Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 755b 51 2008-1-39.jpg
Maud Allan 755b 51 2008-1-39.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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2 CHERNIAWSKI CONCERT 25110 - OS et 27 Alternate ( nur promo modelo TUITENK Th . ller capital and a boho Imely wrond stolars and Turu liell aula 1 iba Doulbility of linap poisimeal be miria ( ant ' soca Alle phaylan suck . valon of the artinsic in penat wib ibn ' et marmorud ' virtud aleborotgan tunt morbTPUTADT mapa mo allenamed ibn Anl Churniavok covoort . 11 lo pueblo lo describe the performanca la Worwo of pralne , aod lo protlam 11 marvel loua . but actual de marias aloon will coa vinom iba average scopur , wearim boy the brilliant Jw parlrcilous of local c : altele wonders . that A. youth of 17 ( loc riolloss ) , boy of 11 ( lbo DINDINI ) , and a small child or 11 albo ' cclliat ) . can produce the perfectly arunile rewli malche rinciri ed avery listener op Raturday . Tha Opening Cheruiaruki ( osoert reprowalcd , la draad , a memoradit enjoyable occantho . The only utbros ( amty of sinullar talnak that has vislief Australla brran their aoquain locr win ihlo country arparainly at about ibe sun *** w the eldast of ide Cherniarskie At his dowul bero la 18 : & Mark Tunbours was 16 years of age , which wun , ibe ugo of bird brotbor . Jako volinist ) , -wbon be rolurbed bhda.hlubos libi . monetki * : 06 bedolla { xi . Boris Whambourke brilliant batang with the properyyny I. to memory card patthon enables us la say đen nltely that Iwo Cºntarak , the new Sertortiotortofruar mr MTHUTSATT Abore Jakol il tuuch the suruo Axc ... wbllel lbo lillo Miss chri 1A NO inucb in advancc of the Boris of 11:03 that be must corialuly prove one of the world ' .. Kromleal players . -prorided tbarhr studies hard and ransios morally leady . Whether.Jan Cheralaysklo prata uccand Mark Hambourrxfoy Tomo iren , bur'ala ready hc ls Allule artit of the namc cxu . berant brilliancy-- capliraung lillo ' plano : banger of the name school's Mark this De tot en Sanxhid Arst heard him , and he had apent that threa years ( Aller tourios Eokland from the afa of 11 10 13 ) In . Arduous study in Vicona ut the laoschettzkr Subool . No doubt the two of such musicaLlamules YA Thawo froi RURSA occurn only unden . rexceptionally favourabilo cond1110ns . Profon not the longebobchen denne bestelakon doen Toccal Concrx arlumetiarumometer South Ruskir ; Abruin Chepatarakishi halastus та UverTriphohr rtfontra . In Odcann . The inochers in both familles were plantagovimient , and 4n ontb'casm Thir1 . dren not oply breathed a musical atmosphere ( rom Infancy , but received technical . Instruc . tlon lo the art at ibe carilest ponnibla mn ment , and were ulumately “ nnishol " by vir . tuoal of world tonown . Tuin winely consid . cred coursa mual bare represented thr equira . Tent of thousands spent upon ari - education And how ofteo is this posible ! Leo Chor plavakt comes to us from the greatest living riolloint , Yuaye , Jao from ide arraient llring Dienstarttrape bostiretraty , ut mot rom the studio of David Popper , the releran star collint . It is because these.marc prelben darf .. tronditions of this inert'lumlly instruction harm barn followod by the devotion of the fronte liring artinin in the encouragement of such conspicuou , child.inlcol . tbat the Cheminr * kila may ha admired . and ibeir playing ro Anyors , with a whole.baerted Wittwocny .. to that Tater wearlsono lunder of the mon . ceri.room the " child - prodlay mimiggling with Promething be or rdo randol qulte do . Tbat * why the frmquent parallx , ihr enthusiasilo . Incoram , and the end inn loud cberring of the rary Inrir audienco walcb ampled the boy - ariliis on Nalurilay . were All Junctnrd . Connolkmurs and the Konoral public qually ant maished and della land for different TANON * mod " all sme malih - Takink the now Arilen in the principia.se arntor TOPR * , " Loo ( horar !! . chief coniribution to the prorraining was thc . Arat .. nArt ihr Trhaikowsky violin conrorto . ihr Mendelssohn " 1 ) malor Trin . " with which the programma nprnol . this player han shown ihr higher and rares apart of his art in rondins marked hy sympathrile insight and ifrllenwy . in the Ruinslan.concerto . on ihan olher hand , herramarily somrwhal forcing ihn lenne - on - tmutlock he - muruvorcaFAR Lexonor MITTATOUA rene dering of the brorura moromrni . The beau tiful opening theme , with 11 Ionpink phrarme was played with true feeling for the murir , and his linfrumns were quite unpreparant for The Inci IV . manirry hr ruhibited to the trn mendous ' unaccompanied riadenia , with rapid chromalle cbords , bisbçat harmouck . and double whakma , whicb is a leature in the work . The room . Preoch minucl . was interprrted with viracity and Karn . Jan charplesale the smarptautittar dret ready druerinrd . ' in the Irin hr war A lilio fod hrary and uxxarilor , bal hr had from nonn in Als , palabhartasiastocomotring Forme from the rural quartetim in Rign Irllo " ) , in which he exhibited a splendid rin . cutive power united with sparkling lixhuman of touch . 8mallad recalls of enthumanm lod to * charming rondering of Chopio'n “ Yaims lin D nat . " Little Macbel in mithr rund um ( 11 ) * 1 * hich Jean Gerardy made him fost pub lir debut o England , when he apprared at Nollingban tombobottolmukto - amo.Y mayor the same platform . Mischel also is likely to carn the title of the ' Saranalo of the Tlo loncello . " in a Limit " Ilungarian Rhapendys the boy's Lochalcal arcuracy in passages of alarming difculty bra led deacripllon . Tho little player had apparrnily parnct command of the instrument , and run from the droport DAX Lotha.dablunk plenial tommt mty form of double - stopping that ibe ingenuity of Popper ( wbo " ha . transcribed Linet's musio los ' rollo ) could inrent . loud chmors led to the addition of the famillar Popper . “ Carolle . " Muda mr - Murirlooron . Woohan not born heurd here for some year . was cordialy pro CORETETT.TT Engllah contralto * * . Nurdi . ! Y and rivaciously . ron Stulzmann Ruadlun . Love Song . with the nowingly inclodious bal . lad . " The Ash Grovom NN cncorr ; and her.iwa olil English rustic " bulinda , in Troopshiro dialect Roni . lih & At wrro

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