Felix Cherniavsky - Verna Aldrich Correspondence

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 819 51 2008-2-53.jpg
Maud Allan 819 51 2008-2-53.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Verna Aldrich Correspondence

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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2 Copy . Without prejudice . Dear Mr. Stevens . I have just had your letter as I have had to be in the North on business the past week.Dverything is much mor e complicated than I had anticipated and I will have no funds at my disposal for awhile yet . However , I am seeing what can be done in another direction and hope to let you hear something shortly and trust that in view of all the circumstances it may be possible to have this matter stand over a short time longer . We have been very disturbed over here with all the war talk and I think Americans generally are most sympathetic to England and France . I have yet to hear anyone speal farcurably for Hitler or Mussolini . I do so hope war will not come and the fact that England has taken a fir hand will surely stop Hitler . He is really a big bully ! I wish I could send you some of this glorious sunshine . Greetings ,

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