Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 746a 51 2008-1-39.jpg
Maud Allan 746a 51 2008-1-39.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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1 AP tp 9 9 1917 of finger , and kden discommeat . Much might be said of the trio for piano , violin , and ' cello with vich the concert opened . It would be difficult to surpass the Cherniarsky brothers ' interpretation . The exponenta lisplayed great adagtability . The concluding bildget of chamber music included " Ritsaian Romance , " Sebenade , " Arenkly , and the capricious and spirited “ Siat Dance , " Dvorak . The programine for to - night's concert will contain the most interesting pieces from an extensive repertoire . 1 ) $ auerland N2 Aller a successful concert tour of Canad : and the United States , the talented Cher . niavsky brothers have returned to enlist the enthusiastic plandits of their númer ous Auckland admirers . The Town Hall was Targely attendeil on Saturday night , when the brat recithl was given . As on previous occations , the gifted musicians helt their delighted listeners in thrall in both solo and concerted items . Incoro , succeeded . encore , whilo at the closo the trio were compelled appear again , Though thero was po narked degree of difference in the interpretations of Jan , the pianist , and Mischel , the ' cellist , os compared with the searching expositions associated with their last visit , the solo of Leo , the violinist , showod , in addition to a flawless technique , a grandeur of con ception and dignity of slylo which was scarcely so ovident before . His tone , too , was Younder and fuller whero occasion de manded it , while contrasted with this was ! the delicato yet highly emotional toue quality infused into such pieces as tha Channinnde Kreisler , * Serenade Espag mole . " Little short of a sensation caused by Lo . Cherniavsky's gripping performance of Bent's dificult * Violi Concerto , in Finór , " with another brother . Alex . Czerny , 23 exponent of tho piano part . The whole was a remarkablo foot , the player revelling in presenting the many intricacies of tlouble - stopping , chords , harmonics , and it bewildering sue . cession Domatic material , which reached a climax in tho concluding forreu . tial display of chords , with the main sub . ject outlining its détail . The pianoforte gulos of Jan Cherniaysky occasioned much enthusiasm . A bracket of Chopin piecegi commenced with the “ Raindrop " prelude , in which the reflective part of the solo vied in interest with the section suggest . ing tho bass chant of tho monks - na doy perambulalo the cloisters , advancing and recedin , " The Blacksmith " prelude was an instantaneous succeas , presenting the siipulation of sledite lammer blows ou the vil . Following this was Chopin's popular " Scherzo in B Flat Minor , com mencing with its questioning Cripleta , followed by fortissimo chords , leading up to a brilliant technical display over the main extent of the keyboard . The pianist Lavo expressive rendering of the Valse in a flat , ' by way of oncoro . The violoncello golok of Mischol Chorni . avsky included Schumann's delicate " Evene ing Song , " in which tho ' cello sobbed out its plaini . Many diverse shades of tone woro sugested in he ousuing Seren . ade , " Victor Herbert , whilo a captivating ellect was produced in Poppor's " Toren tolle , with its dainty rhythms and listing bow thevibes ho garotto , giron as a recall number , added to tho gifted , ' cellist's already long list of . triumphs . Ilere note the serorapanirasto , ocola 08 Alox . Csorny slohod sequisito Preedi . 6

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