Felix Cherniavsky - The Rugmaker's Daughter

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 842 51 2008-2-55.jpg
Maud Allan 842 51 2008-2-55.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - The Rugmaker's Daughter

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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MAUD ALL N WILL APPEAR AS STAR IN A , PHOTO - PLAY ny felegraph Jie 5 , 1915 THE MOVING ern cause cause hold upon came Maud Allan With Bosworth - Morosco NOTHER capture of ulusual importance for the cuandby Rosmarinas .. sociation with the Oliver Morosco Photoplay Com pany , in the person of Maud Allan , the internationally famous dancer . Miss Allan , who shares with her bosom friend , Pavlowa , the leadership in mod classical dancing , is an immense favorite in London , both be of her natural genius and also be of her popu larity with the late King and the present Queen Mother . - Her the royal favor largely about through a little act of graciousness of her own . Miss Allan has al ready reached the Morosco - Bosworth studios and is now at work on her initial mo tion picture subject , " The Rug Maker's Daughter , " a stirring romance of the Ameri can - Turkish rug trade , Maud Allan . which will include three of her most beautiful dances . It was solely through a lucky circumstance that the Morosco - Bosworth interest were able to secure this On returning from eighteen months ' tour of Australasia , India and the Far East , Miss Allan stopped off in Los Angeles for a short visit with her mother , where when negotiations for her appearance on the screen followed her inspection of the Morosco - Bosworth Studios . The fact that she has repeatedly turned down offers to be screened and only recently refused $ 5,000 to give one of her dances before the camera , will readily dispel any idea that securing this star for motion pictures was a simple business transaction . M placement Anotber capture of unusual importance for the screen has been announced by Bos .. worth . inc . in association with the Oliver Morosco Photo - Play Company , in toe per son of Mud Allan , the internationally famous dancer . Miss Allan , trbo shares with hor bogom friend . Pavlora , the leadership in modern classical dancing , is an immenre favorite in London , both because of her natura . Fenius and also because of her popuiarity with the late King and the present Oveen mother . Her hold upon the royai tayor dargely caine about through Ftue act of graciousness of her own . During the dan . cer's first appearahce in Paris , lere her offerings receive historie oration , she was asked hyllme . Ivette Guilbert to dance at a charity matinee which the lat ter as organizing at the Theatre Sarah Bernhard :. Complying gadir , with little thought of the good fortune in store . Miss Allan in due time received an introduction to the Princess Nur and Mrs. Hall . Talker , both Doed intorites in Englisb court circies . who took a strong liking to the young American girl and at onee made them Belves instrumental in seiring ber the honor of a " command " to dance before the late King Edward VII . who was inking the waters at Marienbad . The dancer presentation so captivated the English laonarch that he took a per sonal interest in her forthcoming London debut , and when through his influence she received a second **** ommand " to dance be fore both the late King and Queen Alesan after dinner in their honor buy the Earl and Countess of Dudley , the for tane of Maud Allan was made in the Brit isl dominions . Prior to ber London appearance , Miss Alan scored wonderful success in other European cities . In : Vienna the pretty dancer became famous over night . In Brussels the verdict of Vienna was pon firmed even more armly , and word of it sprend like wilaire over the continent . A triumphant tour of cities of Germapy Sritzerland and Austria - Hungary followed . At Belgrade she zave four recitals , and Budapest proved a Borreur enthusiasın . When sbe reached Paris . a little on its mettle at baring been held of till the last the great capital quick forgave her in the spontaneous Gallic manner and accept ed ber art with an enthusiasm that kuer no bounds . Her successes in Prague , 9 am burg and Berlin mere duplications of her reception in the other large cities of En . rope , and her engagement at the Palace heatre , London is now one of the tradi tions in the history of the stage of that noted theatre Aliss Allan pas already rencbea the Mo roseo - Bostrorth studios and is now at work on ber initial motion picture subject , " The Rug Maker's Daughter , a stirring romance on the America - Turkish rug trade , which Will include three of her most benutiful dances . It was solely through a lucky cir . cumstance that the Morosco - Bosworth in terests were able to secure this star . returning from an eighteen months ' tour or Australa , India and the Far East , Miss Allan stopped uit in Los Angeles for a short pisit with her mother where nego tintions for her appearance on the screen followed her inspection of the Morosco - Bos tvortb studios . The fact that she has re pentedly turned down offers to be screened . and only recently refused $ 5.000 to give one of ber dances before the camera will readily dispel any idea that securing this for motion pictures was a simple bnsiness transaction . Upon completion of The Rug Maker's Daughter , ** Miss Allan Til immediately depart for London , where she will again appent shorts MAY 0 3915 Star . an HAMMERS erpsichorean Film Opens at Ziegfeld With Maud Allan lucago Evening the Cusical 12 invade the scream Cakes her 2010 - CUT de buz ount hoiolar at the Zieri . id Theater today in Exquisite divertissement of Cance irama thru th Sectrive to store the far East entitled " The fushets Date tez In presenting this iantous woman m a photoplar , Bosworth . made distinct and caring departure from the beaten path of filmmakine DP ene tratti a hitherto untouched reaim of mod eruar or availabie MONO POTUTE a terial . that the procurer exercised good judg . in entering this net field is attested another dancer signing to appear before the camera for a film production . But in the selection of Miss Allan , Bos worth has obtained the most charmins fig ure and one of the foremost artists in the Troria of classical dancers . She has ap Deared in ever prominent city in world and has danced before the crowned Course Miss Allan renders some of her nost artistic dances in the COS the production , but she also gives evider of remarkable ability is a dramatic artist in pantomime . Her work in the film te cents nereltt in photorlar production which never has been SEO On the screen and possibly never again will be Bouworth has surrounded in altistar with a cast of able paveras ciuding Stanley av Standing . Jane Darwell , Nary To Tanto Woods Cushing and Harrington Gibus . ** The Rugmaker's Daughter revolves around a young woman of the Orient , tal ented in dancing and rug weaving , who Dees froin her home to America to escape an unwelcome marriage which her father entãeavors to force upon her . An impulsive American , after suffering hardships in the Orient . Toins her in his own country and makes her his wife . This photoplay is the first of the Para mount pictures which are to old the screen each Treek at the Ziegield from MOVE ON . 1915 C

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