Felix Cherniavsky - Anderson V Allen, Sydney, AU, 1914

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 625 51 2008-1-34.jpg
Maud Allan 625 51 2008-1-34.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Anderson V Allen, Sydney, AU, 1914

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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( MAUD ALLAN SUED . 1 The Angus Oct20 1914 . WEST - AUSTRALIAN THEATRICAL LAW CASE . 24/10/14 ( EX PERTH huisS ' MAUD ALLAN SUED LIBRARY ALLEGED BREACH OP AGREEMENT . Harbourae , Oct. 23 . la the Banco Court tonlay Mr. Justion Ferguson had before huu ine case in whicis 10m Anderson , theatrica manager , pru tried against Miss Maud Allan , toe wel knum daocer , to recover £ 100 dallage , on account of alleged breach of agrees ment in tailing to pertorn for a season of threr weeks 4 : the Palace Theatre . For the defence , it was contended that Ming Alan head been prevented from play : ing by wrious illnous , of a nature which , under one of the coadiuous of agreement . would reador the agreement puli and void . In the siate.nent of the plainune cose it was submitted that under the agreta mest Anderson undertook to pay Mis Allan and the artista appearing with her . apd it we extinrated that Anderson's gepén ral espeases would be about 250 Mis Alian , whepaid foć the orchata . corting $ 200 par want , under the agreement to receive 60 per cent of the grosa takings , and Anderson w per ceui . In order to make a profit , it was nooretary that the gross taking shouba 2000 per The Sydney scadon lasted for three nights , for whi ) the total takings were 8 . Op the third might the recipta were £ 140 . Miss Allan dy ! not appear thereafter , giving s * ter reason that she had injurai one of her knees while paru forming . Anderson contended that potbing of the kind bad occurred to prevent Miss Allan from performing . The cosa alaods part hoard . ALLEGED BREACH OF AGREE MENT . SYDSEL . Jonday.- Amongst the cases Lusted to day for air . Justice Ferguson in the Banco Court was an action brought by Wilmann Anderson . theatrical manager , to rerover 1.00 from Hirs Mand Alian , the well - known dancer , on account of alleged breach of agreement . Mr. Power , who appeared for Anderson said that the latter was at present in Me ! bourne A telegram hari bern fent stating that the case was coming on , but Anderson might not have received it . Mr. MacArthur . for Miss Allan , asked that the case be heard as soon as possible , in view of Miss Allan's ear's return to Eng . land . Mr. Power said tbat he was willing to undertake that f the case was not heard on Thursday next the proceedings would be withdrawn The case was a journed until Thursday . W 2.8 wou ve Torte harvest . 291 DANCER SYED . syed : 4 de s DANCER'S AGREEMENT . The MANAGER ALLEGES BREACH . 119 agus 24 oct 14 VERDICT FOR MISS MAUD ALLAN SYDNEY , Wednesday . - The hearing was concluded to - day , before Mr. Justice Fer guson and a jury of four , of the case in whuch William Anderson , theatrical proprietor , sued Miss Maud Allan , the well known dancer , for £ 1,000 damages , on ae count of alleged breach of agreement in not performing for the full season of three weeks at the Palace Theatre , Sydney . Miss Allan maintained that she was absolved from giving further performances by an injury to the knee , sustained in one of the dances she gare at the Palace Theatre The jury , after three and a half hours ' de liberation , decided in favour of Miss Allan . 3 . a RTR TO NT PR £ 1,003 ) DAMAGES CLAIMED . SYDNEY , Friday - In the Banco Court to day Mr. Justice Ferguson had before case in which William Anderson , 11 theatrical manager , proceeded against Vis Maud Allan , the well - known dancer , to ra . - cover 1000 damages on account of allrard id breach of agreement in failing to perform at for a sensoa of three weeks at the Palace Thestre , 3 For the defence it was contended that it Bliss Illan had been prevented from play ing by a serious illness of nature which r.mader one of the conditions of agreement 3 would render the agreement all and von In the statement of Anderson's case , it was stated that under the agreement Anderson tool to pay Viss Alla ant the 1 artist pearing with her . mnate that Anden general ex would be about At a week . Miss Mans who paid for the orchestra , costing 100 week was under agreement to receive its per cent of the cross taking and Ander son ferty per cent . In order to make proet , it was necessary that the rest ins should be a week . The Sydney season last three nights for which tse tot thing we * . On the thin ! nicht the recents were £ 140 ) . Miss Allan did not appear thereafter . giving Teason that she had injured her knee while performing . However . Inderson wontended That nothing of the kind had oturredo present liis Allan írot performing The case stunds part heard THEATICAL LAW CASE , WEST AUSTRALIAN ALLEGED BRÁCH OF AGREEMENT . tax PERTH LIBRARIAN ) Sydney , Oct. 2 The bearing was concluded today , before Mr. Justice Forguson and a jury of four , of the case in which Wm . Anderson Theatrical proprietor , suod Mins Maud Allan , the well . known dancer , for £ 1,000 damago , onam eoant of allrged breach of agreement Dok performing for a foll ocason of three weeks at the Palace Theatre , in Sydney . Mies Allan muota jued that she was adved from giving further performanons by an injury to one of her kores , sutsinod in one of the dance that she gare at the Palace Theatro . The jury decided in fe vour of Wisa'Allan . The Oegan DETAI BREACH OF AGREEMENT ALLEGED . Ox + 28 SYDNEY , Tuesday . Further evidence was heard to day by Mr. Justice Ferguson and a jury in the case in which William Anderson , theatrical manager , claims £ 1.000 da mates from the dancer , Miss Maud Allan , on account of alleged breach of agreement in not giving performances for season of three weeks at the Palace Theatre , Sydney . Vixs Alian contends that she was relieved of the obligation to give further performan us.wber , at the third performance . she received a serious injury to the right knee . She attributed the nary to the unevenness of the stag : tioor at the Palace Thestre . Today's evidence or Miss Allan's bebali Ilincinded statements by Sir Alexander Macformich and Dr. Dawson to the effect tha : Miss Allan's injury tecessitated com plete rest for a time in order to avoid . recurrence of dislocation of the cartilage of the knee . The caxe stands part heard .

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