Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 686 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 686 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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West Maitland 10/11/1914 AMUSEMENIS , a her glory Miss diluns appearance was der and iramat musie o Per Gint Morning bre upon the ear , and that very silentk stealthily the danert stels through green cartas he starty listening hears til music ralls tu her , her hann text torch the carpet and she is blown , as it we across the glas Her dainty form fits to and iro ; wuk her arms gravefirliy swaving , and her og at draperies waring mily about her Her movements have the liginess of air ам there gracefalus and charm about actions tai one cannot helps admiring . Shr simple interprets with the movements ther fefl and berly and the swayany of her arms the stirit of the music so kiitull , radiad by the Chernia vsk vs Al her first sellers were from Grei Anitras ' Dance Was nomieriully captivating the Betch of se very pathetic while the Dance the Gnomes brought out the * wburg in toxication of madness . aiter und sł Bung herself tempestuously on the ground breath less and exhausted in perfect agreement with the coneluding crashing chord of the music She proved herseli 2 srcat aus Wurut doubt , and the audience applauded to the er ho It was , however , 11 The Vision Salome that the great ancer appeared at her best The music changes to a sensibus theme In the moonlight stands Malone the Queen's laughter , radiant with jewels Her tace is sombre , and she veams for love that is within Her thonghts find Dreasion in the dance . First , she sways slow ly , than her imagination is fired . She selle herself a queen clothed in a bejewelied aar ment , she realises the power of her beauty . and yields to the might of her passion and so as the musie quickens her movements follow evers fluctuation , and express the whirling and conflicting emotions that rage in her heart he end of her dream when she falls senseless to the floor It was al very beautifully and rern dramatically depict . pel , and the classin dancer was rewarded with such a storm of applause that the currnin wis raised and she was compelled to how less acknowledgment no less than three times The effort was great and she dig mot upon with another dance as dagined The post mored lights used with ch effectiveness in Viss . Allan's dances were only maits pues haile Through MA T Prince'n electric light werda was made mailable for the nepasion MAUD ALLAN AND TILE CHERNIAWSKYS Me Allan who is admitted to be the wor's greatest classic dancer , appeared at the Town Hall last night in conjunction with the great to of Russian musicians , Leo Jan , and Mischel Cherniavsky . The latter have been heard several times pre viously in Maitland , but it was the famous dancer's first appearance , Unfortunately , the weather mitigated agaiust a large al tendance . A heavy storm broke over the district early in the evening , and while it ained very heavily out at Cessnock and the South Maitland coalfields , from which good support was suspected , the rain was pretty neavy and constant in town , up till and be sond the hour of starting . The back part of the hall wase crowded , but the reserved seats and the body of the hall were poorly patronised . However , it there was a laek of patronage , there was not of apprecia tioni . The musical numbers of the Cher niavskys both collectively and individual ) y were a great treat , each having u . most en thusiastic reception , and everything Was tumultously encored . They opened with a Bache trio for pianoforte . violin . and Fiolincello - allegro . adanie , expressivo , and Allegro Molte Appasionata , E which the brothers acquitted themselves brilliantly , responding to an enthusiastic encore with Braham's waltz Mischel Cher niavsky played with captivating charm three ' cello numbers . ** Le Cygne " ( Saint Saens ) . Serenade Herbert ) , and * Hun garian Rhapsodiie " Fischer ) . and was twice encored . Jan Cherniavsk distin guished himself in his playing of Chopin Nocturne . Valse . and Polonaise in Major , in which the contrasts were SO clearly marked as to enable hin 10 exhibit the finest qualities possesses . He has a marvellous touch facility of execution seldom Seet pianist and the varied tones of the instrument are beautifully brought out . showing at once the true artist . Indeed , it is difficult to determine whuch of the brothers stands higher in the muscual art , though we ? must context our leanings go out to the brit liant Jandu the violin solo , Carmen Fan ( suasate ) , Lev Chommavshy was lis . tened to Rith rapt attention the exquisitely delicate and passionate tonen of the them being lidecuted with artisie skill He played serem encores The greatest attraction the woning , however , was laund Ablauz . everyone was on the lipse of expectation wiugess hier dancing performances . 1 staka ther was carppier , there was a back ground dark green velvet drabbameet and the 401 kashung of vari volured electric lights florale the prere pturing the famous lances in her zlora Miss Allan's aptea rand was sold of so on be a a Taste PICTORIA in Constance of the raia that fell last Light Pictoria could not open up us in ended Tonight however V ight during the week weather Bermit o this pietuire palace will be open . GARDEN PICTURE PALACE A complete change of programme will be hitte at the Garden Picture Palaen to The stat feature will be the great oral play which ran Broadway atre New York , for 250 nights , viz .. WA Wien Bid This great pletare is repre inted as the perfection of photography , absolute play of the year , showing five rol af film The latest Keystone omedy The Sky Pirate will als bv ree als The Alghan Raiders " -

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