Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio Concert Programs

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 729 51 2008-1-38.jpg
Maud Allan 729 51 2008-1-38.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Cherniavsky Trio Concert Programs

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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20 Sep 14 7 BIOGRAPHIES OF LEO , JAN , and MISCHEL Leo , Jan , and Mischel Cherniavsky CHERNIAVSKY RECITAL Assisted by MAX SELINSKY PROGRAMME . LEO CHERNIAVSKY , the Dramatic Violinist , was born in Uman , Province of Kier , on the 30th day of August , 1890 . He is the fourth eldest of a family of nine . His talent for music was manifested at an early age . When six years old , his father commenced to teach him the violin , and so rapid was his progress that six months later he made his first public ap pearance . His success was instantaneous , and proved the greatest musical sensation of the day ; an event still fresh and frag ant in the memories of the music lovers of Odessa . His critics were astonished at his knowledge of and command over the violin , even at that early age , and were unsparing in their praise of his clear and facile execution , flawless intonation , double stopping and harmonies . Even then , as now , his wonderful temperament and magnetie personality gave an attractiveness and individualistic touch to his playing . Later Leo went to Vienna , where he devoted another year to hard study . It was during this year in Vienna that Ysaye first heard the young violinist , and so amazed was he at the manner in which the child interpreted the Tschaikowski Concerto that he invited him to play before the students of the Vienna Conservatoire , whom he had arranged to hear on the following day . It is needless to say that the young artist created a sen sation on this occasion . Ysave presented him with his photograph signed to my young colleague . ' ' 1. Concerto for Two Violins Bach VIVACE LARGO MA NON TANTO ALLEGRO Leo Chernlavsky and Max Selinsky 2. Violoncello Solos JAN CHERNIAVSKY , Poet Pianist , was born in Uman , Province of Kiev , on June 25th , 1892 . His innate feeling for music showed itself first at the rehearsals of his father's orchestra , when he used to astonish the musicians by his extraordinary sense of rhythm , for it was his joy to be allowed to play the drums . His musical knowledge and power quickened and deve loped rapidly under the care of his father and Mme . Goldenweiser , a pianist well known in Odessa , and a pupil of the late Pugno . The practice the little Jan used to get through was simply prodigious , having to rise at ' 4 o'clock in the morning in order to receive his daily lesson from his father , who was too busy during the day to give it to him . At seven years of age he made his first concert tour with his brother Leo . A few years later he was sent to Vienna with his brothers . Leo and Mischel , and there became a pupil of that great master , Leschetizky , under whose guidance he made such remarkable progress that the great teacher counted him as one of his best pupils , with a brilliant career ahead of him . Under Leschetizky , Jan acquired a technical equipment and musical knowledge that places him in the front ranks of the younger generation of pianists . ( a ) CANTABILE ( 6 ) RONDO ( c ) BERCEUSE ( d ) SPINNING WHEEL Mischel Cherniavsky C. Cui Baccarini Mischel Cherniavsky Popper Chopin 3. Pianoforte solos ( a ) NOCTURNE IN F SHARP MAJOR - ( 6 ) THREE PRELUDES , Nos . 3. 23 , and 24 “ BLACKSMITH " ( c ) POLONAISE IN A FLAT Jan Cherniavsky Chopin Chopin 4. Violin Concerto Paganini ( Cadenza by Leo Cherniausky ) Leo Cherniavsky MISCHEL CHERNIAVSKY , the Inspired ' Cellist , was born in Uman , Pro vince of Kiev , on November 2 , 1893 . Unusual musical perception was also displayed by him at a very early age . He began at four years to study the violin , but at five longed so for a ' cello that his father gave him one , and guided the baby fingers so skilfully that it was not long before the child C , played so well that Mr. Cherniavsky took his boy to play before the late Russian ' cellist . Wer sbilowitch , of Petrograd Conservatoire , a giant nearly 1900 seven feet tall . So impressed was the famous ' cellist with little Mischel's playing , that he hoisted him on his shoulder and carried him around the Conservatoire , proclaiming him a genius . When he was seven he joined his ( 1900 brothers , Leo and Jan , on tour , and so came into being this remarkable trio of soloists . Mischel Cherniavsky played to Professor Popper , and such a deep impression was made on the eminent composer and ' cellist that he im mediately became little Mischel's teacher . No wonder then that he is now considered to be one of the finest exponents of that great composer's works . When Mischel Cherniavsky played for Camille Saint - Saens , the great musi . cian was delighted with the young artist's beautiful rendering of his mag nificent Conce ! to in A Minor . He has extraordinary control over his much treasured instrument , which the critics sav literally speaks . ' ' and dis plays great affection for his ' cello , for he says it seems as though it were ensouled hy a living musical entity . 5. Trios for Pianoforte , Violin , Violoncello ( Arranged by Cherniausky Trio ) ( a ) ROMANCE ORIENTAL Rimsky - Korsakow ( 6 ) BY A STREAM Renè de Boisdeffre ( c ) SLAV DANCE Dvorak Leo , Jan , and Mischel Cherniavsky FINALE 64 The Broadwood Piano used at this Concert was supplied by the E. & F. Piano Agency , Limited . ( S. Coldicutt , Manager ) .

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