Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 677a 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 677a 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Concert again . It would be hard to say whic ) . of the Cherniarskys was the most ap preelated , as Mischel's reception was followed by one just as cordial to Jan. and , at a later stage , to Leo . They opened the programme with a trio . which was doubly encored . so that the honors must be evenly divided . TO.NIGHTO PROGRAMME . . DAILY MISS MAUD ALLAN . Thed NEWSTHIRD PROGRAMME , PERTH 30 Sept 14 It is a very goat pity that Miss Vaud Allan and the wonderful Chornl . raky Brothers did not visit Perth under more favorable auspices . The third programme of the season , which given at His Majesty's Theatre last night was a most exceptional ope . but there is no discuising the fact that the attendance was dlaappointing . As a rule theatreguers of Perth are lavish in their patronage , and unstinted in their pralse , but the present season of general depression seems to hare overshadowed the most wonderful dancer who has yet favored us with her piosence , in spite of the fact that ahe la supported by a trio of world . famed musicians , each of whom in himself should in ordinary ordinary elreum . stances guarantee a packed house , sul what the audience last night lacked in numbers it made up richly in enthusiastle appreciation and Miss Allan had a splendid reception . Chernia vaky Brothers , too , had to re spond to treble oncoren , but in each In . atance they only whelled the appetite for more detae Allan's first Item was multe of dances Austrating several goldenta In Ibuon's " Peer Gynt , " or rather Crleg's musical setting of that tiride poom . The sulto constated of our setting The frat , " morata . " beautifully aurrested movement trom early dawn ta sunrise , nowing with grace and melody of the most de . Heate charm . The second setting , sug . munting the " Death of Ase " was a mag nincent roce of work , full of expres . aton . The approach of death was aplendidly represented , every pathetto movement of the muslo Anding its co . Incident of expression in the move . ments of the dancer . Sthi another contrast was found in " Anitra's Dance , ** which was full of joyousness and grace . The last dance of the suit was " The Dance of the Gpomes . " and in this number the beautifully arranged light . Ing effects , played a prominent part . The weirdness of the musie seemed to thrill the dancer , and the effect was most reallstic . Mendelssohn's " Spring Song " was perhaps the most popular dance of the evening . The beauteous melody , with all its expressions of joy and beauty , gare full scope to the ar . tistic dancer , who seemed to be bubb ling with expression in every move nisnt and gesture . She scored a great success , and was mos : heartlly plauded . Her remaining numbers were just as successful , when she danced to Chopin and Schubert . In the last par . ticularly there were some very artistie work , and she was recalled eain and There be a special menee of the Hand - Allan Cherriarsky trio per formance this afternoon in His Ma . jesty's Theatre when children will be admitted to all parts at hall.price booked or unbooked . The educational value ot this visit should not be lost sight of by parents and school teach . ers and chers interest in art A4 music , This evening Miss Allan will dance The Peer Gynt Suite . " by Grosie ; " The Spring Song . " by Men . delssohn : Nocturne , " by Chopin ; and The Moment Musicai . " by Schubert . Leo Cherniarsky will play on his violin Paganini's " Violin Concerto . ** Jan Cherniarsky will play on the piano ( a ) " Prelude " ( Rachmaninoff ) , and ( b ) " Hungarian Rhapsodie " . ( Liszt ) , wh : 19 Mischel Cherniavsky will play on the * cello ( a ) " tito " ( Popper ) , and ( b ) Scheran " ( Van Goems ) , " There will be an entire change of programme for each concert . The box plan is Sicholson's , The Perth season con . cludeg on Friday erening . MISS ALLAN FOR FREMANTLE . Mies Vaud Allan and he Cher . ravsky trio will appear for one night onls in Fremantle at the Tivoll . late King's Theatre on Saturday evening next when perform the choicest or her wonderful dances . The plan for the Fremantle season is now cpen at Vicholson's , Fremantle , where seats can be booked for Gs . " THE VISION OF SALOME . " The world - famed dance , The Vision of Salome , be given by Miss Vaad Allan at His Majesty's Theatre , on Thursday and Friday evenings , the last two nights of the season in Perth . When Mine Allan Orst appeared in this 30/9/1914 PU controversy , but it ran at the Palace for over tweire months , and thoug's she has had many imitators , they abve been unable to approach her in her Inimitable art . Wherever Miss Allan has given this dance there have been demonstrations of enthusiasm , end the fact that Miss Allan will only stage this dance on Thursday and Friday evenings should ensure a brilliant send - oft to a brilliant artiste . The plan is n * Nicholson's , where ceatacan be booked at 5s . There 18 special scenery by Joseph Harker , Oscar Asche's artist , and special music .

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