Felix Cherniavsky - Performing Artists Touring Australia, 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 703 51 2008-1-36.jpg
Maud Allan 703 51 2008-1-36.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Performing Artists Touring Australia, 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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erlin , 2 Star 1. 1914 . seems all Go WC Auckland ra su WE CO That Iris es W OD W DOW ex far er pi SCOA writer . " It ia lovable , lumingus , in- Dom ELLEN TERRY . descent thing , compounded of sunshine The and dew , with an invisible fountain play.gon ing somewhere that keeps everything Lion ARRIVAL DI AUCKLAIP . cool , and sweet , and fresh . There is no the thing cut and dried nothing aca- ab demic about it ; it FAMOUS ACTRESS INDISPOSED .. of iridescent spontaneity . " ' Of all abe The fome of Ellen Terry , is so far : the familiar heroines , whom she imperla thung that it is almost soperllous to in : conted when leading lady to Sir Henry as troduee her as one of the brightest gemo inving -- Portia , Beatrice , Ophelia , Ladyho of the English stage , and most brilliant Macbeth , Cordelia , Hermione , Juliet , and pla of Shakespearen interpreters , others in the wondeful gallery - Mise of Not withstanding ber indomitable spirit , the Terry smilingly declined to say which one great actress was obviously suffering she prefers . Of course , she said archly , ce 1 she loved them all . do from the strain and exhanstion of her pre Australian tour , to which had been added Aue It seems impossible to conceive of Ellen I the discomforts of the ' voyage , when she Rey Terry , for years treading a fragrant path of roses and moving in the brilliant sua arrived in Auckland yesterday by the of shine of Mamka from Sydney , euccess , ever having doubts Mr. about her reception by the public . Yet During the few days which remain min once , she related to the interviewer , she before the great actress opens her sea he was actually extremely nervous . son in the Auekland Town Hall , Miss lepe was on the occasion of the commence Terry hopes to greatly benefit by a combat ро ment of the memorable Lyceum enter plete rest , and the elect of the Auck : Bis hand climate . Yesterday and today she sing prisė , the night of December 30th , 1878 , id when she was playing Ophelia and Sir was more or less confined to her rooms , and Henry Irving Hamlet . So convineed was Miss Teny was delighted with the " A bhe of her own failure that before the reception which has been accorded her alti end of the play she hurried away from throughout her Australian tour . From the treatre in her Ophelia dress , and in Fremantle to Sydney her tour has been beti an agitated frame of mina drove up and he a triumphal projesnion , and the vivaci . down the Embankment a dozen times ous actress has captivated another vast be before going home . And the verdict of host of admirers of the sunshine and pos the critica next morning , of course , Moral wealth of Australia she speaks in Hoa proved that her mental stress was with P nained admiration . In the course out cause . There was not ang dramatie , interview Mjes Terry waxed en . las nothing portentous in Miss Terry's fire thusiastic on the subject of the Shakes . tha meeting with Irving in 1867. " This pearan talks which are to be given in vie should have been a great event in my the course of the New Zealand tour . fe , " she confessed , “ but it passed me , She emphatically repudiates the idea that leaving ' no wrack behind . ' Until I went they are lectures the word which con . to the Lyceum Henry Irving was nothing jures up visions of arid deserts of words . bri to me . He had no high opinion of my -They are just talks or chats to my Bi acting , and I never thought he would friends , " she said , " and they are merely the become a great actor . " the means by which I express the re Miss Terry was early prostrated with sults of a hfe's study and training in ag grief after receiving news of the death Shakespeare , whilst at the same time of M. Laurence ring . Needless to say , they allow me to re - introduce the scenes the actress has been intimately acquainted which I am able to act instead of read . ” po with all the Irving family . Both Mr H. Amongst her Triumphant Heroines " B. Irving and Mr Laurence Irving have which is the subject of one of her dis - an been known to her since their boybood . conrses --- Bliss Terry bestows a lot of pl While appreciating the undoubted ability attention upon Desdemona . This choice , of Mr H. B. Irving , she always pinned said the aetress , excited her Yaith upon Laurence , of whom she questioning eqmment until she pointed sa was exceedingly fond . Throughout his out that Desdemona really triumphed in the Arical career she had been convinced the strength of her love , which could not " V that he would develop into a truly great be suppressed or destroyed , and the in sa actor , and worthily carry on the work fluences of which survived her death . ar of his illustriors father . " We kept the Vies Terry revels in the company of the w news from her as Tong as possible , " said poet's heroines . " These woaderful women of Miss Terry's travelling companion . " It of Shakespeare's imaginings are good com- was terrible when she heard the - news , " pany to have with one , " she declared.si she added And if there is a rather ecstatie touch : Izbout the vivid tribute paid to the actress by Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin in re Abe course of the American tour , it ia sufices to show that if Mis Terry's im- sa nations have bridged the gulf of " aries , and made the sweet romantic th men of Shakespeare living , breathing pr Ning for this proanie age , they , in their lo tum , have largely moulded the marvel of lons personality of their interpreter . » Miss Terry's heart is never dazzling w like the diamond , " said the American COM ser ma cel We much co W EX auckland Public hebrer 5 kerox 10 Jan 184

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