Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 644 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 644 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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MAUD ALLAN Wanganui Herald , Saturday , April 25 , 1914 , Maud Allan and the Cherniav sky . This powerful combination will open for a two night's season at the Opera House , on Monday week , 4th May . Cables have been received in all the principad centres concerning the coming of Miss Allan with Leo , Jan and Mischel Cherniavsky pianist , violinst and ' cellist , whose wide - world reputation has made their names a household word in five continents . Says an Egyptian contemporary : " Quite an orphic wave is just now passing over the world , and one can imagine Maud Allan and the Cherniavskys bringing to pass by their gifts a phenomenal state of affairs unique in the history of touring parties . The whirlwind of emotion that is blowing has sent quite a thrill through this country , and with expectant faces most of us await with indescribable longing the advent of these glorious artists . They have been likened unto the spirits of spiritland float ing from constellation to constellation whispering words of hope and comfort to the distressed and happiness and joy to the multitude ! The box plan opens on Tuesday morning at H.I. Jones and Son's when special reserved seats can be booked at 7s 6d , and ordinary seats at 5s . Monday , April 27 , 1914 The World Famous Maud Allan . Australasia is fortunate in having a visit from such an artist as Maud Allan , who has won all the hearts in Europe by her extraordinary dancing . She says in her book entitled " My Life and Dancing " , " The Greek were not the only pupils of the ancient Egyptian dancers . The Hebrews during the time of the Egyptian captivity without doubt learnt much of this art from their task - masters , and one might easily quote a vast numoer of passages from the Old Testament having reference to the danees of the Israelites . The pitiful episode of Jep than's daughter springs to mind , and we learn that the daughters of Shiloh were dancing when the son of Benjamin descended upon them . " The famous Russian musicians , Leo , Jan and Mischel Cherniavsky , who have earned a world wide reputation for themselves since they were here last , will appear in conjunction with Miss Allan . The tour is under the direction of W. Angus McLeod . Mr Howard Edie is the manager . The box plans for the Wanganui season , commencing Monday next , May 4th , opens at H.I. Jones and Son's tomorrow morning . Tuesday , April 28 , 1914 Maud Allan and the Cherniavskys . The Maud Allen - Cherniavsky recitals which take place at the Opera House on Monday and Tuesday next , are causing great interest , and should draw large numbers , as it may be a long time before such a powerful combinat ion will be seen here again . Those who have not already booked seats should do so at once at H.I. Jones and Son's . Miss Maud Allan is un doubtedly one of the best known classical dancers in the world today and Leo , Jan and Mischel Cherniavsky are recognised on the five continents as one of the best instrumental trios . It may be interesting to note that Leo's violin is a genuine Bergonzi of great value , and was presented to him as a token of esteem and admiration by the Princess Gittman of Russia . Leo is the most brilliant pupil Yasye ever had . In common with Paderewski and Hambourg , Jan is a pupil of Lesche titasky . a

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