Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 669b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 669b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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1914 haute ODERNIANSKY CONCERT . The 1st concert given by the brothers , Leo , Jaa , and Michel Cherniarsky , W28 heid on Saturday evening in His Majesty's Theatre , From an artistic point of view the concert Wag & triamph for three , but unfortunately , the audiere was not 0 large as was marranted by mich & fcal inst The artists were heard first in a trio in D Minor ( Arensky ) , cocb move mat being received with a burst of applause . An excore was somanded ; in fact , after each fumbet the young artists had to respond with two of three additional items . Leo Cherniar . sky , amongst other items , contributed a brilliant cadena of his own composition magnificent display of musical fireworks . The versatile Jan , Que 1914 2 See who also wu acompaniet , was quite as successo ful with Chopin's delicate " Berceuse , " as in the musical crasbes of Liszt's Hungarian Rhap sodie , Na . 6 The productions of Viscbel , the callaist , also were really excellent . At the conclusion of the concert the Russian , French , and British National Anthens were played , and Aragsed much enthusiasm . Macleod extract Just before the close of the pro gramme , the Mayor of Brisbane ( AL derman Jenkinson ) walked on to the stage , and on behalf of the City of Episbaue . thanked the three brothers for their patriotic offer to hand over the proceeds of their first concert to & war hospital fund . The Mayor men tioned that the brothers were Russian , their manager was French , and they were realiy representatives of the two allies , who were fighting side by side with Great Britain in the great calam . ity which had overtaken the nations of Europe . The audience showed their appreciation of the brothers ' generos ity , in prolonged applause . CHAT WITH THE CHERNIAVSKYS . Since the European war is at pre sent the uppermost subjeet in every body's mind , it - was . auly natural that when the Chermiavský Brothers were safely " buttonholed " by an Daily Stan dard ” reporter , the conversation of the resolve itself in to a discussion of the European crisis . The Cherniavsky Brothers are Russians , and therefore they are particularly interested in the war , more especially since their eldest brother is with the Minsk Regiment in the thick of the irgh The three musi cians spoke with great pride of this brother , who , they unhesitatingly stated , is the most talented member of their family . " He is a violinist , you know , " said Jan , " and he has studied under the famous Professor Juer - in fact he ranks among the best pupils of that great master . " There is also a younger brother- & pianist -- but he is residing in England with his par ents . Every day the three brothers are ex pecting to receive a cabie from their father , stating whether or not their services are required by Russia . They are yery philosophical over the mat ter , and are quite prepared to sail for Europe should they be asked to do so . " I have no patience with people who think only of themselves in time of war , " remarked Jan , " for , after all , if one is to be killed , or wounded , well there will be many others who wil suffer the same fåte . The musicians have travelled exten sively throughout Euroge during the last few years , and they have conse quently been able to form many ideas of the state of feelings fnanifested by the different countries towards one an other . “ We knew that war between Russia and Germany and between the Stormer country and Austria Was bound to come sooner or later , but we eertainly did not think that it would come so very soon , " they stated . Questioned as to the conditions of the Russian peasantry at the present time , the brothers said that there was still much improvement needed in the treatment of the masses . " " " Probablyg however after the war they might re ceive more generous treatment , " they added hopefully . As the Cherniavskys had a particu larly strenuous journey to Brisbane for the motor car in which they tra velled from Warwick to Toowoomba , broke down the reporter did not worry them any further with questions but hurried off in order to allow them to have a well - earned " forty wiaks . " TIDE OHERNIAVSKYS . Great Interest is being evinced in the return of Leo , Jan , and Mischel Cherniavsky , after an abaence of nearly six year , during which time they have been practically round the world . The booking at Paling's show signs that the Cherni . avskya will receive a warm welcome on Thurs day night at His Majesty's Theatre , and the management advises that the students ' conces son is being taken advantage of by the schools , and the merabers of the Musical Union . At each concert y complete change of programe will be presented . Leo Cherniavsky will play during the reason Wieniawski's " Faust Fantasia , " and his “ Souvenir de Moscow , " also Tschaikowski's Concerto and Paranini's Etude Caprice , as well as other . So works 17 18 1 Jan Cherniavsky , of the Cherniavsky Trio , the pianist . the middle one , volatile and most energetic , and never still for any length of time . To make hin sit upright on a chair for a while is real punishment , and he declares would soon kill him . Then he is not work ing at his piano he is studying languages , or is up to some prank , for he is a praca tical joker . He is highly temperamental , and is generally most enthusiastic about one thing or another . His brothers watch him with smiling affection , always ready to be amused at his vagaries . They are a most devoted trio , and it is de lightful to see them together , for they form such a happy family . Jan rather resembles Ignace Paderewski in the colouring of his flufiy , curly hair and the debcacy of his features . He has a really poetical face , with sensitive lips , bright eyes , and shapely straight nose , finely moulded . In spite of all his art and his studying , he is still a veritable toy in every way , happy - go - lucky and mnost engnging . But he has only recently attained his majonty , so it is little won der there is still the joyousness of youth , in spite of the sobering experience and education achieved by much travel . These young geniuses will give three con certs here next week , and in response te an application they will give students a special concession . Already a numer ous party of students is about to take advantage of this concession , and every . think points to the Cherniavsky , having a fitting appreciation in Brisbane . There will be a complete ebæge of programme at each concert . The three Cherniavskys ( Leo , Jan , and Mischel ) , after their Sydney season of four nights , which will open at the Con servatorium , return to America . Imme diately on arrival Mischel is to be married to Miss Mary Rogers , the daughter of Mr. T. B. Rogers , a sugar king " of Van . couver 56 Es Michael Bustang Guinn Tano86

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