Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 693 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 693 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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n t ENTERTAINMENTS . 27/11/14 were 0 e 1 of the ing aan of years ion for 18 also verse was Hledat 리 Man n n , is C , Of a loro > t BAUD ALLA , AND TIME CHERNI.AVSKIS , Another programme Was subrnitted at 116 follows Majesty's Theatre last evening , in which Bliss e Maud Allan , the classic dancer , and the maize , Cherniavský Brothers blended their art to give expression to the poetry of music and motion , pro e There was an excellent audience , and the su bri : cess of the artists in attaining their object was mix well evidenced by the enthusiastic applause and toga porarily converted into a military head . the continued encores , which led to the length quarters . The little girl worned herself into | 1 the confidence of the officers , ijstened to their of the printed programme being practicaliy doubled . Miss Maud Allan's dancing held the plans , and conveying the intelligence to her attention of all present . In the dance noms mother , was thus able to warn the Federals and with which she first delighted the on.ockers a eve dier father's regiment from a trap and d / wonderful expression was given to the spirit and disaster . It mas a clever piece , trimful of ot romance as depicted by Rubinstein , teiling startling incident and of devotion to home and of the dawn of love in a gardien oi roses , its Country . 1 . The program : ne will be repcated to . senstal awakening , its chase after the unattain . the 1800 Wight , and there will be à change for to table , and the fleeting of the spirit . In * Littie morrow's performance Birds " and " Tone Pictures >> ( Grieg ) the revi 1 dancer seergei to rival the very spirit of nature One MAUD ALLA - CHERNIATSKIS . ( C1 amongst her twitterins subjects , while the sing . Miss Maud Allan and the Chernia sky brothers 2 / ing of the birds was provided in beautiful ac om . rold returned to His Majuty's Theatre for a linal paniment of the stringed instruments . A later Wat concert on Saturday evening , and the misure LS contribution introduceti " A Soul in Boudabe I den of support extended , 88 exemplified in the ato and " The Capture of an Elfin Steed , ” in which Com er- tendance , must have been very graliiying i0 ali tbe stories may be said to have been ex- ' visi he concerned , There is no rover for doubt that pressed in the motions of the dancer almosi Case e . buth Miss Allan and the Cherniavskys tave nade es clearly as words could have told them , d , themselves extremely popular with Brisbane of the Salome dance , which concluded the pro . Corkert jatrons . Lovers of the best in the gramme , there is little to add to what has Icalms of musical classics bad been looking for . beer already said , all the voluptuousness and ; foo ie Hard with eager anticipation to the famous trio ne passion of the creation being watched with keen ; as , in A minor , vritten for violin , ' cello , and icterest . Mischel Cherniarsky tras in his best rer k pianoforte by the author of many briiliant i form with the ' cello , his principal solos beinzi als tliemes.- Tschaikowsky . The Cherniavskys im * Summer Night " ( Sulzer ) , le Cygue ” ( Saint dig , ( pre sed every one with the masterly manner in Saens ) , and " Scherro ( l'an Goens ) , which which they interpreted the work , In its pro dy evoked quite a furore . A violin concerto in TV3 duction many extrenely difficult passages were gd G minor ' ( Mat . Bruch ) nas probably the best filt essayed and accomplis.ed in manner that re of the numbers . sulonsitied by Leo . Cherniaus , flected nothing but the highest credit on these he and he was repeatediy recalled . Jay Cherni . I als 1 sirians . The sympathy of feeling les avky's principal piano soles were Penderse and expression were most notable features in the ( Chonin ) and " Fogen Oneguin " ( Tschaikonai y . st several passages of an undoubted triumph for Pabst ) A sonata in cruinor for violin anul oh the brothers , who were errored in an undeniabie and piano vas also rendered with musiciadly invis.it by tea and Jan ( berniavalt . The film manner , thair extra item being “ Tle Serenade's ( Widor ) . Miss Maud Allan's various dancing gramme will be submitted to morrow night , wber studies evoked many expressions of admiration , ne iterug will be introduced and an insatiable deinand far encores , prevailed . DATA GADI In the dance poems- " lhe Peer Gynt Suite , ' divided into four movements , Miss Allan gave a delightful interpretation of Grieg's classic , and was rewarded with a spontancous outburst oi delighted approval . ller encore number was an equally clever offering , to the inusie of Brahnıs ' Mins Maud Allan will bring her Bris Valse in A Flat . " Jiss Allan was also reen bane season to a close to - night . Lovers in the delightful Blue Danube " valse , in vhich of real art will regretfully say farewell the alluring accompaniident of the Cherniavskys to the dancer , and to the Chernjavskys as and the dancing of Mis Allan predaced a con • biration of geruine cleverness and sweetness . well . The dancing of Miss Maud Allan The elever exponent of the best in the art ni has been aptly described as of the purely classical dancing was also responsible for 2 classical school , and that is correct . The member of other ssenic studies , which included " Spring Song " especially is closely the famous " Visice of Salorne . on Nr . Grecian lines , and is beautiful as well as Cherniavsky played several lelightful pianoforte expressive . Perhaps the most acceptable nunbers , shich includei , Ballade in A Fly dance was the illustration of Strauss's ( Chopin ) , Hungarian Rhapsorie No. 13 ( List ) , and Chopin's Valce G Fat . Mr. l.es famous " Blue Danube " waltz . In this ( herniarsky's violin admirably the artist not only expressed the physical rendered , including the concerto No. 4 ( Vien movements of a dance , but also the emo temps ) , and Caprice Venois ( Kreisler ) . Tia tions - wild or repressed - of one stirred by ' cello contributions of Mr. Mischel Cherniav kv the dreamy sensuousness of the music , and vere numbered anongst the most entertainins yot endowed with a strong will to resist and cleverly rendred tems of the evening . ir . 1024 the passionate impulses . The Cherniavsky's ng na ther did the Hungarian Rhaps vlie ( Popper ) and Trumerei ( Schuman Mr. gave some delightful music . The only Frank St. Leer nade an excellent accompaniat , regret is that such a season of delight TITOLI lll.I. should have come to us in war time , and in summer , when people are too de . pressed to go to theatres or " out of MUSIC AND DRAMA . 28/4/14 39 were 16 lown . " 1

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