Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 758 51 2008-1-39.jpg
Maud Allan 758 51 2008-1-39.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

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9 Jana 19245 ( 1924 ) : Angus ( Melbourne ) Then , ? There will arrive in Melbourne by the Bydney express to - day the three Cberniay . sky brothers - Leo , Jan , and Mischel who will begin a brief series of concerts at the | Tow - Ball on Saturday , June 7 , under the J. and N. Tait management . Since they last appeared in Melbourne the Cherniav akys have completed their third tour of the world . HURTIAVAT werwe încores and double encbres were the rule at the concert given by the Cher nie vaky brothers in the Town Hall last 10 June night . These talented player are un doubtedly doing very viseful piece of 1924 . work by making instrumental music popu lar . The programme last night , like that of the first concert , giren on Saturday evening , wu , a happy blend of serious music and lighter than it is certainly a far cry from the Appassionata " to " Minnetonka , " but Lalo's " Symphonie Espagnole " acted well us a kind of buffer state between the two . The - Lalo m phony suited the violinist , Leo , admirably , and he has seldom been board to more conspicuous adnntage . Needless to my , Miachel , the ' cellist , wus eloquent in the well - known " Kol Nidrei , " and the con certed pieces were well up to the very high * standard these three musicians have not for themselves in the department . The third court will be given to - mor . row ( Wedne ) night , the fourth en Friday night ind the inat Boncert 00 Saturday afternoon . Tulsi GARBATTAL The brothon , Leo , Jan , and Mache ] Chelariky , Are the second of these re orsica concerts in the Tow Bad last and provided esother musical trust for large attesdense of unde lover . A genezon progettate had to be sog mote contably with encore mbesu . Concerted and solo items ware presented frond the arts of Beethoven , Haydn , Drorat , and others Beethoven's " bunata Appemate " request amber by " Jon , the planiraled forth prolonged ap plause . The artistic racoem of the evening to Kranged by the brother of Vidor's these de , " and Grieg's " Nor . wegian Dana " The final concert will be given on Friday night . 1924P.13 THERNIATSKY BROTHERS . ARGUS Successful First Concert . The Cherniavsky brothers presented an admirably - chosen programme at the con cert ( the first of a series ) which they gave on Saturday erening in the Town Hall . An inetrumental trio by Beethoren was followed by Boellmann's splendid Syın phonic Variations , a work which stands almost alone in ' cello literaturc . after a group of piano rieces by Chopin , came an old - rorld violin sonata by Nardini . And the programme concluded with two " popular " items , the Bash - Gounod “ Medi . tation " and Boccherini's well - known Minnet . Both the choice of music and the manner of its performance by these gifted instru mentalists met with the hearty approral of the audience . After every item extras wete demanded . Yotable among these was Rimsky - Korsakoff's " Hindoo Song , " which the ' cellist , Mischel , played ( and played exceedingly well ) , as a sort of footnote to the Boellmaun Variations . It was a bold stroke , on the part of the three brothers to begin straight away with the Beethoren Trio . It mags much for the ability of the performers that they were able to seize and hold the attention of their listenere trith music of such an un compromisingly lofts type . On the ren . dering it may be said that it was pic . turesque rather than statuesque ; this treatment , which caused the tork to sound in places almost Mendelssohnian , raises in . teresting questions as to the relationship between style , in performance , and period and mood . There was neither doubt nor question , either in the Trio or in the later items in the programme , of the technical ability of the three instrumentalists ; they displas , at every turn , a remarkable faci lity and eage , and a confidence which begets a corresponding confidence in tbe minds of their hearers . One of Schubert's “ lo ments Musicaux , " which was given in re sponse to continued applause as an extra . after the Trio , came in for a very virid , almost melodramatic rendering . The pecond item on the programme , Boell . mann's Symphonic Variations , brought forth wbat was , on the whole , one of the most distinguished performances of the erening , Visbel , the ' cellist , is by no means the least accomplished of the three talented brothers . There was a certain looseness in the treatment of the rery dramatic introduction , but the lovely theme was played in such way to make clear its casential nobility . Jan , the pianist , who later on played a Chopin group eftec tirely , and added furtber things by , the same composer & estrus , wat expectedly reticent , at one or two points , in the varia . tions . This , however , was only an aggerated instance of the altogether ad mirable consideration which the three brothers show for each other in all their enoumble work . A truly remarkable de gree of unity is one of the many delightful features of their performance . The second concert will be given to night . The programme will include Trio for piano forte , violin , and rioloncello in C. Minor ( Mendelssohn ) . Kol Nidrei ( Bruch ) , and Spinning Wheel ( Popper ) , ' cello solos by Mischel Cherniarsky ; Beethoren's Sonata Apassionata by Jan Cherniavsky ( piano ) ; violin solo , Symphanie Espagnole , by Leo Cherniavsky . The trio will also play " By the Waters of Minnetonka " and " At the Brook . " The third concert will be given on Wednesday night the fourth on Friday night , and the filth and final concert on Saturday afternoon . & ex ARGUS Tune 121924 PS CHERNIAVSKY CONCERT . The Cherniavskys are , in their own way , quite irresistible . At the concert which they gave last night in the Town Hall there were some delightful solo items ( as well as some of an oleographic type ) ; but the outstanding feature was the sensitive and beautiful rendering of Arensky's Trio in D minor . This ever - weleome piece of chamber music suited the three gifted brothers admirably , and the performance was a sheer delight . It is good to know that the concert to be given to - morrow night will begin with another example in the same form , & trio by Rachmaninof . Other items in the programme for Friday e & ' cello sonata by Şamartini , a Brahms psodie for piano solo , and a Beethoven ye for violin and piano . Lonal dikrano ) au treele kes Place Canberra ACT 2600 = © 8 Mail fast , 7080 Rower Road und 128 Richmond V6 Xud

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