Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 682 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 682 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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С October 20 1914 t . Sy dren THE DAILY TELEGRAPH . MAUD ALLAN SEISOX . MEAT W. VE . WAVE THE ( HERNIATSKYS . SCORCHER IN THE CITY . Miss Maud Allan opped return Sydney Rexon ou Saturday night at the Theatre Kayal , and again Darded eseryone with the artistie The temperaturo in tbe city yesterds culture wud grace of her dancia This who climbed up to 97 9 . This is not a record is has elevated to a degree calling for admiration October , but the heat , contug as it did so 800 . of the bigb tutellectual qualities which € ! ) . It 10 able her to celely on y in motion after #cool spell , was severely felt . the the citietettel • These varied from the infeciory to learn , however , on the authorit Peverely * tbr more popular wall of the Weather Bureau , that the heat is likely To ust iu whatever bare of study she ap- to be dispelled to - day by a cool , Bouiberly pared there were always present thuxe touches bunge , which is approaching from the fouth el refeement and dep absorption of notik # 881 . which are such distinguishing feature of Miss Allan's ork 1o the Peer Gyut Suite ( Gries ) , last night rated ibat yesterday's maximum ! The omcer in charge at the Weather Burear the pictures of tbe Norwegian Tegid , set in coqueat melodies and harmonies , were vividly ih city as the highest xbee February portrayed - Morning , the Death of Ase , Anita's W ! it was 94.9 . This temperature for Oerobes Dance , and the Dance of the Gnomes in tbe ball has been beateu only eleven times during th of the Mountain Kiuk . past 5 years . The highest ever recorded 1 ) " The Blue Danube " Getober was 99.7 on October 19 , 1898 . ( Straur ) howed her in somewbat lighter veln . It W & M & bappy nyanph that arose from the Reports received at the Observatory showe that heat wave conditions were experience water and frolicked with the hildren on the land for a briel period , returning when the federally in New South Wales on Saturday . I the went the winds were syually and stron call cute from the stren . This striking danco from north and north - West , with dust Borm rhapsody was given a new Elfuldeance by the In Adel . Ide on Saturday the musimnum irnper .. lotetpretation that Mies All rare to the iure reached was 103 .. , with fqually hot north picturesque sheme . Tals or Joll u1111 CAL Rinus blowing . This was tbe hottest da ( Ofenbach ) , 16 en encore , possessed no less ever recorded there . merit . Mire Allan's most dramatic representa- In New South Waleg the highest temper tion of the moties The Vision of Salon , " reported were Narrandeta api ( ' ondobol to the mud of Warcel kemer in which the Hillstou 100 , Wentworthville 38 , and Par varyiug emotious aud wild grief of Salone as 90.3 . she gloats over the bad of one for whose death she had pleaded , were powerfully conveyed . The story described with appropriate cable is eve 2018. Allad exceptional opportunity for revealing the more intense and tragic ar pects of character . The accompanying music of the Cheruiavskys throughout all her perform autes was in tine barmony with the lofty Ideal of the dancer The Cherniave kys , F0 richly endowed with inusical gifts , as # trio form a rare combina tion of talent ; as soloists they tudividually show the great perfectiou they hate aitained in their art . They have Etudied in the best schoole . Leo , the violinist , has all the ad Vantages of Auer's methods and Ysaye's tul tion . Jan , the pianist , in his playing . shows strongly Leschetizky's influence . Mischel , the brilliant ' cellist of the party , retains the fio ished iechnique tbat comes to him by associa tion with Popper and Pesih . Behind all the training is tbeir ein outftanding Bintus . Their concerted number on Saturday evening com prised the Allegro , Andante Expressivo , and Allero Xoito ed Appasionata ( W. Bache ) , the second movement especially appealing , marked for the tender and refined treatment of all the parts The ' cellist's Mischel ) solos were " Sonamernacht ' Sulzer ) . and Hungarian Rhapsodie " ( Popper ) . Jan played us piano golos two Chopin pieces , & Scherzo and a lolo Daise : Leo's violin solos were the " Ave Maria " Schubert Taubig ) and Spanish Dance " ( Sara sale . The enthusiastic " Bravos " at the close of the Runcore violin Bolos showed bow deeply the player had impressed his hearers . Miss Allan and the Cherniavskys will appear at the Theatre Royal all this week , with fresh dunces and murie nightly .

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