Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 647 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 647 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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New Zealand The Press Christchnich the Press " , May 20 , 1914 / Sat May 16/14 AMUSEMENTS . AMUSEMENTS It is intimate , sugges by The Priess Xchart FRIDAY MAY 15/14 NZ MISS MAUD ALLAN AND THE CHERNIAVSKYS . MISS MAUD ALLAX . The second performance last night , AMUSEMENTS . of Miss Maud Allan's performante one before a very good house , brought English critic wrote : -- " Miss Maud group of four Chopin Preludes , lacking Allan and the Chorbiarskrs love the the closer connexion of the " Peer Gynt Of Miss Vaud Allan's dancing one indescribably dolicato music of Grieg- Maud Allan some excellent opportuni Suite , " but nevertheless affording Miss critic wrote : The ar : of Miss Allan it is like tho poetry of Mr Honley inties for the fine characterisation that has nothing that sarours of the charla . its exclusivo concern with moods , with tan in its composition . It is as perfect personal emotions of the subtlest , most 1n “ Sorrow " there was expressed the as the classic carving on the old Greek closiro sort . trn , and as ideally beautiful , half re- tive , intangible . It roices the gentlest anguish of a stricken soul ; in " Despair Teslinadhali conccaling , the elusive feelings of the boorte de ummons up the doom ; " Hope " dawned slowly into It voices the gentlest the frantic , hopeless attempt to escape spirit evoked . Her freedom of more the airiest visions of the imagination ment is a jov supreme . Her pensire It is whimsical , too : changes its bues heights of ecstacy . Last night's ver . certainty , and “ Jor " was lifted into features are indicative of the soul with . like the chameleon , and often surprises i sion of Mendelssohn's " Spring Song " in , and serre to heighten the charming us with a sudden fight to some unes : etiect procjueel . There is no suggestion pected sbade of expression . Again . differed from her former presentation : of geometrical dress rehearsals in het its finesse is striking The phrase are this time she seemed to greet and has . dantin It seems ever to be a spon polished liko seme the melodies calarm ten its advent , anticipate its glory and con pelline music . She dances as na cadences are ase.conxunmather they " octured the sensations of tho Funeral taneous . perfect , the nhale its fragrance . Vers finels she turally as another speaks . Every por- aro novel . Then , again , the rhythn alarch . " which ' called into action tion of her anatom neys and bends in is most delightfulls frank and straighi- her skill , in combining the sorrow , de all ent and the result a deitication of certainty , but always gorous danc- and then the return to the pangs of , e human torm , and bursting of con in progress as candid ver ual bonds . " Agpin , we must notice the reality and prostrate grief . na lovers will once that ther exotie favour of the music half wild , of love and longing in the Chopin curious . lar manner were accented the feelings In simi will make another opportunits of hear- bali tender , perhaps outlandish a little " Nocturne . " and the transition to tem , ing those gitte rom Russian instru ; but not turgid ; on tho contrary , per but not turgid ; on the contrary . per- porars gloom , to be quickly dispelled mentalists Leo Jan. and Mischel . then Chemiavskr . who visited Australia is lyrical , wtimate , sharply exotic . This is lyrical , intimate , sharpls esotie . This Brahms Valse , maintained a standard again . The " Moment Musical , " the about six veans and all who will make Lo The their reappearance bere wih Miss Vaud appliex , of course , as well Birds , ' ' the ' Poetic Tone Pictures , ' and I that roused universal admiration . The Allan next week . Since their last visit to the other of the Grieg numbers in- lighting arrangements had improved . ther have scored a series of triumphs in various parts oi the world . Sot alone terpreted by Maud Abho ab to the Ped and permitted a better study of Miss Allan's facial expression , that is always as complete masters of erery technical Ayat Suite , ' which l be in the pro convincing . playing , but in wealth of passion . tem cidental music to Ibseils dramatic poem splendid " Allegro con fuoco , ditticulty of piano , violin , and rello cramme on Mondar . But it is the in The Cherniarsky Brothers played the from a and interpretre ability that naturally attracts popular atten . Mendelssohn trio , with very fine ettert , Perarnent . , tion . There is a wonderiul combins ; the difficult piano part leading wiih a these tou hrul Russian artists hale made themselves famous . tion of genius beralthe genius of fine swing , and the real temperament The short season of live nights , situa Ibsen , the playwright the genius of mainen on Saturdar . 23rd , staris next Gries , the composer ; the genius of the was intused into the Hungarian Dance Cherniavskys , and the genius of Maud by Brahms . Vendar , at the Theatre Roval . Mr Mischel gare with Allan . " pscellent taste and finish a " Hungarian Miss Allan arrives from the North Rhapsody , by Popper , and Saint Saens's by this morning's ferry steamer . ** Dring Swan " ; Mr Jan , a smart reading of Chopin's Bfat minor . Scherzo-- would that it had been an . other- and the " Ecossaise follosing . This evening Miss Maud Allau will as well as beschet izky's Tercata , the roused deserrelly a storm of applanse , following dances : while Mr Leo showed again his remark " Erotic , " " Little Birds , " Poetic Tone able skill and ease of manipulation in picture op . 3 , No. 3 , Norwegian Dance Wieniawski's very disealt **** aust No. 1 ( Greg ) , the Barcarolle fron " The Tales of Hoffman , " and New Fantasie . ” A charming Berceuse " on muted strings , and a iancitol " Chinase Studies of Chopin C minor , op . 10 ( a Soul Dance " by Kreissler were features of in Bondage ) , and G flat , op . 10 ( Capture the evening . Mr Frank H. Leger did of the Ellin Steed ) . Mr Jan Cherniavsky excellent service with the accompan will play Chopin's Ballade in G minor , Mr Leo will play Max Bruch's G Minor ments . In all , it was another delight ful evening . Concerto for the violin , and Mr Mischel " Cantabile , " by Cui , and " Arequin " ( Popper ) . The ' three will also play Arensky's Trio in D for piano , violin , and ' callo . Mr Frank St. Leger will act as accompanist . execute sterones 2 84

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