Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 670 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 670 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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From The Daily News Perth hibran om 7 Werl australian nuuspapers Limited DH IAUD ALLAN NEW PERTH World - famed Dancer Visits Perth 24 Sept 19.14 is * To bring the work a little more in contact with the people of to - day I have taken the mus ! c of the masters . Ancient Greek music would not appeal to the people , and the music of the masters lo mere readily understood . " What would you ? It gives a greater scope for the exer " H I were at home to - day I would cise of their own imaginations . While volunteer as a nurse , and go willingly , my interpretation will not , perhape , 11 they would have me . In that sphere quite coincide with theirs , it will giro an understanding of the method of women can play a noble part . " interpretation . Frequently people have You are a Britisher ? told me that , after seeing my dancing , " I was actually born in Canada , and a certain piece of music has taken on my parents are English and Scotch . a totally different meaning to their But , as I have travelled the world , i previous conception of it . " have become a native of many places . How have you found Austa dan au diences ? When I was in San Francisco the " Australans ? They love music - but newspapers announced that it WOD they don't understand it yet . It would there I came into the world . There be unreaconable to expect a people en . are three cities in Scotiand where I was saged in the work of building up a born , and when I was la the Eastern country to become educated ir the arts States I learned for the first time that at the same time . But the love is I left Australia , for a reason the paper there , and a better appreciation and sald , 16 years ago . I spent my child . fuller understanding is to come . Why hood in California , but , though my shouldn't you people love music . With such beautifu ! father is a naturalised American , I am country , beautiful No wars , and beautiful sunshine more British than anything . " could hardly be repressed . " And you are the pioneer of the new Your audiences are not restricted to school of dancing ? That is so , but I don't want to any particular section of the com sing my own praises , leeve that to munity ? the people of Perth after Saturday have gone , the galleries have not only " As a matter of fact , wherever I night . The pioneer , you know , REVIVING AN ANCIENT ART . always followed by hundreds of imita . been woll patronised , but I have never tors , but that doesn't matter so long experienced the slightest trouble with as the morement prospers . " them . Ade Incident will illustrate CING AS ST SHOULD BE . What are we to expect ? persisted it . in California I danced before an audience of hardy , the pressman . rough - looking " My work is something so different something so different foundry workers , At the conclusion from what the people expect that one of the leaders got up and said AN INTERVIEW . probably at first they , . will be Boye , she ain't no girl ; she's an little teen , a back . They will angel . ' From factory girls in England 1 probably look at one another and look I have received hundreds of presents , at me , and cay , ' This isn't dancing . ' and ' at every town I visited I was " What a perfect scene ! What de . Put briefly , my method is a revival of welcomed by great mumbers of them . lightful weather ! " the art of the ancient Greeks . You | Yet It is not a spectacular perform know , and some of the audience will ance . There is no scenery , no make * Is this an ordinary day ! " asked surely know , that ' the ancient Greeks up , and no gorgeous dresings . Ana Miss Maud Allan of a " Daily Xews " considered dancing a ne art . With it is purely classical . " representative this morning . The us dancing has deteriorated during the Your work embodies a mission : world - famed dancer stood at the win . last 100 years , and until recently , it " Don't call it a mission . Australians dow of her rooms at the Esplanade has not been regarded as an art . We don't like missionaries . My object is are trying to bring it back to where to show that dancing is something to Hotel , fascinated with the view of the 1 : should be . The Greeks thought be admired ; an art that should be con Swan , and enjoying to the full the perfection o : movement was the high . | aldered worthy of more attentton than freshening breeze which came up from eet ideal . Their object , through it has had . To be a good dancer , it is the river . physical cuiture , was to keep the necessary to cultivate the imagination . " This , " boasted the pressman , " is the body perfect in form and to express , The greater the Imagination the gredi . with a minimum of gesture , hopes , Ier the succes . Western Australian spring . " I can claim that the Pears , passions , and regretes . The ob “ I really fell in love with your river influence of ray work has already been ject in tou on the Soui . That , of wide . There has not been a single when I came up from Fremantle in a course , I depends upon the degree production in any of the best theatres launch last night , " explained Misa of intensiti 1 sive the work and the recently in which my methods have not Allan , " and this beautiful morning i den of sterivity or the audience . " makes me all the more appreciative of The aidence require an apprecia- been adopted in some degree . " tion of your meaning ? Tour plans are indennite : t ' act that the sea trip is over . " The War has made them no . " They require first an open mind . At the didn't encoup'er el . If they go there biassed they will see present I propose , after visiting Kal ex . y . An open mind will soon foorlie , to return to Sydney . Proin " We weren't even chased by a por produce an understanding . " tnere I will probably go to the Far Hast . " Your music ? polse . We spent our time waiting for " And now , " concluded the dancer , news , and reached Fremantle last night " let me see and pass Judgment on the to hear of the terrible naval disaster . City of Perth . " But all we can do is to sympathise ; to feel sorry , and say it is terrible . " nothing

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