Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 662b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 662b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Wait . are Thguilty eraux . MAUN 2 & 413 / 14 BUT Qad msans 8 me . be Vint people make up the strength of the pray The Cherniavsky brothers well On Saturday night at the Auditoring bourne 80 recently that it is unnecessary Miss Viaud Allan commenced her farewell to deal with their work in detail . Leo , Jap apd Migchel have their own strongly season in Melbourne . As before , she is as- marked personalities , and each of thent sisted by the clever Cherniavsky brothers , has some individual trait that differen and the entertainment is one to which ail tiates him from his brothers . It was due congenial who claim to be art lovens ( with or with probably to the more out just cause ) should find their way . roundings that their work was in every case better than at the King's Theatre on The art of Maud Alan has received the occasion of Mies Allan's previous visit . acknowledgment in every part of the In the theme and variations from Tschai . civilised world , and rust ever attract those | kowsky's A minor trio , with which the who have an car for music , an eye for concert commenced , there were a few stri . beauty , or an appreciation of the poetic . I done until it resulted in roughness , but dent passages in which vigor was over , Emotion is exemplified in art by this was compensated by much delicate and the of 2 certain pulse that finished playing , and the artists were heart Ecats unfalteringly - whether the ily recalled for good performance , dium color . line or sound . In Mischel Cherniavsky was encored for his some degree or another all people are excellently rendered cello solo Souvenir de conscious of this elementary truth , but in Spa ( Servais ) , as were also Jan and Leo degrees that vary considerably . To this for their respective colos -- the former play . fact , probably , is due the fascination that ing a Nocturne , Study and Polonaise by Maud Allan's dancing holds for those whose Chopin , and the latter Max Bruch'e Violin imagination is sufficiently sensitive to re- Concerto in G Minor . Jan's tone in the spond to the genius that informs her erery somewhat poisy A flat Polonaise wae oc movement- ihether such de dramatie , casionally a little wanting in beauty , but purely rhythmie or poetically fanciful . bis other work was most praisworthy , Music ' sprang both directly and indirectly while the eldest brother played the Con . from the dance , and thus , when Maud Al- certo with admirable restraint and warmth lan reunites the two arts so long divided , of expression -- the slow movement being she is doing more significant work in the particularly well done . At the close of world then by merely amusing a pleasure . the performance Maud Allan received an loving public . So long have these arte ovation . The Age 28 Dec 1914 been separated that the very term " dance There will be the performances on Wed music " has become a term of musical re- nesday , a fourth recital on Friday , and the proach ! To listen , for instancs , to the final appearance of Mand Allan will take characteristic straing of Grieg's music to place on Saturday night . A special word ** Peer Gynt , " and to atch the fiecting must be devoted to Mr. Frank St. Leger emotions expressively portrayed , both by for his admirable accompanying , and also the facial expression and the seemingly to the Cherniaveky brothers for their play . spontaneous gesture of the dancer , is to ing of all the dance music . realise something of the truth that lies hidden in such a phrase as " the mystic rites of the dance . " Grace and agility are two most excellent things -- but to these Maud Allan adds a quality which , for want of a more definite word , we are content to call “ inspiration . ' Her work is unique and illuminating . In the severest meaning of the word she is an artiet -- and one to whom we pay ungrudging respect and ad . miration . The dance poems on Saturday night included the aforementioned Grieg Suite , a Chopin group , the Blue Danube ( Strauss ) , and , as encores , Mendelssohn's Spring Song , and numbers by Schubert and Brahma .

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