Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 659a 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 659a 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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FIL KOSTEN tres ir on Saturday afternoon , is in un enlaisasti selare A la Petrenntnis THIS mature were present to greet te ty katsin puli peceal costumes ker with towers Q Harold Bauer performed also the tournant les vine this The Angus . Melbourne ] Jane 15 ISCH ELMAN'S CONCERT . ER which completely filled the Biomasas present at Ir . Misela as concert on Saturday Pretty well whole of musical Melbourne as there her protesional who makes tonusie his life k the amateur sho makes it his hobby casual muse - leser who pr httle of the archnical side of is generally found to have a quek al understanding , and is , in fact , the most demonstratively en of them all . With such an audi te little wonder that Bir Elma : 12 Ared to be stimulated to an unusual de res At all events , since he took urne by storm a week ago , he has a Eve in one piece ) played better , Не wed 2 ] } his technical finish , and still SND DRAMA drape Delicately colourelle be it were must admothy on the fomer indend the lighting and arrane 1914 enter art in themselves and added and helped the classical effect estiming vibrating brantimal figur In tha Sriran Song Mendelsohn ISK Allan Jamed and masture with an nhandon web at lant became Ranchic , radiant with the ait of laughter , and realising by pono THE KING'S THEATRE DON the dreams , the fanera of skin and flowers , that never find words and the phantasm of beauty which hardh ta MISS MAUD ALIAN AXD THE form even in imagination . gain in the CIERNIAUSKIS dance poem " Am Meer " ( By the Sea ) , on of the best known of Schubert's songs , O Poetry and intime almost interwoven into realised the possibihties of the lyric dan , ne art created a success of enthusiasm at Light as one of her own tears , she Hoat he King - Theatre on Saturday night , when through this little tragedy from endo Liss Maud Allan and the Cherniavskys end , laxing bare her happiness and h misery . her trust , and her disillusionmen ) hve the great audience of their very best for all to see as clearly as if her feet an ngrudgingly , and in return it accorded body had tongues . In the Hall of the hem an ovation , in fact it was a double Mountain King ( Eduard Greig ) , another of rogramme , as the insistent encores , cheers , the Peer Gynt series , a wonderful flar ndes of “ Bravo " from every portion of effect was cast upon the performer , who wild abandon and abject fear at the jeerji be relighted house at the conclusion of elves Careering grotesquely on her erei hch number could not be revisted , and side was expressed in remarkable manne nly weariness on the part of the talented that brought a storm of applause , and d ancer and musicians prevented any further mands for repetition . Equally beautifu was the Valse in A Minor ( Chopin ) , a di Ons lightful piece of movement , with its sac As Baud Allan is an exponent of the measured theme and rippling poignan uncing of the Greeks , to whom sont meant emotion . But Miss Allan had reserved her armony of the body , and so employed the best number for the finale : The Blue Danube Valse " ( Strauss ) , quite a romantic rt for the purpose of developing a fair tour de force . Out of a pool , where thirsty pirit in a sound frame , translating emotion dreams ma drink rises a Toning water ito motion in which the entire human nymph , has been permitted one briet prm is harmoniously active and expressive . hour of nee on land in order to join tory , dance , music , picture , poetry were in the revels of Earth's children that are 11 combined in one art in the cight num- about to begin In this he became an em . ers Miss Allan presented on Saturday bodied joy , one moment noring dauntih ight , the whole being dominated by a de- with her little friends , and at the next adel ploped grace and spontaneity of movement ing new beauties in the steps of the can wat was fascinating in the extreme . ventional hallroom Bali This was he Bliss Allan dances barefooted , and wears finest mood , and she had given no subir he short Diana tunica held by a cestus at no more appealing expression of hopes at he waist , and the long black veil wound Yearnings that possessed her soul for the our the body and Covering the head . time being altogether a rece of my the depicting a grave and a grave and pathetic of singular power heatre as in The Death of Aase , " the a and quote portry , but of Mi hother Peer Gynt , whom he had serted when Young and returned ha old age in time witineras The stage was covered NO of 21 "

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