Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 677b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 677b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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next / 10 / 1914 P4 uns Baud Allan win mako ber erst appearance in Western Australla in the dance which ta aspoeiated with her name the wide world over the ston of Salothe ... Tils dance style ed and arranged by Maud Allan ber . sell , and the musie , which introduces authentic ancient Hebrew the aes , was composed by Marcel Remy . Yine Allan Grat gave " The Vision " at a private performanec at the Royal Opera House , Vlonna , six or seven years ago , Sud requently the danced it over a period of two years , with only one short break , at the London Palace Theatre To - night " The Vision of Salome ' will be staged , with exquisite scenery , apes clally desigted by tte famous Joneph Harter . There will be only two presentations in Perth , as the aud Allan - Cherniavsky season termipates on Friday night . The box plan is at Nicholson's The world - famed dance , The Vision of Salome , " will be performed by Miss Maud Allan this ( Tauraday ) and morrow ( Friday ) evenings , the last two appearances of the party in HD Majesty's Theatre , Perth . This dance vas originated and arranged by Miss Maud Allan herseil , and the music which Introduces authentic ancient He . brew themes , was composed by Marcel Remy . Miss Allan first gave " The Vision " at a private perfarmance al the Royal Opera House , Vlenna , six or seven years ago . An artistic trea : ls fa etore for Fre . mantle , for on Saturday evening next Mise Allan will make her one and only appcarance there with tie Chernlar . sky Bros. when sie will give a special series op dances , whilst the Cherniar . skys will dip into their repertoire of choice muzic . The box pian for the Fremantle appearance is row open at Xicholson's , Fremantle , while the day sale ttekets are at 3pence's uit Pain ace , et King's Theatre . Miss Allan 15 the Cherniavukya will appear in Kalgoorile on Tuesday and Wednego day next , and at Vortham on Friday week .

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