Felix Cherniavsky - Robert Gifford

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 790a 51 2008-1-43.jpg
Maud Allan 790a 51 2008-1-43.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Robert Gifford

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GIFFORD , BROOKS | Pasadenan Brooks Gifford Noted for Variety of Interests PSN APR 1 3 1968 a By MARGARET STOVALL Statt Writer When -Brooks Gifford was in the fourth grade at Po lytechnic School he was given the honor of being the first person to dive into the new swimming pool at Brookside Park . Gifford , a prominent Pasadena attorney , recalled that it was part of a ceremonious occasion of about 1912 and his role was the result of his grandmother's philanthropy . She was Mrs. Everett Wellington Brooks and it was also because of her that the name of the park was changed . “ It used to be Arroyo Springs Park , " Gifford said . " When our family came out from Chicago my grand mother felt very strongly that there should be a swim ming pool for the people of Pasadena . The City of Pas adena said they would set aside sufficient land in Ar royo Springs Park if she would donate a swimming pool , buildings for dressing facilities and all the equip ment necessary to operate a swimming pool . Integrated Pool " One of the interesting things is that she insisted on integration of the pool even at that early date when pools were not generally integrated . Her many activi ties , however , included helping a Negro church in Pas adena , working with a day nursery which took children of all ages , and serving actively in a Mexican settle ment . " The City of Pasadena , in recognition of her gift , changed the name from Arroyo Springs to Brookside Park . The city directors voted that I was to have a life pass to the pool , but this has long since been forgot ten , " Gifford added , smiling . As benefactors to the early day city and philantro pists through the years , the Brooks family is to be hon ored at the Pasadena Arts Council Beaux Arts Banquet April 30 . Gifford's personal role covers a variety of activi ties . He is a former president and present director of San Gabriel Valley Council , Boy Scouts ; a 10 - year di rector of the Pasadena Humane Society , a member of Avon Scholarship Committee , trustee of Principa Corp. , trustee of Illinois Philanthropic and Educational Foundation . He is a 32nd degree Mason , a member of Corona Lodge 324 , F and AM , and of the Consistory . He is a member of the First Church of Christ Scientist ; Pasadena . He is a support member of the YMCA , the Red Cross and of the Salvation Army in India . The reason for the latter was a first - hand view of : the work being done there . He and Mrs. Gifford re turned to Pasadena this month after an extensive trip through India to study conditions there . India had in terested him , he said , “ because it is one of the big enigmas in the world today . Overrun by Cattle He said they found a country overrun by the sacred cattle ( “ If you kill one , it's the same as murder ; if you run over one , it's cowslaughter which carries the same penalty as manslaughter . " ) and by beggars . " Countless thousands live on the sidewalks in all the big cities , I saw babies two and three days old on the sidewalks . People and dogs fight over the garbage . Gutter water is used for washing clothes and for drink . ing . VARIED INTERESTS_One of the Brooks family mem bers who will be honored at Pasadena Arts Council Beaux Arts Banquet April 30 is Brooks Gifford , prominent Pasadena attorney . His activities range from Boy Scouts to philanthropics and educational . Many of the beggars , he said , are kidnaped as chil . dren and purposely crippled to be sent out to beg . The Salvation Army operates a detention facility for the City of Bombay where " convicted beggars are rehabili tated during their three to five years of commitment , an operation which greatly impressed him . " Most or these people had been crippled early in life and ex ploited . They were happier in the facility than they had ever been before . ' The Giffords have traveled widely , including Africa and the Orient . He has also sailed his own yachts to be first and second across the line in trans - Pacific races Their present yacht is a K - 50 named " The Legacy . As a family of licensed pilots ( Gifford , his son , Brooks Jr. , and daughter - in - law all fly ) they also have a twin engine Cessna Super Sky Master . Their home resis dences are in Pasadena , La Jolla , and Palm Springs , where he belongs to the Raquet Club : Logically , he also belongs to the yachting clubs . ( over ) Pasadera Star News Apr. 13 , 1968

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