of the effect of circum ** Well , then you can go . " Attorney Baraes again invoked the the county jail and handed them to the mistantial evidence from that which he enter of thour assessment - rell , and They filled the box again . tained one or two years ago . found that McGeorge doorkeeper with the instruction that they W88 not on it , and iren called L. S. Bachman of 2333 I82 challenged him on that ground . be given Durrant . She left no name or fur of " As a person grow older his views an dero street would not bring in a ver of wideas of Mfe generally undergo a change . I The flowers were the first have no doubt this is the ease with Mr. ther message . tial W. R. Lazarelli , a commision merchant . murder in the first degree on circum Durrant has accepted from an unknown Brown . There may be innumerable reasons her , did not wait for questions , but explained evidence , and the others , G. Zerr , a for the change in his opinions regarding that he had an opinion in this case , and he person since his arrest . Villiam Ring , a grocer , and Max circumstantial evidence . One must al vays " I noticed the young woman was firtins read added : take into consideration the environment the brewers ' supply business , ha " I'd hate to be tried by a jury in the same with me , " said Durrant , and I also was from well aware that nearly everyone in the court sin such a case as this . I can see no reseni the papers and formed their opir state of mind as I am . blance whatever between the Howell case At first the evidence publishea , so they w The last three talesnen of the day were room was cognizant of the fact I and mine , and to my mind where is no legit . thought she was a friend I bad not seen for 1 mate reason for the hypothesis that because missed . J. Breig . E. Herepght and Patrick Higgins . some time . That was why I recognized her . he was opposed to the circumstantial evin A. B. Cheney , the first of the Breig and Herenghi escaped because they However , I was mistaken . I do not know lidence introduced at the trial of the alleged felt that he could do justice to was als had no faith in circumstantial evidence , and counterfeiter , he will take the same view of her . She tried to flirt with the all day , but although he had an opinion . etidence of a like ebaracter that may be Higgins had a disqualifying opinion . I took to notice of her attentions whatever submitted during my trial . Sgain everybody waited for Jadse Mur . lowed to go as soon as I discovered she was a stranger . " As I said before . I am perfectly confi The next man , M. Gregoire , a clerk at the Foreign Bookstore , 6 Post She tried to attract my attention by bowing dent that I will receive just and impartial hy to declare his decision on the affidavits street . and who resides at 816 Capp , de treatment at the bands of Mr. Brown , and I and smiling and throwing kisees at me with mesented by General Dickinson , asking for would have no objection whatever to a jury veloped into a juror , the only one necured the citation of the newspaper the blossoms . " composed of twela men like him . men and during the afternoon . Although he had again they were disappointed want is to be tried by twelve honest , fair Judge Mur read the testimony he had not discussed it aninded and concientious citizens of , San phy did not refer to the matter . particularly and had no opinion on the sub francesco Eno Indelivering his admonition to the jury foot at all . just before adjournment sphy im ** Do you mean to say you have formed no pressed them particularly with the danger opinion from what you bave heard and of being influenced . read ? " asked Mr. Deuprey . " Gentlemen , " he said , ' don't permit your " I know that somebody committed the selves to be interviewed . You should tiot ne , of course , but I do not know whether be aceosted on any subject pertaining to sis defendant is guilty or not . this case . To my mind it is proper 10 Deprey ascertained that the furor was interview jurors in any case . Again , I cau willing and able to give the defendant the tion you avoid all interview , and if any . benefit of every doubt , as the law provides , body persists in interviewing you , report and passed him . him to the Court , and the Court will deal The next man , E. 8. Levy , 1925 California with him according to law . " street , had an opinion and was challenged The case goes on this morning , and it is by Deuprey . E. H. Horton , in the harness Just possible that the jury will be com business at 400 Market street , was excused pleted to - day on the same ground . What do you say about Mr. Gregolre ? " LOG asked the Judge . 5 Deuprey and Dickinson consulted . It is rather an odd thing that during these consultations , which have occurred right along during the trial , Durrant himself in gater included . He never to win at troneys , nor they to him , but the prisoner and his mother seemed to discuss every talesman , but they never seemed to confide their opinions to the lawyers . Tbe defense is satisfied with Mr. Gre . goire , said Mr Deuprey finally . " Let him be sworn , " said Mr. Barnes . There were now but three vacant chairs to fill in the jury box , and P. Lerman and B. Williams and C. L. Hinkel were called to the box . The first of these escaped be cause he had formed an opinion . Mr. Wil liams would not con yiet in a murder case on circumstantial evidence . Mr. Hinkel was an acquaintance of the Durrants He had known the prisoner for the past nine or ten years , knew his people and had visited them at their home . He had also formed an opin ion and the District Attorney challenged him . The lawyers for the defense did not oppose the challenge . The next three men that were called were A. A. Taft , P. Abrahamson and O. L. Lamp son . All three declared that they were prejudiced against circumstantial evidence , and on ng condition would hang a man on class of testimony You have an opinion as well , have you ot . Mr. Lampson . " said the District At torney Snapshot of Durrant Leaviog the County Jail . f The drawing is made from an instantappous jaotograzıh taken yesterday morniny by Robert Edgren , the hermor - thrower of the State Unl The camera fires the remarkable attuuie of Durrant as he walke . ] 2 ( Aug 9/95 Salih Bane

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