Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 628 51 2008-1-35.jpg
Maud Allan 628 51 2008-1-35.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Australia Tour 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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ARRIVE AUSTRALIA - SYDNEY MARCH 30 ) 1914 . mer نم FROM SYDNEY MANILA , PHILLIPINES TO Mount Morgan Rockhampton DEC 141914 Dec. 12 Bundaberg Maryborough AUSTRALIA Nov. 13,1914 Moree Nov. 12,7914 ) BRISBANE Nov 25 , ARA ' Warwick Tenterfield TOUR ENDS ADELAIDE SATURDAY , JAN 23,1915 . Narrabi NOV 1,1914 Inverell NEV 20,1914 Armidole Tamworth Gunnedan NOV . 10,1914 39 - TRIO ON 3 WEEK TOUR Wentworth Auq . 25,1914 Golburn Dec. 18 , 1914 maitland Newcastle Nov. 7 , 914 SYDNEY FROM AUCKLANS JCNE 9,19144 ulagga Wagga Doc . A , 1914 PERTH ! Kalgoorlie Oct 687,1914 Northam . Oct.10.1944 Fremantle Sept 1944 odt -3,1914 TO WELLINGTON , NZ APRIL H , MIH Sept. 27 , 1914 ADELAIDES Jan. 16 , 1915 Albury 767 Wanganratto Dec. 20,4414 Woolongong , JULY Geelong TO MELBOURNE TO SYDNEY JU JAN 10 , 1915 MELBOURNE TO PERTH SEPT . 14-26,1914 MELBOURNE Dec 23 , 1914 RT JAN IS Launceston Devon port PERTH HOBART TO SYDNEY OCT 11-21,1914 .

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