Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 660b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 660b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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euros There MONDAY , JUNE 15 plenty gorg 8 son mechowine !! M : GUILLAUX AT . BALLARAT . epicuously present in his readings . In epite of the fashion that prevaile through out the musical world of denying to almost every performer the credit of interpreting Beethoven's music arighe . it must be claimed for Mischa man that much of hia best work of the past four concerts was done in the Bonn master's concerto . Especially memorable was the concluding Bection of the first movement -- following immediately upon the end of the cadenza in which the beauty of tone characteristic of Elman was allied to a noble chastity of expression posible only to a great artist . The brooding yet serene Larghetto , and the rugged last movement were both finely pla ved , and the whole work was received with notable enthusiasm . The second part of the programme opened with Handel's beautiful E Major Sonata , in the superb Largo , of which Mischa Elman rose to his greatest heights . His other solos ( including encores ) were Ave Maria ( Schubert - Wilhelmj ) , Gavotte ( Bach - Schumann ) , Vogel als Prophet ( Schumann - Auer ) , Beethoven's . Minuet , Chanson and Pavine ( Couperin ) , and Dvorak's Humoresque . Although the play wing of the orchestra , under the direction of Mr. Alberto Zelman , was by no means impeccable , especially with regard to cer tain wind instrumenta , yet on the whole it Tras far better than at preceding concerts , and Mr. Zelman's share in the general suc cess of the reason must not be overlooked . In spite of an unhappy proportion of poor material in the constitution of the chestra . it shonid be pointed ont that the tone of the orchestral violins ( ably led by Mr. J. B. North ) was generally distinctly good . MHe Eva Garthier , excellent artist as she is , sang Tschaikowsky's Les Adieux de Jeanne D'Arc , Les Larmes ( Massenet ) , Le Colibri ( Chaussen ) , an original Malay song - Anak Udang ( Paul Seelig ) , and as encores , Desson anee ( Borodine ) , and Des sauer's sparkling Bolero . with charm and effect . She is a perfect mistress of her admirable vocal resources , and should win a high place for herself among the singers The accompaniments of Mr. Percy Kahr were irreproachable . In con nection with Beethoven's Violin Concerto , it may be remarked that this truly great work was composed 108 years ago , yet its strength , vitality and ipherent nobility ap peal as forcibly to - day as when it wag written . The art of music is probably still in its comparative infancy : but , whatever the future may bring forth , all work of intrinsic greatness must be planned with the same loftiness of mind that distinguish ed the finest conceptions of Beethoven . Perhaps it is the appreciation of this very fact that leads us to regret that Beethoven did not anticipate Schumann , by writing his own cadenzas , for , truth to tell , there are surprisingly few introduced cadenzas played by modern violinists that seem to belong to the concerto in which they are played . This is to bu understood in 3 general sense ( for it is of universal appli eation ) , and not in particular reference to the brilliantly rendered cadenzas of Satur day night's concert . FINE SERIES OF FLIGHTS . BALTIARAT , Sunday . About 6000 persons assembled yesterday afternoon at the course of the Mineng ' Turf Club , Redan , for the purpose of witneming an exhibition of flying by M. Guillaux , the French aviator . There were two flights , both of which were very grocessful . In the first M. Guil . laux ascended about 2100 feet , when he looped the loop thrice , volplaned , and pery formed the perpendicular dive , in addition to indulging in some graceful manoeuvring . The weather was fine , and there was a strong breeze . Many persons , apart from those who had paid for admision to the racecourse , obtained a view of the perform . ance from the mudock heaps at some of the abandoned mines in the neighborhood . In soaring around in his aeroplane M. Guil . laux Plescended to within about 40 feet of the crowd asembled on one of the mul lock beaps , causing much alarm among them . The aeroplane , however , again wenta skywards and finally descended gracefully on to the racecourse amid the loud cheens of the repectators . M. Guillaux , in discussing this flight with press representative , said he had never looped in such a tricky wind . The higher the altitude the stronger became the wina . When at a height of 2000 feet be sought to test the velocity of the wind iby shut ting off the engine when it was working at top speed . The aeroplane was driven backwards by the wind , which at the time was evidently trawelling over 60 miles per hour . In his second fight the airman ascended to a height of a ' out 5000 feet , and per formed a number of wonderful feats . Alto gether he apent over half an hour in the air . For several minutes he disappeared from view owing to bris getting into a cloud of mist , the temperature in which was ex . ceedingly cold . To - morrow M. Guillaux will be officially entertained at the city hall by the mayor ( Cr . Brokenshire ) . He will subsequently descend one of the deep mines at Ballarat East , and will leave in the evetring by the express for Adelaide . 2 ? 라 forsblo of to - day

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