Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan India Tour Controversy 1913

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 618 51 2008-1-33.jpg
Maud Allan 618 51 2008-1-33.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan India Tour Controversy 1913

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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1723 London IC !? 4th Novom ber 1913 Tc The Commissioner of Police NOV 3 . L London . Sir As Maud Allen will be going out to Dancoin India , I hope she will not dograde the English womonbofors Indian oyos , as sho cortainly will if she appears on the stages in India scanti 1 ly attirod , or in very low nocked short skirtod drosses , skirts a bovo the knoos . I havə lived in India soyoral yoars , and havo visitoi tho . Zonanas of many High Officials and Na bobs up to tho tho prosent day and I know what the Indian iloas ars , such low nockoi , short skirtoi frocks , ani scanty attiros as are soon on t English stages of today will proluco bal opinions and offocts in India . May I suggest , that the Commissioners and Suporinteni onts of Polico in Bor bay and other Prósilencios and Districts of India and the East should issuo instructions informing all Dancors of the Stago , that thoy are not to appear in scanty attiro and that drossos aro not to be worn lowor than four or fivo inchos below tho neck and skirts not shorter than throw or four inchos below the kneos . I am , Sir Yours obodiontly Boatrico

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