Felix Cherniavsky - The Rugmaker's Daughter

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 839 51 2008-2-55.jpg
Maud Allan 839 51 2008-2-55.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - The Rugmaker's Daughter

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Monday The DA LY NEWS October 11 , 1915 Monday Evening , October 11 , 1915 . FR Qebheum MATINEE TODAY AND EVERY DAY . A Great Smo low WALTER C. KELLY , The Virginka Judge , LONG TACK SAM and His Company of Wonder Workers ; PI PIFAX And PANIO * Humpati Bumpsti : EUGENE DAMOND Violin Virtuoso ; AURORA LIGHT , BROWNING . JAMES KELSO BLANCHE LEIGHTON : 16 NAVASSAR GIRLS , Miss Agusta Dial , Directress Speetal Feature , PAT ROONEY MARION BENT , Second Edition , THE NEWS STAND . " Evening Prices , 10c , 250 , 500 , 750 . Matinee prices ( ex cept Sundays and holidays ) . 10c , 250 , 500 . Phone Douglas 70 . WARS ASTER OAKLAND ORPHEUM Savon 注 VIGWAM PLAY 10054 SELTEN TEATER , Mission or 2nd . Week - The Evergreen Chamracter Comedy D. W. Griffith's Mighty Spectaclo in . , THE ONLY HIGH CLASS TAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT : MATINEE EVERY DAY : * TELEPHONE TANGLE with Madge ERWIN and CECILLE CUNNINGHAM comedienne : ELSA RUEGGER the World's Greatest Woman Cellist CHARLES and FANNIE Emergency " : BERTBE BEAUMONTE ARNOLD presenting The Doctorine " : HONOLULU GLUE GEORGE NEV ΟΣ . PIETY ANY MOTION PECTURES Matinees 100 , 350 and 560 Evenings , 100 , 250 , 500 and 760 . OM THE BIRTH OF A NATION ( THE CLANSMAN ) MRS . WIGGS CABBAGE PATCH 750 ; Daily NOTE This Picture will never Bhow at Lower Price Phone Parda 2098 for Reservations . NOT A MOTION PICTURE . WIGWAM STOCK CO . , including Dol S. Larenes and Florence Oakley , Cast of Thirty - Sixperb Stage Elects , Evening and Sunday Matinee 100 , 200 , 300 Wednesday and aSturday Mat . 10c , Coming - LITTLE 1OST SISTER . ... with SAISON 4 at raw Pantages IDLE HOUR LYRIC THEATER UNEOUALAD VAUDE VILLE ASSION ST , DET ULSTADT LITTLE MISS U.S. A. Vauderille's Classient havical Comedy TODAY AND TOMORROW . OBER and DUMONT Originators of the South American Dances . A Selig Redeeal Production « THE MILLIONAIRE BABY ! Fillmore St. At Eddy . TS BOW night , 6:80 and 5 o'clock : Continuous Sundays und Holidays from 1 P. M. FIVS ACTS OR EXTRAORDINARY VAUDEVILLE AND FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS Matineet , eny seat , 100 except 6-120 Holidays : Evening 8 WONDERFUL ACTS Featuring BARRY MESTAYER and This scisrex story of Mystery , Intrigue em Adventure BIS GRAND Valencia POST THE MINENTY - SECOND AND MISSION : THEATER STOCK COMPANY ։ THE GREAT ALPHA Phone West 47 . MAUD ALLAN | TROUPE * The Rugmaker's Daughter " EXCELLENT A VISION OF SALOMIE This Week , Mr. Allart Morrison as ** DON QUIXANO ** in Israel Zang Will Greatest Drama , A Living Play Played by Actors Motion Picture . Supported WILKES - LADA STOCK COMPANY . Evening S : 15 , 100 , 200 and 30c . Mæti . He - Sunday , Monday . Saturday , 200 . Next WOMAN HE MARRIED , bert Bashford . Matinees , 1 p . m . Evenings at 6:30 . Change of Program Eunday and Wednesdaye . A Seductive Lose Story of the Par ཨང # ' ' ལ་ / བྱས་ ༧༥ : ཚ ns ཨ་ ཚ་ ལས TER ၂၉ ရက်

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