Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 654 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 654 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Exauchland Publich bray , NZ Herald 2/61/1914 . Auckland Perhaps the finest example in ekpress ing music last night was het mettet tion of Mendelssohn's " Spring Sung . ABLE combination of maile , and In this she was a maiden roaming provided in the novel enter fancy free , " delighting in the foncoms and the foliage all around her , I giving tainment in wpich Miss Mand Anan , the chase to golden winged butterflies , atoop : famous classical dapper , is aspciated with ing to pluck an armful of daisies and of Mpsara , Leo , Jan , and Mischel Chernjavsky , violets , and flinging them in ecated above the young Russian musiciana . The gifted her head A. Artite of mischief she be quartette made their first joint appearance , came ini her exposition of Subert's af His Majesty's Theatre last night , and lement Musicale , tripping Huber and thither in tiotaus jos . ' Ekectivel a de were welcomed by a large audiency . In . gree also was her opening ite : the elect the programme spbmitted was sich Sehubert - Ligat " Ara Meer : The rising as to heighten 4ppreciation for good music curtain disclosed her as a crouched figere as played by the Chernis vaky trio , and to devo in dejtion , aroused to temporary affricht by the tear Incoming avps , deepen understanding of its meaning as interpreted by Miss Alan , Tbere was , and finally howed to the earth in deeper than her first depression . Equally skitie of course , in addition , a unique exemplifica . werel , Miss Man's interpretations of tion in the dancer's work of the exquisite Chople's ** Valde in A'Minor , " a poem in poetry which may be expressed in pose , in lishes and abade ; in the weird numbers poise , in gesture , and in motion . trum Greig's Peer Gynt " suite , fot . able lor Nie tragedy of berea veeneut and The secret of Miss Maud Allan's success 3 - spair i Ase's Death , " and the happy is not to be sought in the accustomed arta abandermuent of " diorning ; ** the gay or graces of the mere ferpeichorean expert . revelry of Anitra's Dance ; and the " As a inatter of fact , to describe her evolu rbtesque toriseerigm and twirlinge in the tione aud kt movements as dancing is to Gnomes ' Dance " Finally Mi. Allan misname them . She presses every shade was seni * Westriptive interpretation of musical emotion not only by the aid of of Strauss's Blpe Danube Watt , " and , her nether limbs and bare feet but with in pespenee to deploustrative eucores , a beri aşma , her tingers , and every line bf her - valize by Brolis lissoms farm . So thorough is Mis Allan's The Cheraleveys impremsed the audi interpretation of each composition , while 1 by the Carnia vakts in inimitable the Bachel trio o piannello , and encefpeatly to their musterty pbbying PO , that the wonder as slac is able to violin . Their rieh , musical temperament , ' continue introducing to many'trarieties of their consumene te till the executare , med tone - weanings Her costumes are Artistic tbe extpaordina tope eflects seemned , drapiegs , now falling to the ankle , now were features of this combined forbrthu merely to the knee . Her hair is nor tied tion . The mournfu rains of the first in a simple streek knat , again iy Boww two motements were does quitexpand down over ber shoulders . Within semi in melody . In 0e oblast moveapend the circle of green plush curtains she dances , accelerated tempus and the turbulent lemo special limelight elects anhancing lapr per ting so beautifGilly brollut out in the formande Charties led to 5 dramatic final . Each instrumentalist was heard in edo num Hess - the , piamit , an , in the Terdi List Rigoletto " doubls encored , and producing in reply Waderewski's Migu . ette , " and another composition ) , the , ' cellist , Mabel , intraro of Popper's characterista meg , ** Kito ** ad . Pa . won , " demand both tech mga and execelist above the ordinary and isr encere Schubert's dainty ? Weget ? liked " ) and that tipis . Lao , Maria " ) ( Schubert Wilhelm land ** Bb Dance " Sarasate ) and for ( enprei ** Imagination . " #y . Corel Tow .. sy perompatild the polaisten bly the delightful entertainment will be presented agaia to byt , with changes of stem . 63 skenox 5/164

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