Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 663 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 663 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Q 29/6/14 Pil The Regel Melbourne S 29.914 PARRY LAUDER.The Age The announcement that Mr. Harry Lauder will revisit Melbourne for a fare - M well week at the end of July is sure to be welcomed , especially by the hundreds of o people who were unable to gain admission during his recent phenomenal success at th the Princess's Theatre . Mr. Lauder and his company finish their Sydney season on hi Wednesday evening , and proceed to Bris Ali bane on Thursday . Full particular rede garding the farewell season in Melbourne , which is limited to about one week , will be announced next Saturday . he HAROLD BAUER . Mesete . J. and N. Tait have made defi- fly nite arrangements for Mr. Harold Bauer's lit pl an in Maurice Dudley . KING'S THEATRE - MAUD ALLAN AND THE OHERNIAVSKYS . Miss Maud Allan's artistic dancing at the King's Theatre on Saturday night charmed an audience that , despite counter attrac tions , well filled the building . Miss Allan is a queen of graceful motion and statu esque pose , and , combined with the delight ful instrumental work of the Cherniavakys , her exhibitions make up a classical enter ment the merit of which has rarely , if ever , been excelled in Melbourne . The dancer did not appear in any new items . Am Meer ( Schubert ) , an artistie mood picu ture , and Chopin's tender Valse in A minor , which were given on her opening night , were submitted again , and proved equally , pleasing . The sparkling music of Mendelssohn's Spring Song gives Miss Allan opportunities for a fascinating and lively portrayal of her art . She easily suc ceeds in creating an atmosphere of spring , So fine , so graceful , so easily comprehended are her movements that in a few steps the audience is carried into a delightful power where blossoms seem to shine beneath the soft spring sun . And among the imaginary blossoms Miss Allan dances gleefully , mov ing gracefully from flower to flower , as it were , now plueking them , now clasping them tenderly to her , finally sipping the sweetness of their perfume . The dance is a triumph of gracefulness and expression . Then came the Valse Triete and after a brief interval the full orchestra , conducted by Mr. Frank St. Leger , assisted by the Cherniavskys , played the dainty introduc tion of the Valse Caprice ( Rubinstein ) . The air is full of life , and the dancer seemed inspired by the spirit of mischief . Finally Miss Allan portrays The Vision of Salome , a dance that is fascinating , il weird . The Chernia vekkys appeared in a new programme . In their individual work they were accorded a particularly flattering te eeption . The audience insisted on encore Jan , the pianist , gave a distinctive inter pretation of Liszt Inngarian Rhapsodie No. 6 ; Leo , the eldest of the brother , who is the violinist of the trio , rendered several numbers , including Concerto in E major ( Mendelssohn ) ; and the cellist , Michel , with the assistance of the orchestra , played Saint - Saens's Concerto in A minor . The brothers also appeared in instrumental trios The only mabines of the season will be held on Wednesday . The season will ter minate on Thursday night .

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