Felix Cherniavsky - Verna Aldrich Correspondence

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 818 51 2008-2-53.jpg
Maud Allan 818 51 2008-2-53.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Verna Aldrich Correspondence

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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WIThout Prejudice . April 15th , 1939 Dear Maud . G they Just a hurried note as I wait for the car - I am going up to Fresno today for a little while - but continue to write to me Thomas Cooks Los Angeles . It should be lovely up there now the countryside is full of wild flowers- I hope your booklet was some help . I have started a little talk on Hollywood you can probably elaborate it - but it may act as a reminder . There is an idea here used on the Radio for Children's house which might be useful over there il altered to suit things there -I'll try to tell you about it in my next . My , the war talk does sound ominous I keep thinking what will you do if it comes -I'm fearfully worried about you If it does come don't you think it might be the very kindest thing to Vally and Diana to let them go to sleep happily before than to suffer the unspeakable pain and horror they would if they were tassed in any way - you would not be able to protect them in any other way - Talk it over with Mike and Dora they had decided to do so with their cat last autumn - Cofag of letter to mister in abeyance until you can do someth I had a letter from Mr. Steven saying that if a huno red was not paid within three weeks and that was dated the 30th of March and I only got it yesterday - slow postage . that he would have to call in the whole - otheruise the balance of five hundred could ride . Perhaps you had better talk it or er with Robin - she might prefer to pay that hundred rather than have to pay the whole The piano which she has tied up will moeh mode than take care of that I'm sorry I can't do any thing just now but I am quite tied up financially for the moment - I have not hing I can use on my own descretion at the moment but hope that will soon be remedied . It was a pity that the Kamma deal fell through that would have straightened this up and given you something to go on with - But cheer up , dear , I think things are going to be alright pretty soon - that is about as much as I can tell you now - Don't worry about thosescars on your legs / I am so glad it has terixx healed that is the important thing ! Just be thankful it isn't on your face ! You know how I have always resented that superflous hair - Well the other day I saw a young girl about twenty sweet little figure s haped face and lovely hair - and her face was just one big scar - she must have been in a dreadful fire or something - My heart ached for her - and I am thankful that I've only got superflous hair ! oh E lind Repoxy Well , dear -- I know what a hard time you are having for I ve been through it - how I wish I could snatch you out of all that worry right now - Have courte - all will be well Love , Jenen hone sol AP P.S.If war comes can you not offer the house for some good work - I made up my mind last September that if I staid there was goi to find some work to do for others ia and keep very busy that is the only way one could endure it !

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