Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 665b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 665b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Susting hing Herald TEUTETT TITTI with the last bar of music at which she can molt out of it by sliding behind the curtain . Mendelssohn's " Spring Song excited enthu slasna . Here the dancer , with garlanded hair free to every wind that blew , successfully typified the joy of girlhood as she chased the elusive butter les of youth with many a tawa like leap . and exhibited an innocent amase ment that the glittering " flower of the air bad vanished from her grasp . One of the best of the series , Schubert's " Moment Musical , " enabled the dancer to realise some of the weird fantastle poses of Idealised " Mischiet ut Play , " and there was another much applauded Item to the 111t of the " Blue Danube " valse . of 214 en setting , designed by Joseph Harker and painted Reu ( 0 ) Handla Raven Concel PTO hapame Once more great annor demonstrates that the rhythm of mylate can be translated Into the ammetry of motion Genes proto It tast year in conventional ballet , Maud Allan now show how the same basio principle holds good the clasie , barefooted - mons urce of ancient Greece . This new artist , made a muccessful dobut at the Palace Theatre before a crowded audi ence on Saturday - night . Starting at the Vienna Opera House - 10 years ago , ter talents haro won her fame all the world over . After her two yearst appearances in London , and her tour of the United States , South Africa , India , and the East , Sydney is almon the last big city of her many conquests , for She has already visited the chief centres of Her gifts consist in the grace lut interptation of the various phases of leeltas suggested by the musio which inopiros her dance . Griet and joy she impresses on the mind of the spectator in association with poses and gestures perpetuated from an almost legendary epoch in survivas marble that have resisted the corroding touch of Time . The form of her art thus shares always s nota of reticence . Passion t'foreiga to its seope , as it was also to the range of Mle . Genee , It might be supposed , how ever that there was a suggestion of the bensuous In The Vision of Salome , " did mot ber owe publishe description orbiaus to think so . In this beautifully written and imaginative narrative Salome is no cious Oriental woman wooing is dance the strieken Head she had vainly desired to iciss when its glowing eyes beamed with Ble , and marvellous words of gold dropped from 1ts tongue . No , the Salomo of MC Alan's drams is just a horrifed malden of years , who dreams that she is alone once more with that awful burden , and , in her viaton , leaps to womanhood in the embrace that is brings the idea of Salvation and the hope of atonement in her own girlish person for her mother's awful sin . There was much to interest the audience before this final Salome noepe . Tho three clever musicians from Odessa , now world worn , but still young in years , Leo . Jan. and Mischof Chernlavaki , caucht the Laney of the house , and their efforts were warmly recog . alsed . The star was seen in many brief dances to fine musio rendered by a competent orchestra . This was conducted by Mr. Frank St. Leger , and consisted of 35 good players . The strings were not quite numer aus enough to balance the brass from a strictly critical standpoint ; but in Nicolata dainty and vivacious overture to the * Merry Wives of Windsor , with its famous and familiar valse - air , and in the several pieces accompanying the dancer on the stage , the orchestre formed a dedekly welcome texture In an evening of relined entertainment . A spacious floor of green folt , with musset green ourtains , fold on fold , all round the back of the stage , in orescent shape , was revealed for the lovely music of Schubert'e song " Am Meer , as arranged by Lisst . The Mttle figure peeling on the shore , as it were , of that waguo - immensity of heaving water , Maud Allan Then the dancer rose , and in a series of significant attitudes surgented u pret that ultimately left her prostrate on the ground , the Wirk hond lying between the outstretched white arms , as the colour faded from the stage , and the musle censed as the darkness blotted the scene from view . Chopin's " Valse In A Minor ( Op . 84 , No. 3 ) , said to be his favourite , reintroduced the artist in blumh - pink classic robes to the linee , siving her the appearance of an Arcadian shepherd - boy from some exquis site marble group , and her valse of dainty grace ended in despondeney , during which she drooped out of sight . Miss Allan , be it noted , rarely looks at her audience . Her aim is to Reepw the shadows antall PTOL by Harry Whaito and Georgo Dixon . Beneath the violet rays of moonlight , streaming in from a raised terrace with cypress trees at the back lifting towards the deep blue vault of an eastern summer night , is revealed the ban queting hall of Herod Antipas . There it stands as if for all time with its formidable pillars , its shadowy spaces , and its antique braziers with fearful Pickering flames . As the or chestra creates the melodious atmosphere that belongs to Marcel Remy's eastern strains , Salome , daughter of that Herodiad who de manded of Herod the head of John the Baptist on a charger , descends the stone staircase in a rhythmic tread that keeps pace with the music . In gold - embroidered Oriental garb , bejewelled in amethyst and emerald colours , breast - discs of peart and bead - dress or the same , the young princess repeats once more the dance by which she won from Herod the oath of gift " unto the hall of his kingdom . " In this purely Oriental measure , with snake like writhings of the lithe body , and supple undulations of the hands , Miss Allan achieved her triumph The acceleration to a giddy ciimax , the gaze of guilty fear all around as she threw herself upon the floor , and , with rustling garments , dragged hersell near to the gory bead that had formed the focus of her evil joys - all this was delineated with thrilling touches . This wholly dramatic effort , the reasonable objections to which are presumably removed by the explanation that it was no more than a dream of the night , gave a " body " and vitality to the entertainment evidently re quired by the audience ; and the actress was recalled again and again amidst enthusiasm . On the purely musical side the Cherniavsky Trio opened with an artistic rendering of a Mendelssohn Finale . The event of the evening at this point was Leo Cherniavsky's brilliant rendering of the first allegro from Tschaikow sky's amazingly difficult " Violin Concerto in D. Major The player exhibited a resonant and sympathetic tone , fluency in the correct delivery of the chord - passages and harmonics , and feeling for the music . Jan : Cherniavsky , who played with sentiment two pieces by Chopin , captured the audience in Liszt's bra . vura paraphrase on the vocal quartot from " Rigoletto , " rendered with power , and , where needed , with much lightness of touch . Mischel , the youngest of the brothers , showed purlty of tone and expression in Cesaroul's " Cantabile for leello , and proyed droitty BKIIT in Pop per's tricky but piquant " Arlequin . ' All three artists were repeatedly encored . Mr. St. Leger necompanie calls and wod at the piano . Maud Allan and the Cherniavaly Troll sppear every evening , including Friday next ( metines on Wednesday ) ; under the general direction of Mr. W. Angus Macleod , with Mr. Howard Edie tus manager . An Interesting welcom , was extended to the famous dancer on ber arrival in Sydney , toc when Ming Allen stepped out of the there was waiting a guard of honom of 25 little children , arrayed in white , 15 ye ribbons , the dancer's favourito colon address of welcomo wag lisped by Mast Bubbles Harper , and a bouquet was presented by Ruby Carmen O'Dea Ag the diva ked to the waiting car rose leaves were she red in hoe - pathway by the children . - coman moment

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