Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 676 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 676 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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PERTH - DAILY MAUD ALLAN SEASON . NEY - SECOND PERFORMANCE IN PERTH . 29 29 Sept714 composition is that of a dyine woman , On Saturday night Perth nibaled . who , awakened The people tasted warily of the wares and begins to move to the straine o ! of Maud Alan , and , as acquaintance a valse melody . The piece afforda produred a fuller understanding , pru . ample sæpe for artistic expression , nounced them good . last night they and , when the weird gaiety reaches a accepted the alluring bait with in clinax and death approaches . Miss Al creasing confidence . Now they know lan is especially convincing . When she her art , they comprehend her methods , sank to the boards the audience , nois and they realise how it is that she has fully appreciative . awarded her generous achieved so world wide , a reputation . It acelamation . Perhaps the most popu would be incorrect to say that the al lar number of the evening , however , tendance at His Majesty's Theatre last was Miss Allan's interpretation of the night was comincnsurate with the well - knowo Strauss valse , The Blue merit of the performance . Danube . " It is re water Here is depicted a frettuale indeed that Miss Allan's visit nymph rising for an hour to join in should coincide with a time when , no frolic with the land children . To the matter how magnetic thr attraction , inspiriting music the dancer tripe mer exigcbry demands denial or at leası , rlly , with careless albandon , through restriction Yet there are many who the imaginers zan.e. her Then , though these may have been some who would not willingly forfelt the oppor . love for ber Kind returning , tunity of seins for themselves what would echo the appeal of the man in the nymph into sinks back the gailers , whs shor : to a request for has been recorded a3 an artistic the waters . So artistic was her con . " some of the old songw , the majority novelty and the attendance last night ception of this number and 30 enthusi . were prepared to accept and appreciate was fairly representative . astic were tire audience that an encore the treat as it was served by accom . Pored audiences were never demon . was demanded . This was given , and plished artists . Vir and yet never stinted in their when the dancer finally left the stage The programme o ? Maud Allan and con of merit . It was to be ea . it was amid at storm or applause , the Cherniavskys constitutes an anter . nd , and was even anticipated by Of the Brothers Cherniausks inuoh tainment which can do nothing but ele . the dancer hersoll , that it would take high praise ha : already been written . Rome Httle time for those who were But not a nattering word has been seeing a new ari to appreciate to the penned . which lacked Justification . full Ita sign Micunre . Such was the ex These gifted musicians last night sim TO NIGHT'S PROGRAMME . periener last night . At the outset the ply increased their admirers by onlookers hesitated . Bur , as the wen . number who were seated in the theatre . This esering , t ' : e Vice - P « ga ' nigh :. ing propeded , doubts were dispersed . Their success was never in doubt . From Mies Allan !!! dance the " Porr Gin Each saxeeding number was applaud . the opening irio through the ' ielo 01 Suite ( Gring ) , and the bracketed num . ed with increasing enthusiasm until tributions of Mechel . the vloiln sulos bors . Cal " Syring Son : " ( Mendels . nt the conclusion of the last item on of Leo , and the pianoforte offerings of sohn ) , ( b ) " Volturne " ( Chopin ) , and the programme , the audience refused Jan , each item was a separate and dis . * Moment Musical " ( Schubert to be content with anything less than tinct triumph In no aing ! e instance Mr. Le Cherniavsky will play , ( a ) another dance . And so those who were would the audience be satistied unti ! " Serenade " ( Tschaikowsky ) , ( b ) " Pols . doubtfit went a way delighted ; those a double encore had been given . Their naise " ( Wji plynsky ) , Mr. Jan Cher . who were expertant had their expee . programme was well diversified , and nia vsky wil piay ( a ) Sherzo " ( Cho . tations rally realised , and those wh : The Pines Products of W.A. are : pin , and ( b ) Polonaise IChopin were prepared to be disappointed inr whilc 3. Missie ca !! y Auctioned by the CO - 0.2 . " RUIT Cherniaisks v 1 ried awa ! 1 conviction that there was DDPOT . LTD . , Marguis - stree : com . rerder ( a ) Suniner Nig : 1 " ( 8yZT ) something in it , after all . The famous dancer's arst offering coneisted of four Chopin preludes il lustrative of " Sorrow , " " Despair , " Hope , " and " Joy . " Her conception of these coropositions was readily under standable , and the audience was soon afforo d an indication of the principles or her art . On ber next appearance gave an interpretation of Sibellus e Trute , " one of the most popular ne Finnish master's lesser compo | sitions . Fler interpretation of this AO

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