Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 646a 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 646a 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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THE PRESS . MONDAY , the press " , May 14 , 1983 AMUSEMENTS . AJUSEMENTS . the press " , May 13 , 1914 May 11 Tauro.way ou me saanesian MACD ALLAX 1914. Mission , under the auspices of st . Dancing as some nood nymph ei old Augustine's Young Men's Society . Mr migat have done , be sorrls and bends || E. Hassall presided . and throbs in an ecstatic abandon of body and soul . She sweeps the films cobwebs of time trom hali - forgotten dars of my tical splendour . Sue delves AMUSEMENTS . deep into the splvag wood and finds life itself in still cool lahes , holding up the th.obbing heari oi being in quivering MAUD ALLAN AND THE finge : iips , making of it at once a CHERNIAVOKYS . hins of languer , lore . and tears . ' Great interest is being ovinced in the This is how one critic described Viss forthcoming visit of the famous classi . Jaud Illan's Jancing die Alau's cal dancer , Miss Mand Allan . Her re triumple is purels personal . Creepuscitals in conjunction with the Cherniay out from beland long straight folds of een relser , en form a background The programme for the opening per . skrs , promise to be a great succes . on all sides , she sins into a soft while formance in the Theatre Roval on Non lih : and , clad out in the simplest day evening next will include two of garnets , Pith rourdod broa :. arms Miss Allan's famous numbers , Grieg's ard feet barn dances 2 mgnt le Peer Gent " suite , and Strauss's Blue spirit of spring itselt . There 13 Dapube " valse . On Tuesday her won viar of elec : .ical lights , orlr the music , derful interpretation of aro catching the bound waves as they Chopin's ** Funcral March " will be the principal rise ? -cra the cupais , she makes item of the programme . An Austral Torn . a nurt er her : el . a nar . ian pressman wrote of the Chernisrakys tie her swavin . body . Her facis " As yoloists they rank amongst the voideriully expre - sre , and with sim Thite wrists she po travs in some sub giants . Which is the best of the three ! Je unexplainable ray the strongernas The one who happened to more you sors - shecin this into the treat most by his playing . One music - lorer whole with a sury of Darline that will award the palm to Iseo for his ex . marr of the crea : actors incht enrr . traordinary technique aud mastery over . : the opening recital in Christchurch . the violin . another will be carried awav or Morda rekt . Haud Jilan ritt in by Jan's virile and accomplished piano lude 10 of her most famone umb playing . -hile a third will be moved to siz , Griez ' Per to Sute ' ord ecstart hy Miscbel's soulful playing of S raas's Blur Darube Valse . " the ' collo . But probably when rou have will be accompanied in all her dauer heard the Cherniavskys many times you b- the Ciernia : s . who will also use will agree that there is not a pin to solo nuleis . ] Ja aid ja choose between them . " Cherniarik are artis : o orld - wide repute . Net alone al complete in terms of every technical ditulis of piaro . violin and collo rashut in realth of passion , tenanens ad interpr tise ahil her vonibiu Russian 2 tis : share madrat name for hamseres . The nian for resarr.d seate rill be open at the Dresden va Wednes . MISS MALI ) . ALLA.X. OM Miss Maud Allan's dancing , an English critic wrote : - " It is some thing entirely outside the the ordinary category of dancing as generally re ceived in this country . There is a fun damental difference to mark it out as distinct from the formal evolutions that characterise the repertoire of the regulation danseuse . Miss Allan real ises in dancing a niode of artistic ex pression in the same way that a painter might choose colour , or a litterateur the melody of works . In her handling it becomes a pliant medium capable of the most delicate nuances of expres sion . One might even say that in such conditions it approaches to something of the perfect type of art - that type where matter and forin tend to iden tify . Walter Pater writes of music as being the art which most closely re sembles this ideal , but it may be ques tioned whet.ber dancing , such as Maud Allan presents , does not take preced ence . It is , in fact , difficult to imagine a form of expression more perfect than that in which the body - the outward physical body -- becomes the direct med ium of the subtlest revelations of the emotions . Compared with such exquis ite mode , speech and song appear at best but partial and incomplete . One of the most remarkable points in re gard to Miss Allan's presentation of dancing is a peculiar coinciding in it with the spirit and feeling of classical Greece . " The season in Christchurch opens next Monday . 5 xerors 1184

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