Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 737a 51 2008-1-39.jpg
Maud Allan 737a 51 2008-1-39.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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THE CHERNIAVSKYS Leo , Jan and Mischel C AN INTERVIEW . One hardly recognises in the cul . tured young art connoisseurs of to . day the infant frodigies of eight years back , Leo , Jan , and Mischel Cherniar . sky have richly fulfilled the promise of their carl . years , and a chat with them on matters musical is full of interest . Making an early call at the Esplan . ade Ho : el . We are received by LPO , who conducts us to an upstairs bedroom , and here we find Jan hard at work a : his piano . Presently the elder bro . thers are joined by Mischel , and light ing their pipes the trio settle down to unterza the cross - examina : ion of the are הון = [ ור וח The aforesaid interviewer , however , finds little need for questioning . The brothers of " conversation . The enthuse over Perth ind its en . virons , and the wonderful changes that have taken place since last they were here . They have come to the conclu sion that they prefer our city to all others in the Commonwealth - Sydney and Melbourne not escapind . " It re much of the Orien :. " says V ! ischel , waving his hand in thn direction of the river bank . * The houses are more of the bunsalon style . than those of your niher cities . Sra . ney is very ilne with its beantial har . uns , but it is more lie linerles - all skyscrgars And then your climate on this ideit is glorir , " The interval between their last visit and the present tour of the common . weit ! has been spent part ! in studi partly in travel mainly . howerer . he latter . A six months snjourn in England bns aflorild them onparti'nin tan rien thrin repertoire , and then they ha is taken the road in tiniting CAT portion of the British Empire . except Canada , touring the Continent extersirely , and making an interest ing trip through the F * East . As vet Amerian is the wriv field they hapa left ontouched , but they hope to travel that at no distant date for ther feel that for the States their concert programmes will have a special ap . peal . -

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