Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 680 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 680 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Kalgoor he hemen Ord 19th Oct TUESDAY , OCTOBER 6 , 1914 . TOWN 8 | 10 || HamuseMENTS 7 110 1 / AMUSEMENTS was 6/10/14 There was 0 AMUSEMENTS A VALUABLE PEARL HALL K ALGOORLI E. TO - NIGHT , TO NIGHT , TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 6 and 7 . DISCOVERED IN NORTH - WEST . TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 6 and 7 . TWO NIGHTS ONLY . IN HER REVIVAL OF THE ANCIENT MAY BE WORTH £ 8000 . ART OF GREECE . Perth , Oct. 5 . MAUD ALLAN , and Les , Jan , and Mischel CHERNIAV . The Secretary of the Fisheries SKY , Pianist , Violinist , Celloist . MAUD ALLAN WILL PRESENT Department , in his report to the sop E VISION OF SALOME . " Colonial Secretary announcing the " TIE VISION OF SALOME . ” " THE VISION OF SALOME . ” discovery of a large pearl by A. G. " THE VISION OF SALOME . " Russell in the North - West , says the The Music by Marcel Remy . gem was found in a blister in the Arranged by Roderich von Mojsesovics , Authentic Ancient Hebrew adductor muscle of a 5. lb. mother Themes . Special Scenery Designed by Joseph Harker . of - pearl shell . The blister was one CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT EACH CONCERT . inch and a quarter long . one inch Prices , 6 / . 41 , 2 / .. wide , and seved - eighths of an inch Bannerman's on Tuesday next . Plans at Nicholson's . Day Sales open at in height . The blister , on being TE " VISION OF SALOME " will be presented on the Opening Night opened was found to contain a per fectly round pearl of 100 grains , bea ing cleaned down to 96 grains . The Poems Ta ) " Valse in A Midor !! pearl althouola marked slightly , is C KALGOORLIE MIM delssohn ) , ( 6 ) Moment Musical ( Chopin ) , ( b ) " Spring Song " ( Men a very valuable one , and if it can be cleaned to a perfect lustre and ( Schubert ) . These were followed by retain its shape , it should realise tha dance " The Beautiful Danube " 48000 . ( Strauss ) , and her final appearanee KALGOORLIE TOWN HALL . was in " The Vision of Salome , " a KALGOORLIE TOWN HALL remarkable dance which has created MAUD ALLAN AND THE CHER NIAVSKYS . great controversy wherever it has MAUD ALLAN . AMUSEMENTS been performed . The perform The Kalgoorlie Town Hall THE CHERNIAVSKY'S . ance last night was refined and ar tistic , beauty of motion and perfec- well filled last night , when Maud a large attendance a features . tion of pose being the outstanding Allan , the famous danseuse , con Miss Allan achieved an cluded her Kalgoorlie season by re MAUD ALLAN AND THE the Kalgoorlie Town Hall last nigh artistic success throughout , and was peating the performance of the pre CHERNIAVSKYS . when Maud Allan , the famyus den warmly applauded at the conclusion vious evening in conjunction with suese , and Leo , Jan , and Mische of each dance . KALGOORLIE TOWN HALL Cherniavsky , a talented trio The Cherniavsky's opened wtih a the three Russian musicians , who TO - NIGHT . Russian musicians , save their open trio by Mendelssohn , arranged for created such a favourable impres ing performance . aimed at Miss Allan , ha violin piano and ' cello , and in re- sion when they appeared before a reviving the art of an a few years Maud Allan , the celebrated dan . 1 tique dancing , and the critics of the sponse to the applause , added two Kalgoorlie audience cer , and Leo , Jan , and Mischel old world have been almost unani extra numbers . Mische ! Cherni- ago . The frequent applause was Cherniavsky , the young Russian musicians , will appear in the Kal mous in acclaiming her success . To avsky ( cello ) gave an artistic inter- evidence of the popularity of the goorlie Town Hall to - night and to- night Miss Allan's dancing proved Saens ) and " Hungarian Rhapsodie the majority of the spectators last pretation of Le Cyne ” ( Saict- entertainment . Miss Allan appear ed in her unique dances in which morrow night . Jan Cherniavsky , the such remarkable depths of feeling novel and delightful . In explain ( Popper ) . The The Vision of Salome ” is the inę what she aims at in her dances talented pianist of the party , save and expression are shown . title of the dance which caused such Miss Allan says : - " Absolute spon inuch pleasure with his rendering Cherniavsky Bros. opened with a & sensation in London , when Maud tanéity is the first principle of my of Rachmannihoff's " Prelude , " and trio by Mendelssohn , and in re . Allan first presented it at the method . I do not , as many peo- Hungarian Rhapsodie , No. 13 " sponse to a volume of applause con merely Leo Palace Theatre . No dance ever had ple suppose , profess Cherniavsky , who tributed two extra numbers . Mis che . Cherniavsky ( ' cello ) , followed such a long run in London . The dance " in time to ” the music , and ranks very high as a violinist , was Town Council of Manchester raised to express its rhythm . It is what enthusiastically recalled for his with Vito " ( Popper ) and “ Arle objections to the artist producing its emotional content , with ate me try to awsky , and favoured the audi- Aattering reception . Jan Cherniar , the music suggests to me personally , plaving of " Faust Fantasie " ( Wiea- qu'n ( Popper ) , and was accorded a that residents of that city . bave numbers . skk contributed three exceptionally express . Music is the tonal ex - ence with two been unable to see Miss Allan and the Cherniavsky artistic pieces on the piano " Noe Miss Allan's Fression of all feeling and emo work , as it is stated that she con tion of nature in all her moods Bros. will give their farewell perfor - turne " ( Chopin ) , “ Studies " ( Cho sequently refused to appear there . and phases , and my dancing , in so mance in the Town Hall this even - p.n ) , and " Rigoletto " ( Liszt ) . The far as it realises my intention , is an ing . The Vision of Sadome ” will other brother , Leo , who has receis This dance , among others , will be expression in visible motion of again be performed by Miss Allan . ed the praise of all as a vi linist , produced at both concerts . “ Ave Marie " and those feelings which have inspired and she will also dapre the famous contributed Everyone who bas board the Cher- the comprition . " When the cur- Peer Gynt Suite ( Greig ) . Les , Jan Spanish Dance , " and responding niavsky boys play when the were to the applause added a further de tain was raised for the first dance , and Michel Cherniavsky will play here six years ago is looking for . the stage was draped in swaying cur- Bach's trio , Mischel will plar ( 2 ) | lightful number . Miss Allan repeat_ ward with great pleasure to their tains of grey - green velvet , which " Vito , " and ( b ) * Arlequin " ( Pro ed her dance poems of the opening night , with the addition of the fa performance . The eldest of the trio gave the illusion of the cool depths par ) . Jan viil rolav ( a ) Vodturne ” is the violinist . The next is the of a woodland glade . mous " Peer Gyat Suite " ( Grieg ) , and Gliding into ( Chonis ) . ( b ) Studies " ( Chonin ) , pianist , whose touch is delightful . material , gives expression in her Leo will play ( a ) " Ave Maria " able Vision of Salome . ” which has the glade the dancer , clad in gauzy ( e ) " Rigoletto " ( Verdi - Lisz and a so by special request the re nark Thirdly cane Mischel . Like his brothers , he was born in Odessa , dancing to the emotional colouring ( Schubert ) , and ( b ) Spanish Dance | caused considerable comm nt where of the music , at times skipping in ( Sarasate ) . The hox plan will he and is not yet nineteen years of joyous delight , and ever produced . She was loudly ap anon bowed open a : Nicholson's all day until plauded for her efforts , and on seve age , though he has been over eight with sorrow . Miss Allan first gave 6 o'clock and later at Bann man ral occasions had to re - appear years in public . He is described as a representation of three dance Bros. tnhacronists , where stalls and through the curtains to bow her ac . à prodigy . having hown all a pro pit tickets can be purchased . knowledgments . dign's exceptional developments , There was another good atten and is regarded highly by musical dance at the Tivoli Theatre , Kal Town cuties , I ALL KALGOORLIE goorlie , last night , and the splendid programme met with hearty ap TO - NIGHT , WEDNESDAY TO - NIGHT , proval 81614 ABSOLUTELY LAST APPEARANCE OF To - night and to - morro * night will be the last two opportunities of AUD ALLAN , and Leo , Jan , and Miscbel CHERNIAV seeing the great picture of the SKY . pecial Request , MAUD ALLAN will DANCE AGAIN TO - NIGHT , fight for the white championships of the world between Carpentier ad THISION OF SALOME . THE VISION OF SALOME , " Gunboat " Smith , which bas THE VISION OF SALOME THE VISION OF SALOME .. aroused considerable interest and LEO . CHERNIAVSKY will play " Ave Maria " ( Schubert ) , and " Spanish discussion . Lovers of sport who Dance " ( Sarasate ) . have not yet seen this film should JANOHERNIAVSKY will play ' Nocturne " ( Chopin ) , and " Rigoletto " not miss going to the Tivoli either Vard - Liszt ) . MISCHEL CHERNIAVSKY will play " Vito ” ( Popper ) and " Arlequin " to - night or to - morrow . The whole of the programme is of a first - class ( Popper ) . with MAUD ALLAN will dance The Peer , " " The Gypt Suite " ( Greig ) . character , and the Theatre , its sliding roof is delightfully cool Prices , 61 , 41 , +/- Plans at Nicholson's . Day Sales at Ben . in spite of the sultry weather . serman's . THE VISION OF SALOME " TO - NIGHT . to ( Liszt ) . extra Rockica

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