Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 636 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 636 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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20 June MAUD ALLAN And the CHERNIA SSKIS . 1914 The Age Melbourne 1316.1914USEMENTS . P20 MA the Age 2016/14 TOWN be The Age lbourne ) 2016/14 η π Ε BOX PLAN ARRANGEMENT FOR TO - DAY . PLAN ON VIEW AT ALLANS TILL NOON . AFTERWARDS AT THE KING'S THEATRE BOX OFFICI PRICES : Drens Oircle and Orchestra Shells , 7/8 ( reserved ) , Dress Circle and stalls , 5 / ( reserved ) ; Stalls , 3 / ( unreserved ) ; Family Circle , 21. ( No Book ing Fee ) A Limited Number of Orchestra Stalls and Dress Clucle , 10/8 . KING THEATRE TE Sole Les and Manager .. WILLIAM ANDERSON , watian Anderson : Presente , By Arrangement with W. ' Angos Murod , MAUD ALIAN , MAUD ALLAN , The World's Most Famous Dancer , In Her Revival of the Art of the Ancient Greoks , And L90 . JAN , MISCHEDU CHERNIA V S K I. masters , the retom of imaginary 13 , 1914 . The 13/14 a TO - NIGHT , At 8 , FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AUSTRALIA . and péping | T NHE THE THE TH AUD ALLAN . AUD ALLAN . HALL , MEL BOUR CHONATAVOKYS . QWRNTAVSKYS . OWN MULBOUR FALL BOX PLAN ARRANGEMENT FOR TONIGHT Direction Mr. George Mungu BOX PLAY APRANGEMENT FOR TONIGHT . Saat may be reserved at Allan's until noon . THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON , Viorel Hecare , Stall and Dres Carde , 10/0 ; THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON , Front calls and Dress Circle , 7/6 ; Stalls . 58 . And at the Kog's besto Oboe , Rumell At 2.15 Sharp , stroet . ONE SPECIAL MATINEE , ONE SPECIAL MATYNSE , KIY G'S THEATRE By the Greatest Violinist in the World , MISCHA DIYAN , Sole Loss and Manager WAnderson , MISOHA DIVAN MAUD ALLANCHERNIAVSKIS SEASON . MISOHA DLMAN , MAUD ALLAN CHERNIAVSKYS SEASON . MISOHA DEMAN , WILIAA AADRESOR PRESENTS , By Arrangement with Mr. Angus Macleod , TEE BOX PLAN FOR WHICE IS NOW THE GREATEST V MNT OPEN AT ALLAN'S . IN THE STORY OF AL STRALA . IMPORTANT MAUD ALLAX , THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS DANCER , Only this One Matines can be given as Y184 DAN is to appear in Sydney on Monday er in her Reorival of the Ancient Art of Greece , TO - NIGHT and DVERY EVENING at 8 . TONIGHT and EVERY OVENING at 8 . PROGRAMME for THIS AFTERNOON MAUD ALLAN , HORNAYSKYS . TIST PART MAUD ALLAX . ( Dxtract from the Daily Mail ) O certains Grado MAUD ALLA . ** Allan ... all the Me MAUD ATLAN . noblast arts , the music of the MAUD ALLAN . MAUD AQLAN . the triumph of Creek MAUD ALLAN sculptures and Bottolli's MAUD ALLA . Frush , are expressed or su gested ATAUSEMENTS AUD ALAN . in the measured movements of 3 MATAD ALLAN . pertectly sbaged buty . Again MAUD AULAN acain , Miss Allar truslates into VALD ALLAY . HE ike the dancing R 0 SA MADD ALLY . maidens painted on Greek wases MAUD ALLAR BMX BIAN and carved on Greck reliefs . Mis On View TO - DAY MAUD ALMAL BOX PLAN Allan danaS not oely with her At PIANOLA til 1 p.1 MAUD ALLA . legs and fert , but with every part BOX PLAN And n MENZIES ' ang MAD ALLAV . BOX PLAY of her body , and with her very THEATRE ALL DAY . MALD ALLAN . slin , that has thries and gives MAUD LAN . such as are produced by mudden . MAUD ALLAN . contact with cold Water THA SAUD AIAAN . Tae movedoorts of her arms are MAUD ALLAN . indescribably and mangel bena . Sola Proprietors .. ODOROD WILLOUGHB tiful . She moves them not 38 We Bisnaging Director MAUD ALLAN hane GDOHOD WILLOU seen other dancers TOS MALALLA . them , but as though loogitudinal Directors : MAU ) ALLAN . wares were running from shoulder Masera . George T. Faton , A. B. Darles MAU DAUN to fingertip and her hands Ben J. Faller.de HALD ALLAX . danre : every finger dance ; every MAD SULAN . becomes inorement and MA ) ALTAY . rhyt ! um . " ( Ludo ) TO - NIGHT . TO - VIGHT . OHERNIAYSKY . LEO CHERNIAVSKY , CHERNIAVSKY , One of the Worlds Greatest THE LAST SATURDAY NIGHT . CHERNAVSKY . Vlolins , in the CHERNIAVSKY . Vidiin Concerto Tschaikowsky SIXTH WEEK SIXTH WEE CHERNIAVSKE . JAY , CHERNIAWSKY , SIXTH WEEK SIXTH WEL CHERNIALSKY . The World's Renowned Pianist , CHERNIAVSKY . Wim play : CHERNIAVSKY . Nocturna in major Chopin LAST THREE XIGHTS . CUERNAVSKY . Prelude No. 23 Chopin LAST THREE NIGHTS . LAST THREE NIGHTS . CIDINIAVSNY . Vedi List LAST THRED NIGHTS , CUERNAVSKY . MSCHEL CHÈRNIAVSKY , CHDUNIAVSKI . One of the Greatest Living GMORGE WILLOUGHBY LTD , and I CARNJAVEKT . Cellista , in the CHLANJATSKY . Variatious Symphoniques CARROLL ( in conjunction ) CHERNTAVSKY . Beelimar OBERNIAVSKY . A COLOSSAL ÖROHESTRA Prezent Mr. EARRINGTON REYNOLDS , CHERNIAVSKY . Accompanying Mas Allen in CHERNIAVSKY . Am Meer ( By the Sea ) Schubert Supported by CHENNAVSKY . Valse , in A minor Chopin THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN COBOPAL CHERNAVSKY , Spring SODS . Mendelssohn { Mr. Edward Rose's Beautiful Play , CHERNIAVSKY . Moment Musical Schubert CHERNIAUSKY . Peer Gynt Suita Ta CHERNIAVSKY . The Blue Danube Strauss CHERNIAUSKY . ROSARY And Playing ROSARY . CHERNIAUSKT . Overture , Merry Wives of Wind . ROSARY CHHINAVSKY . sor , Niccolai : Valze des Fleurs RARY . CHERNLAVSKY . ( Cute Nolbette ) . Tchaikowsky : ROSARY CHERNIAVSKY . Under the CONDUCTORSHIP CHERNIAVSKY . POSARY of FRANK ST . LEGER . A Tlay of Deep Human Interest , and Foun CHIATSKY . The Orches ra will undoubtedly CHERNAVSKI . be one of the finest ever heard an Emblem of Purity . CHENNIAVSKY in Melhoume , and will also ac A GREAT , CLEAN , WHOLESOME PL CHERNIATSKY . ompany the Violin Concerto . CHERIATSKI . Deputy Leader .. Geo . Watoon ' Tuesday Next will be the LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON , PRICES : Front Stalls and Dress Circle , 7/6 ; Stalls . 5 / ; Amphitheatre , 2 / . And of Manager for and Allan Howard Edie THE ROSARY BOOM VISION OF SALOME , VISION OP SALOME VISION OF SALOME VISION OF SALOME , VISION SALOME VISION OF SALOME . VISION OF SALOME VISION 02 SALOME VISION OF SALOME , VISION ON SALOME , VISION OF SALOME VISION OF SALOME , THE TUE PRIROUSS'S THE THE THE MAUD ALLAN'S MOST FAMOUS DANCE . First Produced by Maud Allan at the Royal Opera House , Vienna , and subsequently given by her for 400 consecutive performances at the Palace Theatre , Londoo . MAUD ALLAN In TEE YISION OF SALOME MAUD ALLAN In THE VISION OF SALOME . CHERNIAVSKY Paraphrase , Rigoletto . MAUD ALLAN In THE VISION OF SALOME The MUSIC by MAROEL BAY . Orchestration by Roderich Fon Mojsisorias . Auk thentic Ar cient Hebrew Themes The Special Scenery Designed by Joseph Harker , and Painted by Waiter and Dixon . THE VISION OF SALOME THD VISION OF SALOMO . THE VISION OF BALOME MAUD ALAN , LEO CHERNIAVSKY , BEAUD ALAN , JAN OPERNIAVSKY , MAUD ALLAN , MISCHEL CHRNIAVSKY . This was See HARRINGTON REINOJUS as FATHER K His Original Ubaracter . A PLAY THAT IS WORTH WHILE PRICES , -57 , 48 , 3 ;, 27. 1 / . Bor Pianola , Menzies and Theatre Booked sex Day sales at Princess's Cortoctionery . adgacent a THE SPECIAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Of 88 PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS . Under the Conductorship of FRANK ST . LEGER . lo salona atore NOTE . -The Chemniavskys will submit a different musical programme at each performance . Med Al Jan will save Bew dances each Wednesday and Saturday .

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