Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 646b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 646b 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Christchurch PRESS . JIONDAT , NZ JUU Non r ܨܐ . : . ܘܐܪ܀ ܐܝ . : .. ܙ : b :) 313 . مم ، 1 :: ::::::: . د ارد . ::: :: :: 1 it al ( inre 9 T : : ܕ -r : . " : r :. ; ' r me the most delicate nuances of expres 3 ! 1914 The Press " May 13 AJISEMENTS . inin is an the press , May 14 , 4483 Tancur day on we saladesta TO ALL.I. 1:14 . 7/4 , Vission . under the auspices of 8t . Dancing 33 : 0.7 : micr .; old Augustine's Young Van's Socisty . Ur AMUSEMENTS . :: . : hulle dos Bosa .... !! E. Ila : ball presided . .. tirons in les ' : . : 16 alundu ants and soul SA ** 21 ; .. . : s MISS JACI ) ILL.I.V. inobs ci : ir 21 huisnr.:10 Sond : AMUSEMENTS . in Mins Jaud Allan's dancing . 30 is English critic wrote : -- ' lt " Datorile oricardinis ilie thug entirely outside the ordinary ! .. 0,5 : s heari di l . 92 : n Qurer :::: JATD ALLAY AND THE Category of dancing is generally re C . :: : . Crk : n vi CHER VIATOKYS . ceived in this country . There is a fu13 sin uilanh : e :. ! , " . 9:30 te ::: Great interest is being evinced in the damental difference to mark it out es 1 !. :) 13 brosti . : 1 ::: derribird Hliny erolutions distinct from the torinal fortbcoming visit of the famous dansi . In 11la ::: .. ; : .. ::: . . \ !. scal dancer , Jiss Yaad Allan . Berro thad characterise the repertoire of the unpli in * .li porysonal citals in conjunction with the Cherbiav regulation danseuse . Miss Allan real ; " ! fro : .... !! ? * :: 21 fule . of skrs , promise to be a great sucobse . ises in dancini a niode of artistic pro 1 .. :: ; iril a busc ! .. Tho programme for the opening peso pression in the same was that a painter il sira ose :: .. 1 ! :::: 1116 tarmance in the Tbostra Roral on Von- might choast colour , or a litteratur dar evening post will include tro of the melods of works . In her handiing Miss Allan's famous numbers . Grieg's it becomes a pliant medium capable of 7 :) ico ! 5 . : . * Peer Gent " suite , and Strauss's Bluo vit oi ! ? " 10 : :: Teie is Daoube ' ' valso . On Tuesday her woD- sion . One might eren by that in such grip :: . derful interpretation conditions it approaches to something of Chopin's ، ، ; . :::: * Funcral March " will be the principal of the perfect type of art -- that type íroid ::: . item of tbe programme . An Austral where matter and forin tend to iden ian pressman #role of the Chernisvakya tify . Valter Pater writes of music as - As soloists the rank amongst the being the art which most closely re . :: . .w . :: . gants . Which is : be best of the three sembles this ideal , but it may be ques : ... The one who buppened to more you tioned whet.ber dancing , such as Vaud most by his playing . Ono music - lorer Allan presents , dors not tako preend will avand the palm to Treo for his cx . ence . It is , in fact , difficult to imagine traordinary tarhnique and master over a form of expression more perfort than .1 : tbo violin . another will be carried awav Pinat in which the body - the outward hr Jan's ririle and accomplished piano physical body - becomes the direct med plasing rhile a third will be moved to ium of the subtlest rerelations of the erstuhy Mischol's soulful plarins of emotions . Compared with such exquis the rello . But probabls when rou haro ite mode , speech and song appear at heard the Cherniavskys many times you best but partial and incomplete . Une will agree that there is not a pio to of the most remarkable points in to choose between theni . " gard to M15 Allan's presentation of iro dancing is a peculiar coinciding in it with the spirit and feeling of classical Greece . " The season in Christchurch opons next Monday . ܚ : . , r ܙ : . ܙ 1 . 1 . . LO I ' S 1 !! 5 i 1 ! i

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