Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 631 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 631 51 2008-1-35.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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THE DRESDEN PIANO CO . ( LTD . ) . THE LONG NIGHTS WILL AMUSEMENTS . SOON BE HERE ! TнE остA GoN . AG Τ Η AMUSEMENTS . You cannot better be prepared than by adding to your Musical Possessions that Delightful Amusement Provider : “ HIS MASTER'S VOICE " GRAMOPHONE . 1 THE KING'S THEATRE . FULLERS ' LEADING PICTURES . T D ODTimes TO - NIGHT AT 8 , AND NIGHTLY . 15 HAYWARD'S PICTURES . Again TO - NIGHT . at 8 . A Vitagraph Star in Two Parts , ' HE MYSTERY of the SILVER SKULL . 1AE MYSTERY of the SILVER SKULL . Maurice Costello in the leading role . A Great Plot , acted by the Leading Artists . A BLAST FURNACE . GAUMONT GRAPHIC . NATIONAL PARK OF LAPLAND THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER . THE Uncle MABLE'S WITCHING Name LOVE HOUR . Saker . AFFAIR . 3 Bright and Immensely Funny Pictures . GRAND ORCHESTRA . Charming Music . Stalls , 6d ; D.C. , 1s ; Reserves , ls 6d . Book at Dresden . After 6.30 p.m. until 7.15 by ' phone 3091 . TAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS 0 ? JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT . Job Printing of every description done with Despatch , and at the Lowest Current Rates . Its Outer Appearance May be copied , but its SWEET , CLEAR , MELLOW TONE Cannot be copied or Equalled ! Ap Apul 15 ALL THE GREATEST ARTISTES Sing or Play only for HIS MASTER'S VOICE GRAMOPHONE . 1914 THE PROGRAMME OF THE WEEK , PRISONER IN THE HAREM . PRISONER IN THE HAREM . PRISONER IN THE HAREM . Marvellous ! Spectacular ! A Dramatic Story of Love and Deadly Peril in India . Supported by these Superb Films PATHE'S GAZETTE ( Latest ) Topical A Day in a Sailor's Life Educational HUBBY'S POLLY Comedy GAGRY Pathe Colour Scenic TWO ARISTOCRATIC PENITENTS . Stalls , 6d ; Circle , 1s ; Reserves Dresden , 1s hd WHY WAIT FOR HARRY LAUDER ? Hear his Best Songs Now on “ HIS MASTER'S VOICE ” GRAMOPHONE . 1914 Always Use " H.M.V. " Records . We receive New Records by Every Mail . THE DRESDEN PIANO CO . ( LTD . ) , Princes street , Dunedin . PRICE ONE PENNY . AMUSEMENTS . OTAGO DAILY TIMES HIS M A JE S TY'S Τ Η . Ε Α Τ Α Ε TO - NIGHT , at 8 bolock FOR SEVEN NIGHTS ONLY . THE GREATEST EVENT OF THE SEASON . MAUD ALLAN And LEO , JAN , AND MISOREL CHERNIA VSKY . Accompanist : FRANK ST . LEGER . COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT EACH PERFORMANCE , NOTE -The audience is requested to be seated at 8 o'clock punctually , as there can be do adnianion to the Theatre during the items The Maud AHan Company , under the direction of W. Angus Macleod ; Manager , Howard Edie . PRINCESS THEATRE . Direction ..... Fuller - Brennan ( Limited ) . Governing Director ... Ben . J. Fuller . Dunedin NZ 14 - BOX PLAN . - TO - DAY and on MONDAY , at Jacobs's ; TUESDAY and onwards , at Dresden , Apul PRICES : 78 6d ( reserved ) , 5s , and 28 6d . 11 : NUNEDIN ANY 1914 . TO - NIGHT at 8 o'clock . ASTOUNDING SUCCESS . V AU D E VI L L E ANOTHER HUGE ATTENDANCE . In consequence of the enormous demand for seats , the management earnestly advises intending patrons to BOOK EARLY . STILL TURNING CROWDS AWAY . THE MECCA of THE MERRYMAKERS . THE RENDEZVOUS OF SOCIAL AND THEATRICAL DUNEDIN . Phenomenal and Electrical Success . A Jag VALENTINE & BELL . A Jag On VALENTINE & BELL . On Wheels . VALENTINE & BELL . Wheels Nothing Finer Ever Seen in New Zealand than this Thrilling and Novel Act by these Great Wheeled #umorists , who are abso lutely Astounding . A POSITIVE FURORE . THE ARGENTINE TANGO . LES The Real Thing , by the LES BAU Whirlwind BAU MALAGAS . Spanish Dancers . MALAGAS . No Hackneyed Make - believe . The Real Unabridged , Original Argentine TANGO DANCE . A Laughable Hit . MITCHELL & LIGHTNOR . MITCHELL & LIGHTNOR . Instantaneous and Striking Success . SYDNEY BACH . A Humorous SYDNEY BACH . Welsh Pianist . Comedians . CHARLES ZOLI . LEONARD NELSON . LITTLE MOLLIE . AGNES RAWES . G. ROWLEY . Graceful and G. ROWLEY . Skilful Dancer . WESTON and HILL , Harmonists and Duettists . M. CARAHER , CLATON & CROAN , Soprano . Serios . D.C. and Orch . Stalls , 28 ; Stalls , 1s ; Upper Circle , 6d . BOX PLAN AT DRESDEN TO - DAY . HIS MA J E S T Y's Τ Η Ε Α Τ Β Ε . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT . THEATRE CLOSED TO - NIGHT , AND ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . RE - OPENING SATURDAY NEXT , APRIL 18 , FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY , When MAUD ALLAN And Leo , Jan , Mischel CHERNIAVSKY . WILL GIVE A FINAL PERFORMANCE . ODT Apul 15 . 1914 ADVICE , UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT . THE MANAGEMENT BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT IN CONSEQUENCE OF A SLIGHT MUSCULAR STRAIN , MAUD ALLAN WILL REST , UNDER MEDICAL Seats already Booked will be Available for SATURDAY NIGHT , on Applica tion to Dresden . The Maud Allan Company , under the direction of W. Angus Macleod . Manager , Howard Edie . Accompanist : FRANK ST . LEGER . NB April 15/1914 BOX PLAN AT DRESDEN . Day Sales at Jacobs's , 5s and 2s 6d . PRICES : 7s 6d ( reserved ) , 5s , and 2s 6d . DAILY CITAGOMES Danodin . ENTRIES for L. NELSON'S COMPETI . TION CLOSE TO - NIGHT .

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